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This past July and August have been very rough for me productivity wise, I've admittedly been struggling to get the creative juices flowing. So I've not made much progress on the Persona 5 comic layout or script just yet, and trying to juggle everything with commissions has been exhausting with everything crumbling at home lately (plumbing issues, broken washing machine).

A majority of the home stuff is finally taken care of, and I've pulled out my light box to take another crack at scripting and layouts on paper for the comic. I may need to refresh myself a little on Persona 5 however, it's been a good two years since I played not too far into the game. When I do get started and have time to scan the paper stuff, I'll make it all available to the comic tier as it progresses.

In the coming September I was entertaining the idea of doing a sketch theme month that you guys vote on, something like SeptemBears/Snaketember/etc. But I'd like to get your feedback on that or possibly put it up to a patreon vote. So comment below with your thoughts.

I'm still getting used to the whole patreon upload system, and now that they've added multi-image uploading it may be easier to post certain comic content thankfully. But if you guys have any other suggestions on what you'd like to see down the road I'd love to hear it!


Included above is a process doodle of my general workflow when going from a sketch to a finished piece. As well as a cute boy who is succumbing to a dog spell.




A September theme could be fun, just don't overload yourself, ok?

Darsen McPanda

Sketch themes are good fun! How about Snoutember, with a focus on boring human noses getting replaced with good snouts?