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Please make sure to note that English is a second language and there are bound to be some mistakes here and there.
All characters in the story are above 18+ years or older.
I hope you enjoy it.
Yours truly

Ron was training on the field behind the school.

His fellow teammates were all there, and so were the cheerleaders, who all practiced their routine, and pretty much distracted the entire team.

Ron himself, the Quarterback of the team, was looking at the cheerleaders, who all smiled at him and winked at him.

All of them, Kim, Liz, Jessica, Tara, Bonnie, Crystal, Hope, Marcella and Nadia all swung their Pom-Pom’s around and in near perfect synchronicity danced to the beat.

Ron at times waved at them… One time, when Tara herself waved at him he blushed and forgot to run… he was tackled by Stinson, and had to bite the dirt.

Mr: Stoppable! Concentrate! The finale is 3 days from now, so you have to up your game!

Ron: Ay-Ay Mr. Barkin… Sir… Urgh…

Stinson got Ron back on his feet and helped him dust off the worst.

Stinson: Head in the game, Ron, come on man.

Ron nodded and just as he was about ready to try for another go at the game… Ron felt a disturbance in the force… or he had a bad feeling… or… Winter is coming… whatever phrase you connect to the feeling you get when something isn’t quite right, but you just can’t put your finger on it…

The terrified shrieks of the cheerleaders as they all seemed to run for the hills were the first sign for Ron. He turned his neck, and as if he had just been tackled by the entire team he felt how all the air left his body…

In the passway under the tribunes he saw a figure emerge from the shadows. A tall and horrifying creature ventured out into the light.

It was her… but it couldn’t be… Yet it was!

A tall, black haired woman stood in her high heels and looked over the scene as an all consuming monster, ready to devour the entire existence.

Ron backed up, and so did the entire team. Even Mr Barkin tried to hide from her hard gaze.

The woman’s eyes were fixed on Ron…

Ron slowly backed away, as did the entire team… away from Ron, as they saw she had singled out her prey… they all ran as fast as they could when they understood they weren’t her target.

The woman marched with steadfast pace towards Ron who ended up against the wall of the other tribune…

Miss Hatchet… the librarian of Middleton High Library was an unrelenting, uncompromising, unbending woman.

She stared Ron down as he felt how he shrank under her look… like a Wet Wool Sweater in the sun…

He looked up at her, and she seemed to crush him under her look.

Miss Hatchet… though easily one of the hottest women Ron had ever seen in his entire life… was feared and shunned by all… none dared approach her, none dared defy her… Ron even less so… He rarely frequented the library under all circumstances… mainly because of her.

Her style of dressing was tight, classy and dead sexy… but there was never a smile on the goddess-like features in her face. She glared down on him, harder, colder and with a snarl it seemed.


She didn’t yell… but her voice could be heard throughout the empty stadium.

Ron shook to his very core… she had spoken his name… now he was in her power… She had taken possession of his soul!

Hatchet: You have 20 books… OVERDUE!

The entire stadium let out loud gasps, in this case the cheerleaders who were the only people still remaining… They were all Ron’s girlfriends so they needed to stay by his side.

Kim: 20 overdue books! But that can’t be! Miss Hatchet has a zero tolerance policy. She would NEVER let anyone lend that many books!

Kim ducked as she felt the gaze of Miss Hatchet.

Hatchet turned her look to Ron again.

Hatchet: This time, young man, YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!

Silence roared over the stadium.

Hatchet pulled out a list that all had red markings next to every single title.

Ron catched the paper, as Miss Hatchet released it so it slowly flew down in front of him.

Hatchet: Kiss your social life goodbye. Until every single item is returned, you are no longer on the team, and you belong to me!

Hatchet leaned down to face him.

Hatchet: Report to the library in 10 minutes… and DON’T you dare be late!

The woman turned and marched back the way she came… as she left the stadium, it was like the sun returned to the scene and suddenly everyone could breathe again.

The cheerleaders all ran towards Ron with horror in their eyes. Ron went over the entire list.

Ron: This… this is messed up… some of these books I checked out years ago… I have no idea where I even left them!

Kim: Oh Ron…

Bonnie: Oh my gosh you arch loser, you are such a scatterhead!

Ron: I don’t have time for scolding, I need to report to the library…! GAH! I only have 9 minutes left!

Ron ran toward the locker room.

Tara: Oh poor Ronnie… 20 books… How could Hatchet let that happen?

Kim kneeled down and picked up the list.

Kim went over the list.

Congo - Michael Crichton

Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton

The Lost World - Michael Crichton

Higher Math and You

20 good ways to good Grammar

Moby Dick - Herman Melville

Mythologies of the world

Latin for beginners

The Primal Theory

Biology 101

Nuclear Physics: A beginners guide from Alpha to Omega

The Hero and the Villainess

A brief History of Cheese

The mind of Women - 234th edition

Roman History - an Empire’s fall

Animal Farm - George Orwell

How to Impress Women You Love

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Children of Eindellon - H. H. Hedemann

Vestiges - A. N. Fissel

Liz: Oh my god, Ron is more of a reader than I thought.

Tara: Oh, he has been researching us… that’s so cute.

Bonnie: Urgh, basically the readers list of a nerd, big surprise.

Kim: This is serious girls, Hatchet will never allow Ron to leave the library with this kind of a rap sheet.

Barkin: Girls!

The big burly man came over, looking slightly smaller than usual.

Barkin: Girls… Is it true, did Hatchet set Ron off the team?

Kim: I am sorry, but yes, Mr. Barkin… Ron has a huge list he needs to deliver back…

Barkin: Oh Stoppable you big fool! Girls, we need Stoppable for the finale in 3 days! We have to have him primed and ready! It’s essential! I don’t know how you do it, but get him those books back and get him out of that library!

Barkin turned on his heel and marched off.

Jessica: Sour grape… Where was that attitude when Hatchet was around?

Kim: Ignore Barkin, but he is right, we need to get Ron out of there… Hatchet will keep him around for ages…

Hope: Get him out… How? Hatchet is more vigilant than a Doberman, she has eyes like a hawk and the ears of a fox.

Crystal: And the presence of a Dementor…

The entire cheer squad shivered.

Kim: Alright girls, end of training. We are going to find all Ron’s books and deliver them back. Shouldn’t be so difficult, they are probably in his locker.



Kim screamed this fact as they saw the surprisingly empty locker.

She was with Bonnie, Tara, Marcella, Liz, Hope and Jessica. Crystal and Nadia had run back to find Ron’s backpack. They came to the locker to join up and they shook their heads.

Nadia: There are only his personal books. No library books.

Kim: Oh Ron… what have you done…?

Shego: Kim?

Shego walked around the hallway and towards Kim and the girls. With her was Adrena Lynn.

Kim: Hi girls…

Shego: Kim, where is Ron? I was gonna pick him up today but he never came out from practice and he isn’t answering his phone…

Tara ran to Shego and tossed herself into her arms.

Tara: Oh Selene… Ron has been kicked from the team because of overdue books… The Librarian has taken him into the library and she is forcing him to who knows what… and he is not allowed to go home before the library closes…

Shego got a dark look in her eyes: Oh we will see about that.


Ron stood in front of a mountain of books. They were all dusty.

Hatchet: The first thing you will do is vacuum and dry off all of these books. Then you will put them into their right places.

Ron stood in awe of the gigantic mountain of books…

Ron: Uhh, Miss Hatchet… how about I just go home and locate the books and come right back with them so… you know… we can just settle all of this?

Hatchet walked over to Ron and he knew he had made a mistake.

Hatchet once again stared daggers at him.

Hatchet: You have had so many chances Ron… you could have located the books yesterday and brought them all back TODAY… and then you would have all the freedom in the world… but instead… now… when you face this punishment you suddenly want to atone and do what needs to be done?

Ron whimpered under her gaze.

Hatchet: Remorse in face of consequences is not remorse… It’s Regret… coulda woulda shoulda… The same old tune, and I am NOT singing that one, understood!

Ron nodded.

Hatchet: Get to work! And what you do not finish today, you finish tomorrow. A shame that we are one of the largest libraries in the state.

Ron gulped and looked upon the mountain he had to clean.

Just as he let out a sigh to clean the first book, the doors sprung open with a loud bang! And in the doorway stood none other than Shego.

Ron felt a sense of relief, but also… terror.

Ron: Shego!

Shego: Master, let’s get you out of here.

Shego walked right up to Ron but Ron lifted his hands to keep her away. To Ron’s horror he saw that Adrena Lynn was here as well.

Ron: Shego, Adrena, you have to leave, and leave now, before Hatchet comes back…

Adrena: Come on Master, we will get you your books and give them back tomorrow. This is stupid.

Ron: No girls, really, I can’t leave, but you have to…

A chill fell over them… Hatchet had returned… what was this odd power???

She looked at Shego and Adrena with pure anger in her eyes.

Hatchet: Can I help you?

Her voice was barely more than a whisper. But they could clearly hear her.

