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Forgot to upload this one so I might as well get it up before the end of the year. Bit of a self indulgent new icon between commission works, and a few cat Steeve doodles that range in age and never really got finished or posted anywhere.

When I started out on the internet and found out what furries were, my initial fursona was actually going to be a russian blue cat, when I didn't really know how to draw and was trying to learn in Microsoft paint while posting on deviantART making emoticons in high school. So I guess a cat Steeve was always kind of an inevitability.

A few online friends kinda took me down the path of the wolf sona Steeve and he became too iconic for me to ever see myself in any other way.

I may swap between the cat and wolf look from time to time (and let's be honest any other species I find cute like raccoons or donkeys) but I'll always see myself as mix of a goofy wolf on the outside and a dorky cat on the inside.



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