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Also known as Rhea Rampage. The greatest female wrestler of all time. A powerhouse of a woman. One even Shego struggles to keep up with.

Rhea is the epitome of an Amazonian woman, but in private, she is both kind and gentle, although she can lift and hold a bus up for an almost unlimited amount of time. We are talking batshit crazy strong.

But in her youth, she wanted nothing more than to be a pretty princess and she loved playing with dolls. You know, very typical girl stuff.
Even as a child she was masculine in her looks. But she always loved dressing up as a princess.

Often ridiculed she sought comfort in a gym and here she learned to control her emotions and increase her strength. She showed skills and became a great wrestler.

She met Ron through a fan letter he wrote to her from the very beginning of her career, and she found him both sweet and wholesome. They technically knew each other even before the really met.

Rhea and Ron’s relation is that of a typical boyfriend girlfriend Routine. Rhea loves being treated as a lady, and though she can lift Ron and toss him, she loves all the pampering. Ron for one sees Rhea as a goddess in the flesh and loves her immensely.

Thus Rhea is one of Ron‘s strongest and most powerful wives.

I hope you can enjoy this sketch of her.  Thank you all.

Yours truly




Feels like it’s been a while since we’ve gotten a new pic of any of the wrestling trio

Uncle Flaco

Daaaannnngggg 🤩