Shego: Unlikely… go back to the Stone Age, you old fossil.

Shego grabbed Ron’s hand and pulled him towards the door. Hatchet simply marched into their path and blocked them.

Hatchet: You two can leave… but Mr Stoppable stays here!

Shego: How is he to get you your precious books if he isn’t allowed to go and find them?

Ron had to respect her courage… but he feared it was bound to her ignorance…

Hatchet: In his spare time of course… when the library closes. Until then… he will assist here… and unless you want to be expelled from the school grounds… you will leave the premises instantly…

Ron felt the unnatural cold and drowning feeling that came from Hatchet. It was evident that Adrena could feel it as well.

Shego: Oh really…

Shego stood up to the woman, face to face and stared her down.

Shego: And how do you plan on moving me, miss glasses?

Miss Hatchet cracked her fingers and hands.


Shego was held in a perfect judo grip by Hatchet as she and Adrena were escorted out the building.

She was whimpering in pain.

Shego: Auch… auw! Aaaauw!

Hatchet threw them both out with surprising strength.

Hatchet: And don’t you dare show your face here again!

She closed the doors and Shego slowly stood up.

Shego: Da hell is with that crazy bitch!?

Kim and the others came over: I told you, Shego… Hatchet is no ordinary woman.

Adrena: Whatever, she can’t keep Ron too long now, can she?

Kim: Sadly… she can…

Shego: Huh?

Kim: Miss Hatchet is known to spend several hours long after the school's closing hours at the library. She can hold him as long as she keeps the library open… and who knows how long she plans on staying there…

Shego: Doesn’t she have other things to do? Family? Friends? You know what, forget it… now that I say it out loud it makes perfect sense that she stays there constantly…

Kim: We only have one choice and that is to find the books and then bring them to the library. That’s the only way we can get Ron back…

Shego: Okay, Okay, I get it! So… What book is he missing?

Kim: Books! 20 of them. All of them need to be delivered or else…

Shego groaned, but she nodded and sighed.

Shego: Alright… let’s locate those books.


Two hours later, and with an entire harem on alert to look for the books, they had managed to find… 2…

Kim: OH COME ON!!!

She fell back on the couch and the entire harem stared at the books. The books they had managed to find were Moby Dick and Nuclear Physics: A beginners guide from Alpha to Omega.

Shego lifted up the latter and looked it over.

Shego: Oooh, Physics… I guess that’s what Ron is researching with me…

She shook her massive tits.

Kim: Cut it out Shego, this is bad! Have you all looked everywhere?

Vivian: Everywhere, I promise… My robots have searched and are still searching even in the most unlikely places. And they have only found these two…

The girls all groaned.

Bonnie: It’s typical Ron to do something like this, and 3 days before the finale… Barkin is gonna rip his head off.

Crystal: Take it easy Bonnie, Ron probably didn’t even know they were overdue… and frankly, I still don’t get it… you get emails and messages with notices whenever your book is a week from being delivered… Did Ron overlook them?

Vivian: Hmm… let me see…

Vivian pulled out her phone and started scrolling.

Kim: Do you have access to Ron’s emails?

Vivian: Of course… he is my boyfriend. Let me see… Uhhh…

She looked at the list on the table, which gave specific dates on when the books were checked out. And also when they were supposed to be delivered.

Vivian: Okay… do you have to sign up for notifications or… are they set to default?

Jessica: They are set to default. And you can’t borrow a book without listing both an active email and a phone number.

Vivian checked… both Ron’s mails, and his messages.

Vivian: No… Not a single notification.

Kim: What about his spam box?

Vivian: Nothing either… he has no messages from the library… no notifications… There must be a glitch in the system.

Kim: That’s odd… Hatchet is immaculate about her systems.

Bonnie: Urgh, hello! We still are nowhere near close to find the other 18 books.

Shego: Urgh! Can’t we just buy some new issues of the same books and give them back so we can get Ron home?!

Vivian: While it is possible to get most of the books that way, my dear Selene, then I must inform you that some of the publications are frankly quite rare to find sitting in stores. Mainly because they are out of stock or because they aren’t printed anymore. You have to buy them second hand or online and wait… and delivery services today…?

The girls all frowned.

Kim: So… Best option is still to get all the books that Ron has borrowed and deliver them back. But where to look?

Justine, who sat right next to Kim on the couch had taken up the copy of Moby Dick… She examined the cover.

Justine: Hmm… I have underestimated Miss Hatchet…

Kim: What?

Justine: She has entered the 21st century. Look… she has chipped the book.

Kim looked. In the cover there was a paper thin coated slice of what seemed to be a form of white tape… but there was a little hint of a bulge underneath.

Justine: If she has chipped the books, there must be a signal and something to be traced.

Vivian: Right… but in order to trace something like that then we will need a powerful computer, a satellite and the ability to boost the signal…

The girls all looked at Vivian. Vivian rolled her eyes.

Vivian: Fine… give me a moment. But you better keep looking, this might take some time.

Vivian took the book out of Kim’s hands and left to go to her lab.

Kim: Right, in the meantime, we better look for the books.

Shego: We have looked… everywhere! There is no place or stone left unturned in the entire mansion…

Tara: Okay, but… some of these books were checked out before Ron even lived in this mansion…

Bonnie: So?

Tara: So… maybe they were never here… Maybe they are where he once lived…

The girls all looked at each other. Seemingly all in awe that none of themselves thought of that.

Shego: Have I told you how much I love you, my pet?

Tara blushed.


Andrea Stoppable sat in her favorite chair and read a book in the living room. It was one of Ron’s. A silly romance novel really but quite fun. She was really loving how the Villainess kept trying to seduce the Hero’s mother… that was… something that made her stomach tingle with excitement.

She took a sip of her tea and then she heard the doorbell ringing.

Andrea placed the book on the table and stood up to greet the guest.

As she opened it, she saw a horde of young women outside.

Kim: Hello Mrs Stoppable.

Andrea: Ah, Kim Possible, I am sorry, but Ron isn’t home.

Kim: Please, Mrs Stoppable, it’s important. We know where Ron is, but he needs our help.

Andrea: Is he in trouble?

Kim: Yeah, he actually is… pardon us…

Kim made her way past Andrea and followed by Kim came Jessica, Tara, Hope, Bonnie, Marcella, Liz, Crystal, Nadia, Shego, Adrena, Justine and Monique.

The girls began to look around, clearly looking for something.

Andrea approached Shego.

Andrea: Could you please tell me what’s going on, Selene dear?

Shego turned to her soon to be mother in law: You see, Mrs Stoppable, Ron has gotten himself into a pickle and we sorta need to help him out. Have you by any means thrown any of Ron’s stuff out recently?

Andrea: Of course not… I never throw anything out. Have you seen my garage?

Selene giggled and then she followed the girls upstairs to Ron’s room. Shego actually felt strangely at home. The entire summer she lived in this house, and made a ton of good memories with her Master.


The shriek of Tara came from inside Ron’s room.

Shego walked inside and saw her with an issue of The Lost World.

Bonnie: Me too!

Bonnie was standing with Mythologies of the world.

Shego: Alright, we are making progress.

Andrea: Are you looking for Ron’s books?

Kim was searching Ron’s shelves for any of the titles missing.

Kim: Some overdue Library books, more precisely, Mrs Stoppable.

Andrea: Oh good grief, my boy and his limited attention span… Is that the pickle he is in, Selene…?

Shego: What do you know, not only as hot as Master, but even sharper… Your grandkids are gonna be hot and smart.

Andrea smiled and blushed. She did find Selene unusually charming.

Hope: Here is another one! Congo… by that Crichton guy…

Kim: And here is The art of War…!

Kim pulled a title from the shelf.

Shego: Okay, that’s 6. Keep looking.

Andrea: Hmm… I could check in my own bedroom.

Shego: Yeah you do that, Sexy mama…

Shego gave Andrea’s ass a good grope that once again made Andrea giggle.

Kim: Look for a stamp in the lower corner that says Middleton Library!


An hour later the girls had checked Ron’s entire room, and only found one more book. So they were at 7 books in total.

Shego: The Primal Theory…? What gobbledygook is this…?

She threw it on the bed and sighed.

Bonnie: Okay… we are fucked… we haven’t even found half of what is missing?

Kim: Enough with the negativity, Bonnie, we are still making progress… just… a little slow progress…

Tara: Poor Ronnie… I can’t even imagine the horrors that Hatchet is putting him through…

Kim: I can… I can…



Ron was sneezing like hell… he had been dusting off hundreds of books. And all the while Miss Hatchet was looking over him like the All seeing Eye of Sauron. Every time he wanted to take a break, she seemed to be ready to stand up, and that made Ron work even faster.

Ron had dried his nose. He was sneezing from all the dust that kept flying into his nose and eyes.

Hatchet: It must be horrible…

Ron jerked and spun around to look at Hatchet. A sinister smile was over her beautiful face.

