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00:00 – 01:20 = Shadow layer.
01:20 – 2:50 = Light layer.

Those two sections is the main part on this shading process (anime like 2D cell-shading). Just one shadow layer and a light layer, a lot more simpler than on others shading videos I've have done before where each part is shaded independently.

After that, the second and third thirds of the video is basically just refinements painting on top of that, which is the part taking most of the time.

Took time since last video since I had to make the remaining refinements part first to the painting.

Previous part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/space-bun-part-1-54097234

Note. To watch you need to open the video on Youtube since is 18+ restricted.


Space Bun – Part 2


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