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This week has been a bit of a whirlwind and while I had posted a journal everywhere else, I had neglected to update here since there was a lot going on and patreon tends to be finicky on my phone with uploading text posts.

The long story short was: Sunday night I had really bad abdominal/chest pains, I had gone to the hospital going into Monday morning but was left alone in pain in the triage area since they didn't take it seriously. I gave up waiting to be seen and took a cab home deciding I would just sleep it off with a painkiller. And upon trying to take one I immediately puked. I spent Monday morning unable to hold down water or nausea medications. I was getting super weak from dehydration and in the afternoon we went back to the hospital where I got seen more promptly because I was having trouble walking from the abdominal pain.

After blood tests, a CT scan of my abdomen, a chest x-ray and colon ultrasound, the hospital decided I would need to stay to get a colonoscopy done since my colon was inflamed. But on Wednesday they had decided it was too risky too do the procedure in case of perforations in hospital and they would instead have me get in touch with the gastroenterologist within a week or two after things had calmed down.

These journals just about sum up the past Monday -> Friday for me:



Now that I am home and back at my PC, I am gonna upload the stuff I had intended to earlier in the week, I ended up having to reschedule my mini vacation plans due to all this, so once I'm feeling better and off the antibiotic and know when to expect the appointments for things, I can start to resume stream stuff.

While in the hospital I did at least do a bit of ink work on older queue stuff when I wasn't resting/ dealing with family visits or nurses. So I might push to get a little more done on that other big sequence on ipad here and there, while I'm resting up.


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