Hatchet: Absolutely horrible… to waste your time away here in the library… when you have all those lovely girls who all love to spend time with you… wonder what they will do without you… maybe find someone else to fawn over?

Hatchet left him. Ron dried his nose again.

Ron: I wonder how long she can stay here… I mean… it can’t be forever now… can it?

Ron turned around before he continued working. He had the weirdest feeling that someone was watching him… someone other than Hatchet.

He saw no one though.

He shrugged and continued his… work…

Ron: Acthu!!!


Andrea: I didn’t find any of the books on the list… but I did find a photo album with Ron when he was only 4 years old.

Andrea returned to Ron’s room with an album in her hands.

All the girls ran to see the photos that Andrea now showed them.

Tara: Oh my, Ron was soooooo cute!

Andrea: He sure was… And look here, Bonnie… I actually have one of both you and Ron together…

Bonnie: What?

Bonnie leaned in to look, and there she was… little baby Bonnie next baby Ronnie. They were hugging and smiling.

Shego: Awww look at that Sugar-tits… you almost look like you were destined to be with Ron.

Bonnie blushed and Kim giggled.

Kim: I have to admit it, you look cute together.

Shego: How come you have pictures of Ron and Sugar-tits, Mrs Stoppable?

Andrea: Oh Selene, and all you girls, just call me Andrea. And the reason is that Bonnie’s and our family are old friends. We used to babysit for Tonnie Rockwaller, and likewise, Tonnie also babysat our Ron.

Bonnie: Well uhm… could we please get back to the search, sorry Andrea but it’s important that we help Ron after all.

Andrea: Oh right… sorry… I just thought you should see it… but perhaps another time.

Tara: Oh definitely! I wanna see more Ronnie!

Andrea: Oh just wait till you see the Bubble Bath pictures I have of him!

The girls all giggled.

And as Andrea stood up from the bed they heard a slight bump…

Andrea turned and looked at the bed…

Andrea: Oh I am so forgetful…

She squatted down and the girls sorta got a great look at the absolute perfect Stoppable Ass.

Andrea: Yeah, there is a book here, under the broken leg of Ron’s bed.

Kim: What???

Kim stood up and saw that there was in fact a book underneath the leg.

Kim: Biology 101… what the heck is it doing there?

Andrea seemed a little out of place… was she embarrassed…

Andrea: Well… See, Ron said you girls broke his bed this summer and… I sorta thought… Why waste money on a new bed or repair, when I could just level it out with a book?

Shego: You sneaky little milf…

The girls removed the book and the bed as a result tipped downwards.

Kim: Well that’s 8… but… wait… that means… girls… look again… all over the house… even the most unlikely places!

The girls once again ran out to search the entire house.

A brief History of Cheese was found in the kitchen. Not in the best shape, but it would do.

How to impress women you love was found in the drawer of Ron’s father’s side of the bed.

Shego: Oooh, Father-in-law must have made an effort lately. Any improvements you wanna mention?

Andrea blushed: He has been more attentive than usual…

She seemed happy that her husband was still caring.

Shego: That’s 10! That’s half way! Keep it up girls!


Ron was finally so far dusting off that he was beginning to put the books on a rolling table and started to find their places.

He needed a break, both from the evil stares of Hatchet, but also for his poor eyes and nose. Just a few moments away from all the dust and he was already feeling better.

Ron: Aw man… I am in so much trouble… I have no idea where even half of those books are anymore… Huh… I guess this is gonna be my life now…

Hatchet came around the corner and gave Ron a regular shock.

Hatchet looked at him with pure evil.

Hatchet: Stop talking with yourself, Stoppable! This is a library. Be quiet!

She literally hissed at him.

Ron looked around. The sun was already down and there was no one in here, except for him and Hatchet.

Ron: But…?

Hatchet: NO BUTS! QUIET!

She stood right up to him and walked past him.

Ron: Aww man…

Hatchet: SSSSSH!

Ron threw a hand over his mouth.

He continued working.


Shego: Hey! I found another one! The Hero and the Villainess! Right here in the living room. That’s 11.

Andrea: Uh… Is that one of Ron’s library books too?

Shego: Yeah, but it’s one of those silly three way love triangle stories. I read it a little while back.

Andrea: Uhh, hehe, oh well… uhh… yeah… really silly… I guess…

Andrea saw sadly how it was added to the pile.

Crystal: And here is Higher Math and You…

Shego: That’s 12. Any other luck?

Hope was on the floor in the living room trying her best to see under it. She was using her phone to bring some light down there.

Hope: I think there is something… it could be a book.

Shego: Adrena, help me move the couch.

The girls managed to move the furniture, and there was a book.

Shego: Latin for beginners! 13, we are really rocking.

Nadia: And here is; 20 good ways to good grammar.

Shego: Alright 14! We are only lacking 6. Perhaps we can get Ron out within the hour!

The girls all yayed!

Shego’s phone rang and she called for silence: It’s Vivian, sshh!

Shego answered the phone: Hey Babe, how's it going?


Vivian: Hey Beloved… have you found 12 books at Ron’s place?

Shego: We sure have, and I would be very surprised if we don’t find the rest without too much trouble.

Vivian: Well… Surprise…

Shego: What?

Vivian: See… Justine and I managed to break into the signal of the chips in the books. Surprisingly difficult… We also managed to filter out the signals from all the other overdue library books in the entire area… fortunately… there weren’t any other than Ron’s. The Chips don’t become active before they are listed as overdue. But… there are 12 active signals at Ron’s house… where you are right now.

Shego: Are you saying we have found them all?

Vivian: Well you still lack 6.

Shego: Yes I know but… now that you have the signals… Can you tell where the rest are?

Vivian: Well… yes I can… and… No I can’t…

Shego was rubbing her eyes: Please elaborate…

Vivian: Well… The good news is, I can send you off to find another 5 books… at mostly secure locations… but there is an issue… I can’t locate book number 20.

Shego: Urgh! You’ve got to be kidding me… Okay… Is there even the smallest chance that you can boost the signal? I mean… Ron travels a lot… maybe he lost it on a mission with Kim?

Vivian: Hmm… It’s not impossible… Let me see… Other than that I can send you the locations of the last 5 books.

Shego got a message.

Shego: Thanks girl, talk later.

Shego hung up.


Back at the Stoppable house, Shego turned to look at the girls.

Shego: Good news and bad news… There 6 more books to find, but we only know the location of 5 of them.

Shego looked at her message. It was a map app with 5 pinned locations.

Kim looked over her shoulder: Hey, that’s my house… I mean my parents' house.

Shego: There is only one signal there, so go there and find it.

Kim: Huh, you like to be the boss huh… Come Monique.

Monique looked at Kim with a very loud speaking gaze.

Kim: Uh I mean… will you please help me, Monique?

Monique: Sure thing girl… The girls left the house after saying goodbye to Andrea.

Shego: There is another signal only five houses the other direction…

Tara: That’s Felix house. I can go there.

Shego: Do that my pet.

Shego gave her a juicy kiss. Jessica and Hope followed her.

Shego: Let me see… and then there is one at… Ooooh… Ain’t that your house Sugar-tits?

Bonnie came over an looked. There was a signal at her house.

Shego: Been making homework with Ron? I thought you only had sex when he came over?

Bonnie: S-Shut up!

Bonnie stormed out.

Adrena: Where are the others?

Shego: Well… it’s hardly a surprise we would find one there… is it?

Adrena looked at the phone. She then giggled.

Adrena: No, not surprising at all.


How long had it been…?

Ron had no idea… he had finally managed to dust off all the books, and yet he was still nowhere near done… It was vastly approaching midnight and thanks to all the dust his eyes were sore and he couldn’t see anything but letters.

Ron had found a nice little place where he could sit down for a while, and catch his breath… he had been transporting hundreds of books and placing them on their rightful shelves. He was beat.

He wasn’t sure how long he could rest… but he knew she would find him, and tell him to get back to work.

Could it be any worse?

Yes… his cock was as hard and solid as British Oak Timber.

At this point of day he would usually have fucked the entire Cheersquad and many other of his girls. Shego alone was the wildest caretaker of his sexual desires. He was at present so used to it, the absence was beginning to mount on him.

He was trying to ignore the pain and that left him open… she had once again found him, and she had once again snuck up on him…

Hatchet: Aww… are you tired, young Stoppable?

Ron was too tired to jerk this time… he looked up at her. The stone cold demeanor was crushing at this hour.

Ron: Please Miss Hatchet, have a heart… I beg you…?

Miss Hatchet made a wobbly lip and somehow her mocking pity face seemed even more cruel.

Hatchet: Are you tired Ronald Dean? Oh I have something you can do while sitting down. Or at the very least, standing and just walking around. Surely you can manage that…

She brought out a gigantic roll of…

Ron: Labels?

Hatchet: One for every… single… book…

Hatchet blinked slowly like a cat and smiled… as she walked off Ron heard her laugh maniacally.

