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So to try something new, each month I will do a submission post such as this for collecting responses from you guys for ideas of things that I will use to make something. Be it an illustration, a pile of theme'd sketches or some other related piece.

Now to keep this from getting out of hand, what I'm looking for in terms of responses can be somewhat loose in terms of subjects but we're not going for specifics here.

So the format should be something like this:

Character/Species - Theme/Location - Action/Object

The goal is to amass a list, which depending on the responses I will then either pick or randomly spin for those 3 categories the keywords I'll use for the image(s).

An example could be something like:

Canine - Pet Store - Hypnosis

or could be more varied:

Sly Cooper - Revenge - Banana


Anyway you get the idea! By the end of the month the keywords picked will get a special shoutout with your keyword. The goal of this is more for fun though so please do not treat these like requests! And while I can't guarantee each month I'll have time to do something over the top or fully illustrated, I'll definitely try to experiment and see what comes out!

Now there also isn't a guarantee that I'll do one of these every month, I may also start doing character polls for characters I feel like doing fanart for that I've put off forever. :3c

These posts will be tagged with #SubmissionBox for the future.

Now let's hear some suggestions!



feline - store - free sample

Darsen McPanda

Feraligatr - Lake - Malfunctioning Pokeball