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Sequel sequence to "Malware at Work" for ZeroTheHusky  (Furaffinity)

Part 1 Here 


Was it even real?

It had been almost a month since Zero’s mysterious incident at work, one moment he had miss clicked an ad at his cubicle. The next he had been reduced to an excited energetic husky, running around sniffing his confused coworkers as they repeatedly asked around to find out who had snuck their dog into the building.

Zero scratched his head whilst completely befuddled. For whatever reason, he had absolutely no recollection of what had occurred after his initial dog adventure started, all he remembered that morning was waking up in bed and doing his normal routine. There wasn’t anything new or strange about it, not even messages from work or friends implying he’d even disappeared at all.

Walking along the park pathway on his day off, Zero looked around in envy at all the grassy open space. Something had drawn him to take a walk through the dog park that afternoon. He found himself staring off in the distance and trying to recall what it felt like that day, but he could only assume it had all been a dream. “After all, it’s impossible for people to just turn into dogs, right?” He smirked to himself.

Nearby, two shady men checked their scanners, stepping out of a light blue van marked “PET ADOPTION SERVICE” in bright orange letters.

“We’ve got a reading on the subject. Prepare the ball.“ One of the men gestured to his partner as he put on his gloves. ”Remember, we can’t let him be seen changing so make sure to throw it when no one is around.”


Zero sat up from the grass and brushed a bit of dirt off his shorts, adjusting his glasses. While he’d like to lay around daydreaming all day, he had other things to worry about. As he went back to the path and started to head to the exit. A random tennis ball went whizzing past his face. He froze for a moment as he noticed the ball.

Something deep down started to stir inside him. His ears wiggled and stretched slightly. His thought process at that moment slowed and walked through what just happened in that instant.

“Was that, a tennis ball? Wait, ball? Get the ball? Is this a game? Play?!”

One of the strange men that had thrown the ball beckoned Zero with a wave, clearly shouting out one word, “FETCH!

Zero’s canine instincts started to resurface immediately.


Zero went sprinting after the tennis ball, his face already lengthening out, as his nose began to change shape. The panting already beginning as the young man’s behaviour turned to that of an excited puppy.

The ball went sailing pretty far as it bounced two or three times, Zero giving chase as his fur began to spill out and tail nub pushed out, straining against the back of his shorts. He was completely oblivious to his changes, it all felt as natural to him as breathing. He was a husky after all.

Falling down to all four paws, he started to catch up with the fuzzy green orb. Too excited to notice his glasses flying off his face, nor his shorts tearing apart as his fluffy curled tail broke free. “R-rruff!! Get back here!” He panted as his little doggy heartbeat raced.

As he chomped the ball in his snout, the now feral Zero raised his head in triumph, his prize in his teeth. He played around with it as he sniffed the grass, the trees. His head filling with enhanced senses and sounds. As he growled and wagged his tail in glee. He was ready to play!

The two suspicious men prepared their lead and collar, approaching Zero as if they were his best friends, petting him gently, calling him “the best boy ever”. As one made a call back to base. “We’ve retrieved our first ‘Good Boy’, now that we’ve confirmed  it’s ready, we can use him to make a few more!”

Zero tilted his head in confusion, despite hearing them, it seemed he couldn’t understand the sentences spoken by the humans who’d been playing with him, but he heard them call him a good boy! And good boys get treats!




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