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Hey everyone.

Meet Dominique Williams.
I am a little iffy on how to write a Southern Accent, so you… just have to imagine the Mississippi in her deep voice.
And please don’t take the harsh tone about her weight to heart, I still don’t wanna put weights on the girls, because my mother‘s cold stare still haunts me 20 years after she installed the trauma in me… 😰
I promise imaginary mom behind my back that I will never Ever be rude and ask a woman’s weight again… SORRY 😣

Well… with unfortunate memory in mind, I hope you like this new addition the MILF Squad.

I hope you like her.
I sure do.

Yours truly



Lovell Padden Maychrzak

I can only imagine how Moms is gonna react to that whopper Beau's got 😜

Sean Bargy

The only thing I could advise on writing a southern accent is to just pool several lines of dialogue from works that represent accents well, or just trying to phonetically spell them out listening to a bunch of southern accents, maybe both.