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> First and second image are the body base painting for this work and the semi-anthro/kemono construction used for it. 

> Third image is a diagram of the layered Master File document (attached in the dropbox link below), with rough descriptions of each stage to help understand how its structured. Also noted on it is the time allocated to each part of the process. Usually the refinement overpaint is the one that takes me longer (40%-50% of the work), but can vary, for example if I give more time to the shading base the less time the refinement stage would need.

Master file download*: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lrx7l798sbms6mrtiftg3/Yaretzi-Base-Paint.psd?rlkey=0me2gq0u7j2x85e8gt23s3ffq&dl=0

*Note. The painting was done in SAI2 painting software so is recommended to open the .psd file there. For those who don't have it I'm sharing it in .psd but small variations might occur when viewed in other software.




Ooo an art journal! Thank you again Ancesra!