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There are character styles where the eye upper-lash, which is the part that defines eye shape most, is constructed from one, two, three or more parts...

But as a start point, I always tell people to basically think of the eye's upper eyelash as being made of 3 parts/strokes. Although I make many shapes of eyes, I always think it as constructed this way, even in my most realistic shadings.

Variations from that idea allows it to use different rendering styles for the eyelash, like solid, messy, outline, etc.; and different shapes give more variety in character personalities  (every one still using 3 main parts).

Expressions. Just by altering the position relative to the iris can give a wide range of emotions (covering or revealing partially the iris).

Previous post in the Eyes series: https://www.patreon.com/posts/common-eye-art-39970088




Thanks for another eye construction Ancesra!


Super helpful! Thanks for this!


Honestly, more helpful than most tutorials I've seen. Thanks! :D


No problem, also I was commenting the fact that yours is easier to understand. I'm not good at saying what I mean. But, I love your work. Keep it up!