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Sorry for the lack of updates lately, truth is lot has been going on this month here; between remodeling some parts of the house and me and my family getting sick these days... nothing serious, but is been a little busy and distracting to focus on my artwork these last few weeks.

I hope between this and next week to start slowly getting back on track with my pace, thank you for your patience and understanding~



Get well soon. Take your time to get your mind free of any distracting things.


Glad to hear it's nothing serious, take all the time you need!


Get well soon &amp; take your time with life! Relieved to hear that it's not anything serious.

Dostrex Nick

I hope your family get well soon, and take it slow if you need it, don't rush things. Take care Ancesra.


I'm sorry hear that your family has been getting sick! Please take the time you need to take care of yourself and your family and I hope things get better quickly :)