Ron looked at his new assignment and reluctantly stuck out his tongue and licked the first label…

Ron: Yuck! Disgusting… Oh man… what I wouldn’t give for a Grande Naco menu right now…


In the meantime Kim and Monique had arrived at Kim’s house and she and they were now searching the joint, top to bottom. As they did they met Ann who just came home after a long shift.

She noticed them crawl over the furniture.

Ann: Can I help you girls?

Kim: Yeah, mom, Ron is in trouble… we are looking for a library book.

Ann: Aha… and uh… is it here?

Monique: Yes, according to the signal…

Ann: Right… Do you know what book?

Kim: Uhhh, not really no, but we do have a list.

Kim showed her mom the list of and the ones that had been scratched were the ones they had already found.

Ann: Hmm… have you checked your room yet, Kim?

Kim: No, Ron and I usually sit down here and do homework.

Ann: True… But… when you do homework at YOUR room, usually stuff gets knocked over… rolls of the bed… perhaps… slides under stuff hard to reach… You and Ron are very wild…

Kim blushed and Monique looked at her. Then the girls made their way to her room. Ann shook her head. She walked to her room and started undressing.

She wanted a shower. She needed a good long shower before she drove over to the Stoppable Mansion. She needed sex tonight. And Ron was gonna fuck her tonight no matter what trouble he was in.


At the Renton House, the doorbell rang.

Maria Renton opened the door. She was only dressed in a nightgown.

Maria: Who on earth could it be, at this hour?

Maria opened and saw 3 girls, Tara, Hope and Jessica. She knew them well… through Ron. They had so much fun at Lake Middleton this summer.

Tara smiled at her with her divine smile.

Tara: Hello Mrs Renton, sorry to disturb you.

Maria: Hi girls… Ron isn’t here.

Jessica: We are not here for Ron, Mrs Renton… we are here to help him.

Maria: Help…? Is he in trouble?

Hope: You betcha… He has failed to return library books on time so he is stuck with that vile Miss Hatchet.

Maria: Oh dear… did he say a book was here?

Tara: No, but we have sorta traced it here. Is it ok if we look around for it?

Maria: Of course… Let me help… Perhaps we should check Felix's room.

Tara: He doesn’t mind?

Maria: No, he is visiting some family in Upperton.


At the Rockwaller house everything was calm… when…


Bonnie’s howl was heard throughout the entire house. Tonnie came into vision in her youngest daughter's doorway, and looked at her.

Tonnie: Bonnie, why are you yelling?

Bonnie: I am looking for a book…

Tonnie: What book baby?

Bonnie: I don’t know!

Bonnie was checking under her bed… There was a lot, but no book.

Tonnie: Well, how about you check the shelves in the living room, that’s where we keep our books.

Bonnie: I am not looking for one of our stupid books, I am looking for a library book… One of Ron’s library books!

Tonnie raised an eyebrow: Why would Ron bring a library book over here? You two never do your homework when you are over here. You only fuck like crazed bunnies on Viagra.

Bonnie blushed.

Bonnie: If you aren’t gonna help me, then go away!

Tonnie: Bon-Bon, of course I want to help you, but you have to think this through. If the book isn’t in your room, and it’s one of Ron’s… Then there is a way to figure out what book it is. Since you only fuck when he comes over, it can’t be a book of knowledge needed for studying… it must have been one you have either taken without his consent… or one he has borrowed you without knowing it wasn’t really his to give away.

Bonnie looked at her mom. It was incredible how she always managed to keep her head cold, and then she brought out her phone.

Bonnie: I have a list. Look…

Tonnie looked over all the titles. There were 6 left.


Shego and Adrena arrived at the Restaurant known as Bueno Nacho. They parked the car and got out.

Adrena: Are you hungry as well?

Shego: Book first, food later. And if you are hungry imagine how hungry Master is…

Adrena felt a sting and she ran into the restaurant.

Adrena: Let’s buy some food for Master!

Shego rolled her eyes: BOOK FIRST! Food later!

They entered the store and it was hard to tell… where the heck they would find a book in here…

There wasn’t anyone. Except for one clerk at the register.

First things first… Adrena began to look under the tables but Shego walked up to the register to talk to the clerk.

Shego: Hi there.

Ned: Bueno, what can I do for you?

Shego: I am looking for a lost book.

Ned: A lost book?

Shego: Yeah, do you have a box with forgotten or left items? See we have tracked the book to this location.

Ned: We do. What is the title of the book?

Shego: See that’s the problem, I don’t know, but I can look inside the box and take a look I can tell easily enough.

Ned: Sorry, but unless you can describe the specific item to our satisfaction we aren’t allowed to hand anything over. Security Policy.

Shego’s smile vanished a little. She took a close look at Ned. Nerd, unattractive, zits and glasses.

Virgin… she said to herself.

Shego took a deep breath and thus allowed her tits to rise and fall under her.

Ned was clearly drawn to them.

Shego smiled again.

Shego: Now…

Shego looked at his name badge.

Shego: Ned… you are in the business of transaction… How about a deal?

Ned: Excuse me?

Shego: I need to look in the box of lost items to find the thing I need. How about a trade… tit for tat?

Ned: What do you suggest?

Ned looked a little skeptic.

Shego: If you let me see into the box, you get to look at these puppies.

Shego squished her huge hooters together and Ned blushed.


Ron was walking up and down the aisles pretty much with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He kept pulling another label of the roll, and slid it over his tongue and stuck it on a new book.

Ron: Well… the positive thing… it can’t get any worse…

Hatchet: Oh Ronald…

Ron felt a shiver crawl up his spine… He walked to the end of the shelf and looked at the front desk… the iron throne of the library tyrant.

Hatchet: I am soon ready to go home. Come over here.

Ron gulped… wondering what new torture she had in wait for him.

Hatchet was still sitting in her chair. Her menacing smile was a threatening sign.

Hatchet: Sit down…

Her words were an order, and Ron sat down in front of her.

She crossed her legs right in front of him.

Ron was so terrorized he didn’t even notice the color of her underwear…

Hatchet: Remove my shoe…

Ron did as she commanded, and gently removed her… very classy high heel. Black… as her heart, but with a shiny shimmer, unlike hers.

Hatchet: Now massage my feet… And be gentle…

Ron gulped… with some difficulty, his tongue was incredibly dry…

Ron: I wonder what the girls are doing…?


At the Rockwaller house.

Lonnie was resting on her bed with headphones on. She was naked, as per usual, but unusually, she was reading a magazine while chewing some strawberry bubbleicious. She made a bubble and it bursted over her lips.

The door opened but she didn’t notice it.

In walked her baby sister and her mom.

They began to look all around her room. When they did this, Lonnie started noticing, and looked up from her magazine. She removed her headphones and looked at them both.

Lonnie: Can I help you?

Tonnie: I don’t think so, baby, just go back to what you did?

Lonnie: Why are you in my room?

Bonnie: You heard mom, go back to doing your thing.

Lonnie: Mommy, Bon-Bon is mean…

Tonnie: Girls, stop fighting, you know I hate it when you do… Sorry Lonnie, we are looking for a book.

Lonnie made an unhappy sound. She once again focused on her magazine.

Lonnie: Sometimes mom I feel like you don’t even know me…

Tonnie: Whatever do you mean, my love?

Lonnie: A book? In my room? You will find that the day they find life on Mars.

Tonnie nodded… not because that fact made her happy.

Lonnie: Connie is the smart twin, go invade her private space if you look for a book.

Tonnie smiled and petted her daughter's perfect butt.

Tonnie: Baby, I have already checked your sister's room, and it wasn’t in there.

Lonnie looked at her mom, made another bubble with her gum and it bursted.

Tonnie adored her girls. They were all 3 perfect in their own way.

Tonnie: Lonnie, remember when Ron was over a while back.

Lonnie: Mmhhmmm (yes)… I do… Bonnie screamed so loud when he fucked her that the neighbors thought someone was in dire need of assistance and called cops and an ambulance.

Bonnie blushed and pouted.

Tonnie stopped her youngest from responding.

Tonnie: Not that time, baby… the other time… the more recent time…

Lonnie made a bubble and burst it again.

Lonnie: Oh yeah… Ron came over and had sex with Bonnie in the living room…

Tonnie: I know that, baby, I was there, but did you notice if he brought anything with him?

Lonnie: Nah, just his bag, his huge cock and that book he tried to read while Bonnie sucked his cock.

Tonnie: What book was that?

Lonnie shrugged: I dunno, I don’t read…

Tonnie patted her daughter’s butt again.

Tonnie: Think baby… what did it look like?

Lonnie, clearly bored, made a loud sigh.

Lonnie: It had a pretty illustration on the cover… something something - Dellon… Something frustrated nerds love to read. Whatever… it must be in Bonnie’s room.

Tonnie: But it isn’t in Bonnie’s room, baby… now… Was Bonnie the only girl who got some action that day or… Did you have some fun with Ronnie as well?

Lonnie blew another bubble and looked at Bonnie behind Tonnie. Bonnie didn’t look very happy.

