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Flat Colour sequence commissioned by Cornelius (Twitter/Furaffinity)

"To my good friend, Cornelius Umlindi - Your buddy Mark Thorne"

Cornelius stared quizzically at the decorative box he had brought in from his doorstep. His best friend had sent him a mysterious gift package out of the blue, which isn't completely strange, but something felt off.

Mark had been quite excited about a new job he was hired for the previous week and had been mysteriously absent and not answering his phone, which left Cornelius curious as to why he'd show up out of the blue with a random gift.

Impatient to see what was inside, the well dressed lion gently lifted the lid from the box. After a quick blink and readjusting his glasses, he surveyed what lay before him. A simple red bow tie with an average looking bow sit pristine in the packaging, ready to be worn.

Not wanting to waste time wondering if it fit, Cornelius scooped it up in paw, ran to the bathroom mirror and stretched the band of it down over his head, adjusting it snug against his neck. After a slight tweak and adjustment, Cornelius gave himself a look over and smirked, "doesn't look half bad I think."

The bow-tie suddenly came to life, spinning in place and whirring, before locking into position with a click. A sudden feature that made Cornelius jump, as he felt the room grow oddly warm as each second passed. His breathing grew a bit heavy, as he felt his muscles start to ache and stretch. Gripping the side of the counter he stared at his reflection, his shirt quickly tightened and began to push out as his chest tried to break free, gaining mass at an accelerating rate! His arms were the first to tear the fabric of his dress shirt at the elbows and the shoulders.

"WHAT IS H-HAP-UHH?!?" A button from his vest popped off like a bullet, ricocheting off the mirror and interrupting his thoughts as the growing increased speed. The lion's changes had almost completely destroyed his upper body outfit at this point, as his pants were quickly following, leaving his half torn underwear straining as a hole in his pants exposed his entire ass.

Cornelius tried to hide his embarrassment upon feeling the breeze hit his bare naked fur, but something started to change in him, he felt excited that he was exposed. He gave his reflection a smoldering stare and felt incredibly confident about his new bulk. He wanted, no he NEEDED to show it off.

Unbeknownst to him, the bow-tie accessory had begun broadcasting a powerful signal, the same one that had caused him to transform into a hunky were-stripper. The beacon had sent out a relay to someone far off.

On the other end of town, inside an exclusive strip bar named Sanctuary, a man named Massimo had received an alert on his phone, one of his men were activated.

Cornelius' cell began to ring on the counter next to him, taking a small break from posing with his new bulk, he had no idea who the caller was from the ID, but he answered the call. A man on the other end gave him some instructions, and a toothy smile crept across his face.

"Okay, I'll be right there, boss." Cornelius hung up and grabbed a coat, hurrying out the door.

The bow-tie was set, so that whenever his shifts were scheduled to begin, his transformation would activate. Making him completely lose all inhibitions and ready to perform and tease to the eager crowds, once the transformation wore off, he completely returned to his old self. Having only foggy memories of what transpired while under the bow tie's spell.

And so started Cornelius' new sexy performer career~



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