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Hey everyone.

Meet the Wellingtons.

First and foremost - The Duchess Cornelia Wellington.

Cornelia was born a Rockwaller to Monica Rockwaller - a very important and very influential woman in the British Court.

She was married to the now late Duke Archibald Wellington. The wedding was a planned wedding and Cornelia wasn’t in love with or cared for her husband before the aggreement.
    Cornelia learned to love her husband later, and her husband worshipped his wife.
The Duke of Wellington sadly passed away a few years ago, and this was to Cornelia’s big misfortune, as the Wellington Estate cannot be inherited to a female heir.
Duchess Cornelia is at present the owner of the Estate, but unless she can present a male heir, her daughters are gonna lose her massive wealth.
   Cornelia wasn’t interested in love. At present, she still isn’t. To Cornelia a marriage is an arrangement between two families to produce an alliance.
So Cornelia is very conservative in this mindset. She is also a bit misogynistic. She thinks men should be in charge and women should be nothing but baby makers - I know, a backwards woman 😂
But Cornelia obeys her family’s matriarch - her mother, Monica Rockwaller - religiously. Her mothers word is law. As the oldest daughter, it might be because she expects the same obedience from her sisters and daughters and nieces in the future. Only time can tell if she will ever have such a position.

Cornelia gave birth to 3 daughters - no sons… which has caused her a slight headache and a need to seek out aide from the outside… She needs a male heir to secure the future for her kids.
And perhaps some good Stoppable action will bring her what she needs.

Behind her from the left:

Her oldest: Precious Wellington.

Precious is her mothers copy. As the oldest she has been groomed to be just like her mother in personality and behavior. But underneath the strict and tight exterior, and under those massive hooters beats a lustful Rockwaller heart, with fantasies, desires and never ending longing for sensual companionship.
Precious obeys her mother’s every whim and her entire future rests in her mothers hands.

The Middle: Chastity Wellington.

Just like her older sister, Chastity is trying her best to live up to her mothers demands. But she, like all her cousins and aunts, is a pure bred Rockwaller, so she is always lustful.  She is a wilder child than her older sister, but still isn’t a troublemaker - in the sense that she hasn‘t been caught yet.

The youngest: Tinity Wellington.

The last daughter to spring from the loins of Cornelia. The blessings of the youngest is to be without the expectations of your elder siblings. Or so one could speculate. Trinity is less like her mom, and is more individual than all her family.
Another Rockwaller by heart, so she is just as eager for some carnal action as all the rest of her clan.
But Trinity is less like her sisters and mother in the sense, that she is very humble and gentle. She is not at all snobbish. A gentle and caring Rockwaller. In a way, she resembles her aunt Tonnie a lot. She is also very athletic and surprisingly, very intelligent.

All in all, the other Wellingtons are rather snobbish and are not the most popular nobles of the England.

I hope you enjoy these Rockwallers in another name.

Yours truly



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