Lonnie: No…

Lonnie said it through the bubble.

Tonnie: Lonnie…

Lonnie had tried to look away, but she still had a bubble in her mouth.

She finally burst the bubble.

Lonnie: … Yes…

Bonnie: I fucking knew it! You little whore!

Lonnie: Ronnie isn’t yours, Bon-Bon!

Bonnie: He IS mine!

Tonnie: Girls! Now… Lonnie… Did you have fun with Ronnie, in here?

Lonnie: Yeah…

Tonnie: And is there a chance he read the book while in here?

Lonnie: I don’t know… I just sucked his cock and fucked him…

Tonnie looked around… it wasn’t that long ago… Tonnie had to imagine how it had happened. Ron, trying his best to read, while being sucked and fucked by Lonnie.

Lonnie could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, so he would most likely have dropped it in sheer orgasm. The boy was right handed that meant… up by the wall… and if he was in the middle of reading it it would have been open and therefore slimmer and could get stuck behind the…

Tonnie crawled over her daughter and moved the bedside table and wouldn’t you know… there was a book. Along with two thongs and…

Tonnie: A police badge…?

Lonnie bursted another bubble.

Tonnie: Lonnie? What did you do?

Lonnie: Nothing… I convinced the cop to let me go…

Tonnie: If you fucked him?

Lonnie bursted another bubble: Whatever… you got your book, and I didn’t get a speeding ticket… all is well…

Tonnie: Oh I am most definitely talking with you about this in the morning!

Tonnie took the book, the badge and the thongs and left the room with Bonnie. Bonnie got the book.

Bonnie: The Children of Eindellon… Great!

Tonnie: Well you got your book, honey. Now go to sleep.

Bonnie: Can’t mom, I am going back to the mansion.

Tonnie: Oh you most certainly are not, it’s way too late. Ron will just have to wait until tomorrow.

Bonnie: MoooOOOM!

Tonnie: Brush your teeth and Bedtime!

Tonnie didn’t yell, but she was firm.

Bonnie stomped back to her room and slammed the door.

Tonnie: Holy Mackerel, Ron’s dick truly is addictive…

Tonnie got a look in her eyes… as she remembered it’s perfect shape and wonderful size…


At the Possible House Kim and Monique had finally found what they were looking for in Kim’s room.

Kim: This is really embarrassing…

Monique: Why?

Kim: Because I borrowed this book from Ron to make my report on the Roman Empire…

Kim looked at the cover with a sad frown on her face.

Kim: I am partially to blame for Ron’s predicament.

Monique: It’s okay Kim. Ron would have gotten into trouble even without this book. Let’s just hurry and get it back to the mansion.

Ann: If you girls are going to Ron’s mansion, then I can drive you.

Ann Possible stood in arguably her hottest dress. High heels, and she looked all dolled up.

Monique let out a whistle.

Monique: Dang girl, what a freaking Sex Bomb! Are you out to impress somebody?

Ann: Hehehe, no just ‘Someone’… But come, I can take you guys home.

Monique and Kim stood up to follow Ann to the car.

Monique: Damn, your mama is as hot as the inside of a Volcano.

Kim: Yeah… I know that…

Kim wasn’t all too happy. She knew at this point her parents' marriage was all a sham, and it was ending sooner than later.


Tara: Found it!

Tara yelled as she got to her feet after locating the book Animal Farm on the bookshelf in Maria Renton’s home.

Tara pulled it from it’s place and checked it.

Tara: Yes, it’s the one!

Maria: Wonderful. Oh my I must have mistaken it for one of my own… Now… do you girls need a lift home?

Tara and the girls looked at the clock. It was rather late.

They all nodded and Maria smiled at them.

Maria: Let me get a coat, and then let's get to the car.


Ned: NO!

Shego: What?

Ned: I… I have to say no… it’s against policy and, and… I could lose my position of trust.

Shego: Oh for crying out loud, no one will ever know!

Ned sorta nodded at the ceiling, and Shego took a gander… There was a surveillance camera.

Ned: Unless you want your… ‘puppies’… for all to see then you better reconsider… This ain’t a Hooters restaurant…

Adrena giggled.

Shego: Fine… no boobs for you then… likely the only chance you would ever get to see any… you damn incel…

Ned: W-Wait! I never said I didn’t want to see them!

Shego looked at him.

Ned: It’s just… not here… and not… not with the internal cameras active…

Shego: Then what?

Ned looked over his shoulder. Then he leaned in.

Ned: Order some food, and meet me outside behind the restaurant.

Shego nodded.

Ned: Now, what can I serve you?

Shego and Adrena ordered a substantial meal. They knew the appetite of their Master, and he would need some serious energy to do what they craved of him.

Outside, in the dark they stood and waited for their food. Ned came out with their bags and then stood ready to look at some hooters.

Ned: Well?

Shego shook her head: Oh no… without a box of lost items, not hooters for you, Mr manager…

Ned: But…?

Shego: You know the concept… payment first, then you get your meal…

Ned got a nervous tick but then he went back inside.

Adrena: Are you seriously gonna let that creep look at what I still consider Master’s boobs.

Shego: To help Master… I will let that little creep look at them… After all… it will be more akin to a punishment for him…

Adrena: How so?

Shego: Because he will never see anything like it again… and that will haunt him forever.

Adrena smiled: You are really a sadist.


Ron was still massaging the feet of Miss Hatchet.

He had to admit, of all the chores she had set him to… this was by far the easiest.

Frankly, she had really beautiful feet. They were very small and womanly. Well kept, warm and dry.

Ron was struggling to stay awake at this point. He was sure he was gonna collapse if this kept up.

Hatchet: Tell me about your life Ron…

Ron made a frown.

Hatchet: I have been told you have a modern day harem… Isn’t that a little odd… in our modern society?

Ron: Well… I… I don’t know… I haven’t chosen to make a harem… It just sorta… happened.

Hatchet: Just… sorta happened…? Hmmm…

Hatchet reached out for a book. She looked it over and then showed it to Ron.

Hatchet: And when you gave me this book to help that awful Kimberly Ann Possible out of her predicament last year… nearly giving me a heart attack in the process… Did that also just sorta happen?

Ron looked at the book. It was leather bound with old style metal corners in what looked like brass with jade stones engraved.

Ron remembered instantly… it was the ancient text of the Phantom Monkeys… the book Ron had stolen/saved from Monkey Fist last year in his search for the book he had - borrowed - from Kim…

Ron looked up at Hatchet…

She looked back at him… harshly… But there was a… a hint in her face… the stone cold facade was broken and instead there was a… hurt woman looking at him.

Ron: Well I… I…

Hatchet removed the book and placed it on her desk.

Hatchet: You know Ronald… I know fully well what they call me…

Ron blinked.

Hatchet: Oh yes… Bloody Hatchet, Hater Hatchet… Hated Hatchet…

Ron saw something he had never seen before… in this woman… whom he had always assumed were as tough as an Oak Tree’s roots and as hard as Damascus steel.

He saw… vulnerability…

Hatchet removed her glasses and pulled out a handkerchief to dry her eyes.

Hatchet: I never got many chances in life, Ronald… but I… I enjoy being a librarian… Watching young people come and go and… in some cases squander every single chance they get… either to deliver a book or make something of themselves.

Hatchet took a little break.

Hatchet: I was never the prettiest girl, I was never the most intelligent girl, but I always set an honor… in keeping things in their rightful place. I enjoyed systems and a clearly structured order. And for that… I have gotten nothing but ridicule and disrespect… nothing but cruel nicknames…

Ron watched and listened… it was clear to him that this was very important to her… and it was possible… that it was the first time in her life that she had spilled this to anyone.

Hatchet seemed to steel herself. And she once again looked like the Iron Lady when she looked at him.

Hatchet: But nothing… nothing hurt me… like the cruel jest you played on me… Ronald Dean Stoppable…

Ron blinked and felt nervous.

Hatchet looked at him with both hurt and anger in her eyes.

Hatchet: I have had my car covered in trash… My lunch got spiced with chili… my shoes thrown up on the roof… My coat got stolen in the middle of winter… My house got covered with toilet paper… but nothing… and no one hurt me more… that Ronald Dean Stoppable…

Ron gulped. He tried to say something but one ice stare from the woman in front of him and he fell silent.

Hatchet: I sure hope that Kimberly was worth it, Ronald… worth my sleepless nights… my panic attacks… my fear of opening books… my now substantial bill to my therapist… I sure hope she was worth it…

Tears… tears rolled down over her face… and Ron felt utterly terrible… And the worst part was, it had been an accident… he had never intended for her to be scared or anything… only simply to deliver the right book back… but he had mistaken the two books…

Ron: I… I…

Hatchet: And to think I once thought you were adorable…

Ron looked up at her.

