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Part 2. NSFW

Received a lot of requests this month. I had to combine many characters that repeated or requests that were similar to reduce options and balance them, but all requests received were considered.

As always, 1 winner per category:

  • A. Safe
  • B. Pokemon (SFW or NSFW)
  • C. Non-Pokemon (NSFW)

Winners will be rendered as full painting. The rest will be done as sketch.


OCs  this month (from Celierra and Xered):  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537800472627773440/643512794855112760/ocs_nov.png



Two mistakes. Rogue is Rouge from Sonic, and there is a repeated option (I will sum it).


Celierra needs some more love people. She is going to look great in a kimono.