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With <Spirit Forging> on level eight and all his basic crafting skill being master tier, he was able to create an almost perfect soul replica of the pendant using the Soul of Sight. The hardest part came when he started to engrave the soul pendant.

A blazing light suddenly filled the workshop as Seth felt a brilliant and benevolent presence behind him. This was Theia, the "wide-shining". She was a titan and the goddess of vision, light, and brilliance of precious metals and gems.

The blacksmith had saved the Blessing of Theia for this moment. He could feel her curiosity as she looked over his shoulder while he engraved her sigil into the soul. It was a simple circle, that was filled with rays that were emitted from the center.

When he finished the sigil under the watchful eyes of the deity he could sense something, almost like an acknowledging nod. From the simple circle filled with engraved rays, dozens of rays engraved themselves all over the soul pendant. They kept bouncing against each other and the borders of the soul, creating an intricate geometric pattern.

Theia's presence vanished again, the enchantment was finished. Seth let out a sigh of relief and took a short break. It had been a while now since he felt the presence of a god. It was weird, but the higher his level became, the clearer he could feel the massive chasm in power that existed between a mortal like him and an immortal, divine existence like Theia.

Once he got back his bearing, Seth turned to infuse the soul armament into his physical vessel, before quenching it in the Waters of Styx.

<Ding! You have finished a legendary item!>

<Ding! A synergy between powers has changed your item.>

<Ding! A synergy between powers and materials has changed your item.>

<Ding! A synergy with you Trait: Olympian Myths has changed your item.>

Seth wondered when he heard how many changes there were and he almost choked when he used his appraisal to take a look at its powers.

<Sight of Theia


Durability 9000

1. Blessing of Wind

2. +200% Power on Skills and Spells

3. Griffin Energy

4. Herbology of Stolas

5. Grants Trait: Theia's Vision

6. Passive Skill: Theia's Discerning Eyes

An amulet partially granting vision of a goddess. Created by Master Smith, the first Master Enchanter and Master Goldsmith of Urth. Some demonic power and mysterious means had been used in the crafting process but were mostly purged or absorbed by the divine power of goddess Theia, making the amulet a semi-divine object.

Requirements: Seth Smith>

The first two options were those granted by the <Olympian Silver>, the third was the power of the griffin core, which buffed strength and agility by 50. The fourth was part of the power of Stolas, the allowed him to appraise common and uncommon herbs. Aside from these, there were only two other effects and he had not expected either of the two.

His shock only grew when he checked what these effects did. The trait “Theia's Vision” incorporated all the missing sight effects and more. Night Vision, Spheric Vision, Hyper-Dynamic Vision, Clairvoyance, Sharp Eyesight, Seeing through deceptions like high-ranking illusions and lies of those with weaker willpower than the user.

They would all become active once he wore the item. Seth gulped heavily. He still remembered his first experience with <Expanded Field of Vision>. Although he was happy about the powerful trait, the blacksmith could only hope that his brain would not be fried by the skill.

Lastly, there was one skill.

<Passive Skill: Theia's Discerning Eyes, No Cost, No Cooldown,

As the goddess that gives precious metals and gems their brilliance, Theia's Eyes can appraise all precious metals and products made from them accurately.

Theia's Discerning Eyes also assist in locating precious ores, gems and metals within the field of view.

Theia's Discerning Eyes can accurately gauge the power of anyone below the legendary level.>

So this was most likely the skill that absorbed the gemology of Stolas, while the trait had obviously swallowed the night vision.

Seth stared at these two descriptions for a long time before letting out an appreciative whistle. He had definitely managed to make an improved version of the Eye of Argus, even if the trait was going to melt his brain.

With the slightest bit of apprehension, he equipped the new necklace and tumbled from the wave of information that suddenly flooded his brain. But it was only the very first moment. Like a cool and refreshing film of water, he felt an energy emitting from the necklace that soothed his brain and quickly allowed him to get used to the new trait.

Seth was quickly able to block and unlock different parts of the trait, but even if he used it all at once, it didn't feel like his head would explode. This trait was much more similar to to an ability at this point and Seth could quickly adjust it to a comfortable level.

The ease at which he was able to switch parts of the ability on and off instinctively was a great advantage to the Eye of Argos, as it was much more intuitive to use than switching skills or passive skills on and off.

Before he knew it, it had already become dark outside. However, it didn't impede him since he could see like it was day with Theia's Vision. To test the ability he climbed to the walkway atop the wall and look over the plateau in a 360° view.

He was able to see everything in and around this part of the canyon. He was able to focus on every stone and grain on the plateau and see them as if he was holding them in his hand. Adding <Theia's Discerning Eyes> to his sight, he suddenly saw a flood of indicators about materials dotting the surrounding

Most of them were ordinary materials. As he was looking he read <Iron Ore>, <Hematite>, <Iron Ore>, <Jasper>, <Blood Stone>, <Verx lv.91>, <Iron Ore>, <Hematite>.... wait a minute!

<Verx lv.91

Name: Verx

Title: "Illusive Scout"

Level: 91


Class:  Phantasm Walker/ Ninja

Race: Hobgoblin

Sex: male

Affiliation: Kozdam

Status: Healthy, Hidden, Focused


Hidden under an illusion in a small crevice on the far away cliff wall Seth spotted a visitor! And he was able to see his full status. The hobgoblin had the proportions of a lean human, clad in a gray leather cloak.

As a humanoid monster, his stats and attributes were around the same as a player's. Verx in particular had similar stats to Mina without equipment, as they were both assassin types with magic abilities. What was interesting was that the hobgoblin also was not naked.

The garb he wore was made up of rare and epic set items. It seemed like Kozdam, the orc kingdom, worked similarly to a human kingdom. Unlike the Hive which relied on numbers and inborn capability, the hobgoblin was well-equipped for his job.

Too bad Seth had a new item and spotted him, but who knew how long he had been there? Seth was deliberating whether he should immediately shoot the peeping tom, or use the situation to his advantage.

Most of the troops of Minas Mar had not made an appearance on the surface for quite some time. Did the hobgoblin already an estimation of their strength or would the orc kingdom underestimate them if he left him alone?

“meh, this is getting too complicated. Let them come as they may.”

Seth shrugged and let go of the complicated thoughts. He was more interested in whether he could one-shot the lv.91 hobgoblin. Swiftly the Mind Reaper appeared in his hands. With a blatant smile, he activated <Apollo's Rain of Light> of the Shaula pauldrons and designated the area where Verx was hiding.

Paying 5000 mana, 300 light arrows suddenly illuminated the nightly plateau and dark sky, shooting out like a storm of laser blasts.  Seth could see every ounce of shock and fear that distorted the hobgoblin's face as a wave of golden light poured at his perfect hiding spot.

At first, the arrows spread out to cover the whole area designated by the skill, but as they got close to the target, they all suddenly changed directions, like a swarm of angry bees homing in on their target.

Even when they were the Light Arrows of Apollo, they were still arrows shot by the Mind Reaper Bow. Each arrow was filled with malice and the intention to kill, aiming for vital areas of the target.

The tragic and short-lived screams of the hobgoblin echoed through the canyon, as he was perforated by burning light. It was doubtful whether anything of the goblin even remained after this attack.

Seth slowly lowered the bow. He stood on the wall for a while, processing the sight he had just witnessed, replaying everything that happened. Then he broke out in a fit of manic laughter. This was not a game. He had just snuffed out a life. This was a serious situation... yet he couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't often get a chance to revel in absolute superiority. Why should he suppress it? This combination was just so broken and there was no one that would come to nerf him.


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