Hatchet seemed like she was at the limit of tears…

Hatchet: So dorky… so… careless… so… free… in many ways more mature than your age… able to take everything with the right attitude… and so… utterly brave… How many teenagers go skydiving without an ounce of training, just to help a friend…? No matter what that crazy Kim got into, you followed suit without hesitation… Courage is not an absence of fear Ron… but the ability to overcome it. That is what my therapist has told me… and also… to confront your fear… I have finally done it… confronted the thing I fear the most… So why Ron… why…

Ron looked at her with rising pains in his chest.

Hatchet’s eyes were now filled with tears.

Hatchet: Why am I still so terrified of you…? Why do I fear you at every moment…? Why am I still so close to passing out…?

Ron didn’t know what to say anymore… he was holding onto her foot as if to dear life…

Hatchet: And why Ron… Why does my heart still flutter like a little bird… whenever I see you…?

Ron didn’t have any answers… He had no answers at all…

They sat in silence… none had anything to say… After a while, Ron continued to rub her feet.


Ned came out the back door. He looked cared, like a fox who had just heard the sound of a dog nearby.

Shego: Ah, there you are… Now, let’s have a look.

Ned stood in front of the box.

Ned: Oh, no no no, I might be desperate to see some real life women breasts, but I am not dumb.

Shego: We had a deal, boy, so step aside…

Ned: Sure… you get to look into the box, and I get a look at your tits. Deal?

Shego: That was the deal, now move aside…

Ned: Gladly.

Ned stepped aside and behind the box, and the girls looked into the box. There were a number of items, and certainly something that could be described as a book, but the cover was face down, and Shego had an idea that Ned had made it such.

Ned: There… you have looked into the box… I hope you saw what you wanted.

Ned kicked the lid so the box closed and evidently locked.

Shego and Adrena looked at him.

Ned: Now… let them loose.

Shego smiled.

And then… she grabbed the underside of her shirt… she slowly lifted it up to the limit of her huge knockers. She whispered to them.

Shego: Sorry babies… but mommy has to do this to help your daddy… don’t worry… I’ll make him play with you extra long these next few days…

Shego: Alright… here you go…

Shego lifted up and Ned made the dumbest and most creepy look Shego had ever seen. She didn’t even look at him. She just looked at all places other than his face and slowly jiggled her tits.

Then… as she had counted all the seconds that matched the time she got to look in the box, she pulled her shirt down.

Shego: There… that should make you the king of your species… now… let's have it.

Ned seemed to return to his usual self… he had to shake his head though.

Ned: I… beg your pardon?

Shego: Stop being dumb, and hand over the book in the box.

Ned: Oh… Ohhh, you wanted something in the box?

Shego felt an urge to burn something.

Ned: Oh I am sorry… I just thought you wanted to ‘look into the box’… Sorry, but there is no way I can give you anything from the box…

Shego: We had a fucking deal, punk…

Ned: And that deal is now completed. Tit for tat… And now… I will bring the box back inside, where it belongs.

Shego: Look away Adrena, I am gonna kick some creep ass!

Adrena: No! No Shego… We can’t… Master wouldn’t like that… Rule #5… No hurting civilians…

Shego: He is no civilian, he is a rat faced cheater!

Ned sent her a smug expression that nearly ignited her glowing hands.

Adrena turned around to face Ned.

Adrena: Ned, we need that book in the box.

Ned: Oh, you do, do you blondie… Now… What is your flashy friend willing to show for that?

Shego snarled: Oh, I will show you a lot… including your own intestines!

Adrena had to stop her and hold her back.

Adrena: What do you want, Ned?

Ned: For the book? Hmm… I want to play with her boobs…

Shego: No fucking way!

Ned shrugged and opened the door.

Shego: WAIT!

Adrena looked at Shego…

Shego: Fine…!

Ned: For 10 minutes…

Shego: 30 seconds…

Ned: 5 minutes…

Shego: 30 seconds…

Ned: 2 minutes and I can push my face in between them.

Shego: 30 seconds and I promise that  I won't hurt you afterwards…

Ned: Deal!

Shego: Book first!

Ned: Book, after!

Shego growled.

Adrena: Open the lid and put the book out of the box then give when… when you are done…

Ned made a movement with his mouth, then nodded. He unlocked the box, opened the lid and got the book out and closed the box again.

Shego: Urgh… this is the worst…

Adrena: Don’t think I think this is funny…

Adrena was very miffed.

Adrena: Those breasts are Master’s property… we have no right to even consider trading with them. I have to make thousands of apologies to our Master after this.

Shego reached for her shirt: Take the time… I don’t want that creep touching me for more than I absolutely need to.

Adrena brought out her phone and set the timer.

Ned: Are you… are you ready?

Ned sounded even more filthy than it was possible to.

Shego growled at him.

Adrena: Alright… 30 seconds… starts… now!

Shego lifted up and Ned’s hands flew to her breasts. His hands were cold and sweaty… Shego made a face and reminded herself to take a LOOOOONG bath and scrub her poor babies thoroughly before even letting them near her Master.

Ned squished and pushed them around and it was clear to Shego, that this was his first time touching a breast that wasn’t his mothers. He was so bad, and he was so creepy… She glanced at him in one second and she saw how he drooled and gasped for air…

The theory of general relativity was explained by Einstein in the most perfect fashion:

When you put your hand on a hot stove, 1 second feels like an hour… when you have a beautiful woman on your lap, an hour feels like 10 minutes…

To Shego, these 30 seconds felt like 30 minutes… thirty long, horrible minutes…

When Adrena finally said: Time!

Shego was certain it had indeed been far longer than 30 seconds.

Shego pretty much showed his hands down with her shirt and Adrena had hopped over to snatch the book from Ned, so he didn’t try anything stupid.

Ned stood with dumb and enchanted look in his eyes.

Shego looked at Adrena and Adrena checked the book.

Adrena: It’s one of Master’s. Vestiges by A. N. Fissel. We got it.

Shego: Good… let's go home… I need a shower!


Vivian: Well well well… who would have thought… I never knew I could ever find this much fun in Science Fiction.

Vivian was holding up a book she had borrowed from Ron. She hadn’t realized before the girls set out that it was in fact one of Ron’s library books. She had only realized that after the signals had shown there were in fact 3 books at the mansion.

Jurassic Park by Michael Cricthon.

Vivian had found the idea of dinosaurs in the modern age rather… interesting. Unlikely perhaps… but impossible?

When she heard that word she merely wanted to overcome it.

But that was another matter.

Justine: That’s 19… and they are all on their way back…

Vivian: Sure… but where is number 20…? I managed to make a global scan, and there were still only 19 signals present.

Vivian made a frown.

Vivian: Perhaps Hatchet didn’t mark all the books.

Justine: Unlikely… Hatchet doesn’t leave a job half done. She always completes it… Whatever it takes.

Vivian: Then we have an issue… 19/20 books… that will most likely not sway Miss Hatchet…

Justine: No… She will not be swayed by almost all the books. 100% or nothing…

Vivian: Oh dear… Perhaps we should try to get a second hand copy of the book somewhere else.

Justine: Sadly… bad news… I have researched that possibility and… The mind of Women was a controversial book that went through a number of editions and republishments and… frankly… almost no copies of the 234th edition are available… The only issue of that particular book in our vicinity… was found in the Middleton Library… Emphasis on ‘was’…

Vivian: So… Ron Stoppable is pretty much under the thumb of Hatchet… Until he graduates…

Justine: I am afraid so…


The girls started landing at the Mansion. Tara, Hope and Jessica, followed by Kim, Monique and Kim’s mom Ann Possible for some reason.

Kim: Where is Bonnie?

Tara: I got a text, she said she would bring the book to the school tomorrow.

Kim shrugged: Might as well… we can’t go to the library now…

They placed all the books on the table in front of the couch.

After some minutes they heard a car drive up close to the front door. It was Shego and Adrena that came home.

They both entered and Shego stormed off, angrier than ever before.

Adrena walked over to the table and placed the book on top.

Tara started counting.

Tara: 18… we are still lacking…

Vivian came out to greet them: 19… I found another one here at home.

Vivian walked over and placed the last book on the top.

Monique: So we only lack one. Which one is it.

Vivian: Yeah… that’s where we have a problem… sit down girls…


Vivian began explaining the difficult situation they were in.

Not only were they lacking a book. They were unable to track it, locate it, find it or even replace it.


Liz: Oh no… that means Ron isn’t gonna be able to play… Hatchet will never let him go without that book.

Vivian: What is most strange to me is… why now…? Why did Hatchet wait this long to notify Ron… and why… Why didn’t Ron get any warnings from the library? And also… Of all the books… that can’t be located… why a book that is pretty much impossible to replace if need be…?

Vivian shook her head.

Vivian: There are way too many coincidences for this to be an oversight… From what I understand about Hatchet… she doesn’t make mistakes… and there have been too many mistakes…

Kim looked at her.

Vivian: There is something wrong…

As they all sat in their own thoughts, they heard that Ron returned home.

Tara: It’s Ron!

The girls all stood up and greeted Ron as he entered the door.

What they saw shocked them all.

