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At Hogwarts university a wide variety of species attend classes in magic. And Verona - Firenze’s younger cousin, has a major crush on Harry.

Please be gentle on my centaurette, as I have literally NEVER drawn a centaur or centaurette before.

I gave her the name Verona because I always loved that Firenze is named after an Italian city.

And I thought Verona was a good option given the romantic setup and the month we are in. Sure Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, but it is stigmatized as Romantic, so I thought I would name her after the city in which the story takes place.

I am not good at drawing horses, never have been.

But, once needs to try some new stuff.

I hope you like my new OC.

Verona the Centaurette.

Yours truly



Michael Wilson

I think you did a great job. Also it’s great to see a female centaur 🥰🥰