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As some may already know, I'm offering printed versions of the Renamon Dakimakura style images I made before, thanks to Inkedfur: https://inkedfur.com/dakimakura/vixen-queen

In a future I'm thinking on adding more options, so I need help in deciding which ones would be nice to do as well.



Wow... Uh... How do I choose? Literally all of these appeal to me greatly.


Li Li Stormstrout from WoW, maybe? Hmm... Amaterasu (anthro) would be great too 👌


Oh wow, I hadn't seen the Inkedfur. Good stuff!


Ancesra Knight body pillow! 😇🤣


If I wasn't afraid of someone who would be uncomfortable seeing Renamon nude I would get the Dakimakura in the link. But I'm afraid of what certain people might think if they saw it. I also have a 5 year old niece and a young nephew that shouldn't see stuff like that yet. "Mommy what's that weird pillow in uncle's room?" Then man explaining THAT to my sister? Forget it. Might as well just shoot me first.


I decided on Vulpix, because it's unique to you and there's significantly less of her. These results please me.