Instead of a smilingly happy Ron… they saw a completely downtrodden and depressed Ron.

Tara: Ronnie? Ronnie, are you okay…

Ron couldn’t even answer… he walked right past them and down the dark hall towards the Master bedroom.

Something was wrong. They could all feel it.

Ron would never just walk past them like that… not without asking them how they are, or hugging them or kissing them.

There was something completely and deeply wrong.

In his bed… Ron was contemplating his entire series of choices throughout his life…

His heart had been moved by Miss Hatchet…

He remembered that awful incident… he remembered it vividly… and as always… he had made a huge mess… as always… he was more a burden than a help to anyone. And worst of all… he had no idea how to make up for this blunder…


Back in her apartment, Miss Hatchet was preparing herself.

Per her doctor's prescription she took a pair of pills to help her sleep. She still heard them in the night.

Those awful, awful cries.

She could see them still…

The burning red ghost monkeys… circling around her in a maelstrom of horror…

She walked into her bed, and placed her head on the pillow.

The confrontation with Ron had caused more pain than release from it.

Was she never to have any peace in her life again…?

And why… Why couldn’t her heart make a decision?

Did she hate Ron… or did she still… love him…?

She closed her eyes…

A second later… or so it felt… she woke up to the sound of her alarm clock.

The lack of a feeling of rest still lingered behind her eyes. She was so tired… she was so exhausted… but a new day of horrors awaited her…

She walked into her shower, got dressed and drove to her work.


Ron woke up to Shego riding his cock.

As always it felt amazing, and Ron… Ron himself felt like years of pent up release.

Shego: Oh fuck stud, Mmmh, oh fuck!

Shego lowered herself - what little she needed - so her tits landed on Ron’s face.

Shego: Suck my tits Master… Please… Please suck on my babies…

Ron heeded his instinct and grabbed both hoothers with his hands and began to viciously suckle on both of them after turn.

Shego: Oh YES! Yes! Oh FUCK!

Shego kept moving her ass and hips over Ron’s cock.

Shego: Oh fuck it’s good! I love you Master! I love you my perfect, wonderful and sweet Master… I love you so much…!

Ron couldn’t stop himself… not even if he had really attempted it.

He simply bursted out in a loud and wild roar… Ejaculating deep, deep, deep inside Shego’s pussy…

Shego: OOOOH FUUUUUUCK!!!… OH MY GOOOD! I love this so much!…

Shego curled over him  and she was shaking all over, before she finally rolled out again, and looked down on her lover.

Shego kissed him and smiled.

Shego: Hello there my own library book dodger…

Ron remembered everything… And he felt horribly… He gently but firmly pushed his lover off him and she landed on the bed with a little wimp and she looked at Ron a little confused.

Shego: Master, I was just kidding…

Ron: I know Shego, I know…

Shego: It’s just books… it’s no big deal…

Ron: Shego… do you think… it’s possible to be evil… without knowing it?

Shego was a little taken aback by this… This was such an unusual subject for her Master to bring up, it was almost like another person who sat in the grasp of her arms.

Shego: Evil… without knowing it…? Master… what is this…

Ron: Please just… answer… if you can…

Shego: Well… no…

Shego pulled Ron down on the bed.

And once again landed herself on top of him as if she wanted to mount him again

Shego: Attribute not to evil that which you can attribute to ignorance. And you Master… are NOT evil… I don’t think you have a gram of evil in your body. You are perhaps a little clumsy or dumb every now and again, but evil… not in a million years.

Ron looked into the green eyes he loved so much. He reached up with his hands to hold her face, and as he did it, he turned her over, so she was on her back and he was on top.

He gave her a long and deep tongue kiss.

He also spread open her legs, and for the second time this morning, impaled her pussy on his massive cock.

Shego howled and moaned. Her toes curled and she felt endless and endless orgasms from Ron’s merciless pounding.

Shego didn’t know, but Ron was trying to get his fill… as he knew he would need it… Today awaited even more unneeded tasks at the library.

No matter what, he knew he would miss this. The endless fucking of his girls.

He rammed into Shego again, and with explosive force he creampied her and filled up her womb with his warm sperm.


Ron was removed from extra curricular activities until his issue was resolved.

After classes, he was therefore back at the library where Miss Hatchet awaited him with more ridiculous and demeaning tasks.

He had brought 19 books with him the next day. Ron had been in shock that his girls had come together and with team work had managed to find the missing books and bring them to him.

He had been touched by it. Really… it had meant the world to him.

But there was still 1 book missing, so Ron had no choice but to once again lose practice and training, for Miss Hatchet.

There was no policy or even loophole. Miss Hatchet ruled surprise over the library, and in situations like this, there was nothing that could be done to circumvent her. That was why she was so feared in the school, by both students and faculty.

Ron came to the library to continue the former day's work. His girlfriends had promised to keep looking, but it was futile and he knew it. What was even worse… Ron had absolutely no memory of ever borrowing that book. He had certainly never read it.

Miss Hatchet seemed even colder today.

Ron had no idea if he had expected her to be perhaps a little less… hard on him, after their little exchange yesterday… but whatever he expected he was disappointed.

When she saw the books he had delivered she had an unsurprised and completely blank stare at him.

Hatchet: Well… you know what to do with them… Dust off, label, and replace.

She turned around and left him.

The hours passed by…

Ron was beginning to think he would be Hatchet's slave for the rest of the year… could she possibly withhold his graduation from him if he didn’t locate the book? Somehow he had a feeling that she wouldn’t accept any form of economic compensation…

And if he, by some miracle, found the book in a few weeks, the finale of the season was in 2 days… Ron was doomed.

The school would never forgive him for missing out on the game… he would once again be labeled the forever loser. And he doubted he could bounce back this time. Such rumors tended to follow a person to college.

Besides… Ron had a feeling… even with Shego’s morning pep, that he somehow deserved this…

He had done something horrible to Hatchet. He had perhaps not done it on purpose. But he had done it nonetheless. He was to blame… his idiotically short attention span….

Had he just left that book on Kim’s table back then, none of this would have happened… He was just a bumbling buffoon… an airhead… a complete and utter idiot.

Ron had been sitting in his self pity all day and when he was finally called upon by Hatchet… he was surprised how quickly time had passed…

Hatchet: Ronald…!

Ron was awakened… almost like from a… trance…

Hatchet: Did you not hear that I called you…?

Ron: I am sorry…

Hatchet: Apologies don't change the past, Ronald!

Ron: I know… nothing does…

Hatchet: But you will still listen to me.

Ron: What’s the point?

Hatchet: Excuse me?!

Ron: No matter what I do I always end up causing a mess of things… I am always in the way or a nuisance… Or causing harm to those who don’t deserve it… There is no point to my existence at all…

Hatchet blinked. For a moment, the Iron Lady seemed human.

Ron: And now… once again… I am causing problems… Just by being my own idiotic self… So… do yourself a favor, and just… leave me alone…

Hatchet was known as being cold, unsympathetic and unreachable… and yet… somehow… Ron Stoppable, managed to reach her heart… in his own way…

Hatchet then did something…. Perhaps unthinkable… She sat down next to the boy.

For the first few moments she sat there… like a stone statue…

Then… like a miracle… she began talking.

Hatchet: You know… you kinda remind me of myself… when I was your age… Defiant… careless… loyal… And also… I have not been…

She let out a sigh.

Hatchet: I have not been the most welcoming of people… not the most likable… But when people call you… whatever - long enough… you start believing them. It was not you who turned me this way, Ron Stoppable… I was already a dry, sour, unapproachable… snarky, old, bitch… But once… I was just like you… full of hopes and dreams… and I too felt that I threw it all away because… because of my own dumb faults…

Ron was silent for a while. He was happy that he had finally gotten her to talk to him, but he wasn’t sure if it had helped him.

Ron: I am just… constantly thinking… How many of my actions… has made others hurt… like I hurt you…?

Hatchet looked at Ron, and as she saw the pain over the young man's face… a warm and… long lost feeling of… empathy came over her…

Ron: I mixed up the books… I just wanted to correct my mistake… and ended up making an even worse one… It wasn’t Kim who was overdue back then… it was me… as usual… I am so… so sorry…

Hatchet understood.

She saw him… not only as Ron… but as the one… that got away… all those years ago… the one that broke her heart… the one… who followed his dreams… because he dared do it… Hatchet saw the past… right in front of her… and she understood… by chance or by divine providence… she was given another chance…

And for once in her life… She would seize it.

She closed her eyes and… she felt it… she literally felt how a stone was released from the chain around her neck… and the burden was lifted…

Hatchet: I… I forgive you…

Hatchet had never in her entire life spoken those words. Never had she thought she would. With endless pride comes shame… and the only opponent to shame is humility… and the only way to battle regret… is to take new chances… as if they were your last.

Hatchet looked at the downtrodden Ron next to her.

Hatchet: Ron… I forgive you…

Ron finally looked at her. And he saw the tears running down over her face.

