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Flat Colour Sequence for Kyetwolf(Twitter)(Furaffinity)

Having finally reached the outskirts of Saffron  City with his friend, Kyet feels a warm breeze.

“Alright, we’re at the right spot, my device will lock onto the nearest wild cluster and douse them out with ease, ready to try it?”

Kyet was very skeptical of his friend’s claims, he may have interned at Silph, but he’d never seen any of his “work” in action.

His friend turned and tossed a belt like object toward Kyet, “Just put this on your neck and it should start working immediately, now catch!” 

Staring at the red belt, Kyet felt apprehensive, it looked more like a collar suited to a growlithe or snubbull than a dousing machine.

“Alright, what do I do when it’s on? How do I turn it on?” Kyet had nothing but questions, a bad feeling lingered in his mind, his friend wanted to him to come search for wild Pokémon with none of his own to fend attackers off.

The warm breeze stopped, as the sun rays hit, Kyet felt the heat tingle on his skin, but his lower back felt tight and uncomfortable. Getting worried, Kyet questioned his friend in a more pressed tone, “Well? What next? What’s the big deal here? I don’t really feel like standing around out here waiting for this to work!”

His friend’s face slowly changed from a pleasant smile to a devilish grin as his eyes narrowed, “Don’t you see Kyet, it’s already working. You’ve already locked on to the nearby Vulpix. Pretty soon you’ll lead me straight to them. Once you’ve finished becoming my own frisky little vulpix, that is.”

Kyet felt a chill down his spine as his pants ripped at the seems, long fiery orange tails struggled to free themselves, destroying his leggings in the process. “Wait... what does that...”

The realization dawned on Kyet immediately, as he brought his lengthening paw hand digits up to his face, and felt his ears burning as the began to grow pointed. He’d been tricked. Throwing off his shoes to avoid further damage, a padded footpaw greeted him as his remaining toes shrank leaving him with a brown fur tipped paw. “Stop! This isn’t right! I’m not a VULPIX!!!”

“Not completely, yet. But you should be far along enough for this to work.” His friend calmly retorted, while pulling a pokéball out of his jacket pocket. Tossing it briskly at his changing partner.

Kyet had only heard a loud noise as he awoke inside a strange place, his changes still rapidly progressing. The virtual environment inside the ball struggled to materialize as it analyzed his changing form. But it was beginning to lock on to his new genetic code, preparing to register him inside his new trainer’s handheld dex. As his body began to heat up intensely, Kyet felt dizzy, a soft tan fur had sprouted from his chest, and he could feel a raw energy burning inside him. His snout began to form as he struggled to speak.

“Is this, -pix...what it’s like inside...?  He’s seriously trying to capture me-! I won’t give in, I just have to break loose...” Kyet’s thoughts were drifting from him as he tried to concentrate on being released. But his efforts were unsuccessful, his mind beginning to feel this was all natural. His new body feeling less strange and more familiar as the fur slowly covered every inch of his back and shoulders, spreading out from his new short muzzle.

As his hair began to shape itself and stance began to shift, the ball’s hidden inner mechanism activated, Kyet could feel his memory of being a human getting subconsciously locked away as pokédex data filled in the gaps, he started to recall strange foreign memories like knowing how to create embers, memories of his tail being white as a baby vulpix-“No! I’m not a pokémon! I’m....human. My name is Ky- no what was it?” He struggled as his changes reached his genitals. The former human suddenly felt a burning desire to mate taking over. Unable to withstand the urge, he pawed at his own changing dick as he struggled and panted. The need to breed was too strong, but there was something he needed to recall a moment ago...

As the frisky new pokémon finished being locked into it’s new home. The ball’s interior changed around him, the virtual environment fine tuned to meet all his needs and comforts as it changed into a grassy open field next to a pleasantly sunny mountain terrain which fire types loved to indulge and sunbathe in. Of course the ball detected his need to release, and began to create virtual simulations of other vulpix in heat. As the former trainer began to mount and give into his primal new urges he was still trying to recall in frustration what his previous name had been.

“My name... huff... can’t remember... no wait! I was... I’m...”

Outside, the Silph intern had finished recording his observations and was ready to greet his subject. Tossing the ball into the air, his new partner burst forth. Crying out it’s name.




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