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Hello everyone~ This next week is planned drawing rewards sketches and a lot of pending nondrawing-stuff that I needed to do but haven't time, like try to manage tags for easier navigation on Patreon. This means probably wont be featured paintings posts (maybe?) until the rewards folder is complete and sent the next weekend (10th), more or less. I will be posting advances on discord.

Requests dates:

3th to 9th July. Meanwhile I will be receiving request for the next batch already. This month you can send pairs, but not previous winners. Send a DM with details if you are interested (I will answering most until the weekend so please be patient).

12th to 16th July. Voting poll will be next week after I receive and review all the requests.

That's all for now. Have a nice weekend!


Old winners lists (outdated): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fsd1IO7bdGDX4QJZw_ufHfd3bGT7SerLSxdTwnUMveg/edit?usp=sharing

Request TOS: Monthly Request TOS (General Information) | Ancesra on Patreon




By "pairs," do you mean we can send requests with two characters?


Yes, pairings. If you only have one is fine too, I can pair it with other solo one.