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Many people have asked me what kind of practices I did when started learning to draw (drawing seriously at least), so I dusted off some of my old sketchbooks that I used for practice.

This is one example of studies I made… quick figure sketches. I think these studies were the more useful for me, that's why I always recommend them to people who ask me (I'll show other more random types of studies later).

If you do something similar to this, a good tip I can give is reviewing sketches after finishing a session (or some time after). The important thing is paying attention what is working in them and what isn't so you can learn from them.

Note 01. I numbered the covers from #00 to #10, and each pic above is a notebook (picked up only some interesting pages on each). All notebooks are continuous in study progress: the #00 notebook have the first excersices in figure practice I did ever; while the #10 the last ones.

Note 02. Sketches in them vary from 5 seconds to 20 minutes and many are done in a single session. All 10 notebooks were made in a period of 2 years more or less and have between 6–10 years old, but didn't recorded the exact dates on these.

Note 03. I put some notes on them about what I was practicing or thinking at the time. Red are mistakes, and blue are things I consider are correct.

Note 04. At some parts I made them almost daily, others I skipped months between sessions because I didn't feel like doing them at the moment. Also I wasn't conscious of my own progress until checked them again after long time had passed. Just mention it because I know many people stress a lot over doing these kind of excersices. They are not indispensable for learning drawing per se, but is a useful tool that can help learning some aspects more quickly.

Note 05. This post is Part I. Part II will have the other half of sketchbooks.




An old sketchbook of Ancesra? I'll take it :3. I like the notes there too! Thanks for sharing Ancesra!


Thanks, this will help me learn form too. :D