She was so endlessly beautiful…

Hatchet and Ron opened their arms, and they initiated a hug… A hug to let all their bygones be bygones… Ron felt how warm and soft she was… the Ice Queen of the Library was actually as soft and warm as Flora King herself…

She smelled nice as well… Ron could smell paper, a perfume of flowers, a type of soap his mother also used… and… tea….

Hatchet was feeling how the warmth of her heart left her… only to spread out into her entire body… from her chest into her hair and toenails. She was completely relaxed in his arms… like when you first step down into a warm bath.

Who could have foreseen it?

Well if you, my dear reader, know Ron Stoppable just a little better than I do, then you would understand how predictable it actually was…

The draw of Ron was deeper than looks, deeper than personality… There are other forces that pull women in hordes towards Ron. You might have your own theories… Prophecies, gravitational waves, a question of personalities, godly intervention… whatever it is… whichever it is… or perhaps all of them… it works… and it still does.

Perhaps the first que was when Hatchet's cheek gently slided up against Ron’s cheek and they realized… just how close to each other they were…

Their lips were so close…

It must have felt like a temptation… but frankly… neither had a single thought in their mind when they first began… to gently touch each other's lips…

If Hatchet had reservations… she was no longer able to hold back… the boy was simply too lovely… and frankly… all her fears… all her anger… all of it… it had left her with his hug… like winter vanishes from the ground as the earth embraces the warmth of the sun…

The first kiss was like a test… an early shot… followed by another, more intense kiss… then another… and then… their tongues got to play a little and then… They were gnawing at each other's faces.


The kisses made Hatchet melt like butter in Ron’s hands… he had moved on from just holding her, to groping her huge breasts.

He was outstandingly good…

She had never been groped like this before in her entire life, and she loved every part of it… All she wanted was for him to continue. But she also wanted… to feel it… outside of her shirt…

She unbuttoned her shirt so her tits flew out to the world.

While still kissing her, Ron began to now not only massage her tits, but also pull, twist, turn and squeeze them with his hands… Hatchet was already in Nirvana at this point, but somehow Ron seemed to go to the next level with his amazing skills.

Call it magic, call it abilities… frankly it was nature…

Hatchet ended up resting on the floor of the library between two aisles of bookshelves, with Ron Stoppable on top of her.

The young man had removed her underwear… her skirt was pulled up over her ass… her tits were resting each to their side, and…

Hatchet was being showered with kisses… she knew what was going on, but she didn’t care… she didn’t care one bit. All her life she had been wanting this to happen. And it finally did.

Ron’s cock found the way to her opening… and with a gentle push and a little moan… she felt how her entire world turned bright white as all memory and thoughts left her…

It took several minutes for Hatchet’s brain to recover. And when she finally did, she was struggling to focus on anything. But she managed to find the face of Ron Stoppable… his features were blurred because of the light from the ceiling above them.

Ron: Miss Hatchet… Miss Hatchet are you okay?

Hatchet lifted her arms and placed them around Ron’s neck. Then she pulled him down for a kiss…

Hatchet: Ron… from now on… Call me… April…


There is something exciting about libraries.

It’s the rules.

Don’t cause disturbance, don’t interrupt by making noise, and don’t create a mess.

It’s the centerpiece for society.

A shared space, where everything and everyone is welcomed. To restrict a library is to restrict knowledge and that is detrimental to society.

All knowledge should be available. It’s what you do with said knowledge that is important.

Ron and now, April, were going at it… hard…

This was April’s first time after all.

Ron however couldn’t just have her on her back and plow her like a wild animal. Although he did.

And he enjoyed it.

She was incredibly tight and Ron felt how she was milking his cock.

As he managed to turn over over so she landed on all fours they picked up their pace. Ron rammed and speared her like a breeding bull.

He managed to release her long black hair from its bun and it fell down over her face. As it was now free, he collected it in his hand and pulled it back hard to make her back make the finest arch possible.

This made her pussy even tighter.

Somehow Ron managed to land on his back, and April was riding him like a stallion. He could now focus on her absurdly huge breasts. They were a feast for him. He was playing with them, enjoying them as the wonderful feeling of her tight pussy creamed all over his cock to compensate for the new experience.

April was enjoying herself as well… although the unusual size of Ron’s was something of a test for her first time.

She was a wild rider, and tears kept landing on Ron’s face. She was moaning and huffing. But she was caught in a deep and true ocean passion. She was unbending, and unrelenting. She wanted to weather and ride this storm, all the way to the end.

Ron felt the rising tide of bubbling madness that all men know. The magma of blood that rises to your head and fills your body with tension…

Ron grabbed April’s ass and with the yet hardest thrust into her, he roared out loud:


And as he pulled her down again… He sprayed his sperm inside of her.


Half an hour later, after Ron managed to wake up April from her orgasmic bliss, Ron stood on his legs, with April sitting on her knees right in front of him. She was sucking and cleaning his cock, with her mouth.

Ron looked down on her with a smile. She looked up at him as much as she could, and he had his hand on her head. They didn’t say anything… But was there really anything to say at this point?

Other than… how they wanted to continue?

Because they did…


April told Ron she had long dreamed of being fucked over her desk, as if she was a book to be checked in.

She was now on her back, legs wide spread and with Ron’s cock trying to find a way to poke her lungs… Or so it felt for her…

Ron thought this was absolutely brilliant.

She was so hot!

There were some similarities to Shego, but a lifetime of indoor work had turned April’s skin almost milk white. Not sickly white, but milky white.

Her tits bounced with his thrusts, and she was still so amazingly tight.

After some time, Ron spun her around again, and once again took her from behind, just this time over the desk.

But after a while, Ron was laying on the desk, with April riding his cock like a freaking pro.

She was louder now. Perhaps because she was in a better mood, or because she had gotten several orgasms… but all in all, she was really into it.

As Ron once again came, she sucked his dick even harder and even more vigorous than before.

Ron: Oh fuck April… You are one thirsty bitch…

April mounted him again…


Ron and April went through all the most depraved and wild forms and positions imaginable. She was extremely fond of being carried like a peach, both front and back to Ron.

As Ron plowed into her standing in the middle of the library, she locked eyes with him.

April: Ron! Ron! I love you! I love you so much! Please! Please accept my love! Please! I beg you! Please keep fucking me!

Ron was also in the seventh heaven hearing this from her… this was a woman completely different from the lady he had once known…

He made a promise to himself… never again to judge a book by it’s cover.

He kissed her, and she knew his answer.

They kept fucking this way… all the way to the small hours of the morning.


The next morning.

Ron met April Hatchet outside the Library.

Ron: Uhhm… Hello… Miss Hatchet.

Hatchet looked at Ron. She had been home, had a shower and gotten new clothes, but you honestly couldn’t tell she had spent all night having sex.

She looked at Ron with a gaze that said nothing.

April: What are you doing here Ron? Don’t you have training? The finale is tomorrow. I expect you to win the trophy.

Ron was baffled.

He followed her inside the library. There weren’t many people as it was the end of the school day.

Ron: You… you mean… that… I am… I am back on the team?

April: Yes Ron, you are back on the team.

Ron: But… But I was lacking one book?

April: No you weren’t. I went over the system, and apparently there was a book that had not been registered correctly by mistake. It was on the shelf. You were only lacking 19 books. All 19 books have been delivered. You are reinstated on the team.

Ron smiled and he wanted to run and hug her. But as there were other students here, he restrained himself.

Ron and April stood in front of each other for a while.

Ron: So uhm… will I see you at the game?

April blinked and blushed: Well… I am not really drawn to such events but… I guess I can make an exception. After all… I am leaving the school for a while.

Ron opened his eyes and looked at her in shock.

Ron: What… What do you mean? You are leaving?

April: I am… I have over 5 months of vacation saved up over the years. I intend to use this to travel around the world. Like you do.

Ron: But… but… who will then be the librarian?

April shrugged: A proper replacement. Don’t worry about it. You just worry about your game and your school life Ron.

Ron felt disappointment. He had really looked forward to getting to know her.

April smiled and caressed his cheek: Cheer up Ron. We will meet again… as for now… I intend on doing that which my younger self never got to do. Travel, live, experience… the whole world isn’t in all these books… it’s out there… And I want to see it.

Ron nodded. He looked at her. She was indeed changed. It wasn’t only that her tight bun was today a topped ponytail, but it was also… her smile… she looked… so beautiful.

Ron: Well then… thank you April… Thank you for everything.

April: And thank you Ron…

She leaned in and kissed him.

April: Thank you… Now… get on going… You have a match to win.

Ron nodded, and as he left the library his eyes looked back at the woman who now sat behind her desk, as a student came up to borrow a book.

Ron smiled…

Actions have consequences. It’s the ability to cope with said consequences that makes it worth pushing through.

The end.



Man this was hot.

Nicholas Hernandez

This was amazing I hope we get a drawing of one of the sex scenes


Curious to see a story about when she comes back and they reunite

Gus Miranda

dude det er gode ting