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Hello! A quick announcement related to this month.

First thing, thanks for your patience since I haven't been able to make updates these last days. The reason is some offline and online news accumulated lately on me and been having trouble getting on a good drawing mood these past days...

Nothing serious, I'm fine physically and feeling well already to get back on track again.

Second, somewhat related to all this, I think is time to update my Patreon (last time was a few years ago). I feel I haven't been able to deliver on some promises this year as I would like or had planned to, so I'll take this month to slow down and re-think very carefully where to take my works focus in the next years and also try to improve my workflow; because of this probably only a few images will be uploaded on September and will be more about organizing myself/websites or behind the scenes stuff.

Probably I'll make some polls here to get feedback. I'm still not 100% sure what the changes will be (or if mostly all remains the same) but will let you know when they are definitive.

Again, thanks for your support and I hope you stick with me, next month should get back to a normal rhythm. As always I'll be doing my best to try improve content and also frequency!


PD: I'm catching up with messages but if you sent me a direct message here or in Discord lately and I haven't answered please send me another again.
