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Cel Shaded commission for Rai.

Rai finds a unique rom hack of a Star Fox 64 cartridge on eBay, but after months of waiting for it, the game finally arrives and has a ghostly surprise waiting for him.

"Hey there, you look like you could make a fine bounty hunter bud."

The digital pixelated wolf sent a coy smirk at Rai through the television. Suddenly the screen cut to white noise as the game malfunctioned.

"Aw come on I just got it working!" Rai exclaimed disappointingly.

A chill flew through Rai's chest as he fell backward onto the carpet. A familiar voice echoed in his ear as the air grew cold behind him.

"I think your body's gonna suit me just fine... pup."

A coy grin grew on Rai's face as he stared down at his new paw feet tearing loose from his shoes. As his growing muzzle started to push out...

"We are partners after all..." The ghostly voice snickered as it came out of Rai's own mouth. "And us partners always fly together as a team."




this reminds me of that old coyote comic you did, very good revisitation of the concept