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Now, when I was just this tall here… … I asked my my teacher in class… something that would make the entire class burst out with laughter and even make the teacher both blush and laugh. She couldn’t get the class back in order, so she just sent us to an early recess.

Not too long after that episode, there was a Parent/Teacher meeting, and while I sat outside, my parents inside from the classroom suddenly started laughing. And when they came out again and we were about to go home, they both kissed me and hugged me very much.

That weekend, I was treated either to a PlayStation or a game I had long wanted for it.
I do remember however, that my parents asked me, to please save such questions for them first, and then ask the teacher.

I understood that I hadn’t done anything bad, just… it was a question about, asking when the time is right.

What question you might ask?

We were being taught some of the Norse Mythology stuff, and there is this tale where Thor is a bride - cosplaying as Freja - because, lets be honest, drag is amazingly entertaining 😂 and hilarious 🤣
But… at the ‘wedding’ Thor eats a lot of food… and my young curious mind… was… wondering… if the gods eat…

Do they also… Poop?

I know, I know, but please bear in mind that I was just this tall… … I had no idea about what fictional characters did or didn’t do or need…

And also… I never really got an answer…
Personally, I have come to the conclusion that the reason the gods mainly stay at Olympus, is because there is some sort of magic that… empties their bowels when the time is right… that way they don’t have to build fancy bathrooms or worry about things like plumbing…
   Trust me, having dealt with that since New Years I can assure you that if there was a room I could live without it would be the lavatory… I like baths plenty, but damn…

I could also see that is partially the reason why mortals are not welcome on the Olympus.

There are no toilets… so… They sorta have to go home rather quickly… unless they want to soil the Godly plants on Mount Olympus… That would surely make Demeter very angry…

It could also explain why the gods never stay in the human realm for very long… they… end up feeling… the nature calling… So they always rush home…
Huh… it must be nice 😊

What do you think? Do you think the gods… well… do it?
I mean… they have already been described with other natural urges so…


I hope you like this little sketch.

Yours truly



Teh Wen Khiey

As amusing as your childhood story is, that's honestly a question I've never asked myself. Personally, since they're Gods, it's likely up to them to decide if toilet breaks are necessary for them. For all I know, their digestive tracts are probably so efficient that they produce little to no liquid/solid waste no matter what they eat or how much.

Nicholas Hernandez

Damn that was funny and an intriguing thought about how gods use the restroom if at all possible