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Cell Shaded commission for FinleyBarker (Furaffinity)

[Timeline: ???]

The clouds met his eyes through the reflecting window. Finley nervously locked his arm around the armrest of his seat as the wing suit diving instructor beckoned him over. He was absolutely not ready for this, how in the world did he let it go this far?!

His instructor gave a reassuring grin and lightened the mood a bit with a story about his first time diving. How he closed his eyes for the first 10 seconds and then experienced the amazing view of the landscape as he felt more in control of his suit.

Finley's gear was triple checked to ensure there was no danger, and his helmet cam would capture some amazing footage as they both descend through the sky.

The instructor jokingly offered to give him a push, but before Finley could even object, he felt the wind smacking his face as his instructor shouted to count to ten. Shortly before jumping out after him.

Finley closed his eyes. One. Two. Three...

The all sound completely drowned out by the wind tearing past him. His heart was beating rapidly. His arms and legs outstretched completely as the cold wind raced past.

Four... Five... Six...

A strange sensation pricked at his arms as they started to go numb. The sensation slowly spreading down his torso and legs. The tingle felt unnatural and confusing. Were his nerves this bad? He struggled to open one of his eyes but the wind made it difficult.

S-Seven... Eight... N-nNGHh!?

Finley's eyes jolted open, a piece of his wing suit caught on the tip of his helmet in front of him. It was ripping apart at the seams! Terrified, he attempted to look down at his suit as the material flapped in the wind in front of him. Half his suit was missing. and where it used to be, was a strange parachute like flap, growing out of his arm, connected as far down as his foot, covered in a pelt of grayish white fur. The wind making it rapidly flutter as it caught the breeze. Out the side of his eye he could barely make out his hand, changing and growing claws as the fur completely covered the back of his hand.

Panicked at what had happened, Finley searched the sky for his instructor, but when he spotted him his eyes went wide.

A large gliding creature met eyes with him, as it did hand signals with it's long clawed fingers. Remnants of his instructors gliding suit were hanging off of it's neck and wrist. The signal it gave was unmistakable though. An index and middle finger extended.

"Legs out."

Finley's changes had continued to advance rapidly, but he completely forgot his position. He could feel the patagia around his sides and thighs as he stretched out completely, catching more wind as his descent stabilized a bit more. A strange new flat appendage breaking free from his lower back, he could feel his new tail fluttering in the wind.

After a nod from the sugar glider descending with him, he shook his clawed hands a little,


As they glided down through the sky, a breathtaking view seemed to make time slow down. Finley had finally gotten the hang of gliding as new instincts filled his head, his new body resembling a mix between a possum and a flying squirrel.


The pair of sugar gliders playfully continued to float down across the landscape, as the Sugar Diver Company plane disappeared into the clouds.



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