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I have an important announcement to make regarding this month, and the future.

I've been visiting an ophthalmologist these last days. The reason is I have a pretty small eye affection... is not very serious, but it needs to be addressed right away. By medical prescription I have to take a vacation by at least two weeks for treatment and to recover. Not doing so could cause a permanent problem in some cases.

This pause will be from 9th to 23rd of November (I should be back to normal updates and drawings after this).

Depending on various factors, there will be none or minimal drawings during this two week period. As said before, I'm hoping to get back at full once I'm fully recovered from it but to be sincere I will also take the chance to make a soft reset for me in general with a more sustainable rhythm for the long term and new mechanics... Will be discussing changes later on once I have them more clear.

Given all this, if you wish to adjust tiers, pause your pledge until I get back or cancel it, please feel free to do so anytime. In any case I'm really really thankful to all my patrons and fans for your kind support, either economical or of any type, it helps me keep going and doing this type of work which I love <333

PD. I still will be answering messages here and will available on Discord during this period. Cya in a few days~

Some notes on WIPs:
> Commission queue order will still be honored for future batches.
> Payed commissions and exchanged tickets are still on the future WIP list (though if given all delays you'd prefer a refund on any, send me a DM).




Hope you feel better, enjoy your break as best you can, you deserve a good flow of nice relaxation.


My goodness ;w; I hope you recover quickly and safely, Ancesra~ I look forward to your return uwu


hope you will get better Ancesra! rest for now UwU.


Take all the time you need, I’ll still be here 👍


Wait, I remember having a similar issue, for me it’s a pretty bad case of eye allergy. Unlike most issues I have, this one is painful as my eyes would dry up aggressively and thus causing my eyes to lock up shut with dry tears. The only way to help relieve it is to take allergy medicine and to wait it out for 2-3 days. This isn’t a permanent fix though I still have to take the allergy medicine to prevent it from continuing. During this situation to help remove the gunk from my eyes, I use disposable napkin and dip it in warm salt water, then swab it gently while avoiding the eye ball, it will help break it down far more effectively than normal warm water. To help relieve the itching, I use eye drop once every 1-2 hours; sleeping won’t be too troubling, but waking up does require me to not forcefully open my eyes, that will cause intense sensitivity and make my problems far worse. That is all my experience with that bad allergies. I hope it’s not as bad, it’s absolute torture during work.


Thank you for your kind words! And goodness, sounds troubling, didn't knew allergies could cause that... My problem is different but will also need some type of drops, probably for a long time as long as i know.


Please do take care of yourself, Ancesra! Your health should always be high priority, I'll be keeping my pledge going with you regardless cause I wish to support you. &lt;3 I'll always be here.


Good luck with your treatment. I hope you get well soon and take as much time as you need

Skeleton Man

Take care,health is the most important thing, so if you need a break take it! We are not going anywhere :3


Have a good rest Σ(°Д°; Wish you a speedy recovery d(ŐдŐ๑)


Curing after eye surgeries (even if they're not so serious) is important. So I stay here and on my tier, I mean supporting you (or atists in general) means for me that the artist sometimes need time for theirselfes, so it is uncluded in the support so to say.