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Pretty straightforward shading process and layers with this one.

You can download the master file here if you want to study it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dszn0eze8o38h0g/Yuki%20%26%20Ruki%20Holidays%202023%20-%20Master.psd?dl=0

Note that this was painted in SAI 2.0 but I share it on .psd format so more people can open it in the software they prefer.

About the composition:

I used a golden ratio grid to divide both characters. I didn't want each character occupying 50%–50% of the composition because wanted to give hierarchy to weight and colors for interest sake, making one dominant color and subject over the other, which was perfect to mirror her personalities too.

The golden ratio grid I use here (as shown in pic BTS 02) is similar to the photographic rule of thirds, but I find the golden ration to be much more pleasing and balanced most of the time. If I were to use the rule of thirds Yuki (white char) would have been too far left of the frame.

About gesture (pic BTS 03), the main force in the scene is Ruki pulling Yuki into the frame like they're posing for a photo and this one being a little hesitant. All other gesture lines are though to reinforce that.




This is a wonderful Ancesra thank you for sharing your knowledge


Happy to share these or help others, let me know if you have any doubts about it~


Fascinating insight, and interesting to see your explanation of why the image looks so pleasing, very informative!