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First off I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of you currently supporting my art in any form, be it even just following this patreon or liking posts elsewhere. 

I know it's cliche, but if I didn't start drawing such a unique variety of subjects for my commissioners and the community, I probably wouldn't feel that I improved half as much as I have the past 4-5 years. And every time someone tells me they love how a picture turned out, it really does mean the world to me. Thank you for enjoying my works.

Life Update

It's been a very rough few weeks for my family, we had a number of close calls with my older sister whom just turned 30 last month. As of this week she has been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia, and her psychosis state has almost put her at risk for suicide several times between October and now. She is currently being treated at the hospital the next few weeks. We currently don't know how things may change once she is released. We're unsure if she'll even end up continuing living here. But regardless what happens I do hope she'll be able to get back to a stable mindset. 

Comic Updates & Personal Works

So the Persona 5 comic had initially been very difficult to get started, mostly cause of commission queue catch-up and a dry creative spell, but I have had the idea brewing a good while. I'm not yet sure how many pages it will turn out to be, but the initial sketch mock up is still in the process of being drafted up. I initially wanted to do it on paper and scan sketch work, but I recently acquired a remote to use with my portable wacom tablet which will make sketching things up while away from my desk much easier.

I will share more once I have a more refined script finished after an early mock up of visuals are done, Hopefully before the end of December. (Also Joker's hair is really hard to get consistent imma cry.)

I have a bunch of for-fun sketch wips of things I doodled during streams I'd been meaning to finish and post the past few months but ended up getting side tracked. So I'll probably share a few of those in the next few weeks as I refine them a little during streams. I do still have a few queued commissions to finish but the bulk of the big sequences are almost done.

Patreon Feedback/One Last Thing

I had been mulling things over in my head of what to try to offer on my patreon to make it better for you guys in general. So I wouldn't mind hearing what sorts of things you'd like to see from me from time to time. Special commission offers/discounts? Higher tiers with a guaranteed commission slot per month or something similar? More self indulgent things involving my own spontaneous ideas/OCs? I wanna hear from you in the comments below! 

That's all for now, I'll aim to make a few more art posts before the month is up, thanks for reading!



I'm all for more Steeve-centric arts myself!