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Daughter of Hippolyta, destroyer of men, Wife of Ron and mother of Ronacles - and many other demigod like sons and daughters 😂

Tempest will be an untamable force in the harem, and I am very much looking forward to have her enter the stories. Ron will have his hurdle with her, and he will have to show her how to like both the Ron who never backs down, and the Ron who is an absolute magician in the kitchen.

To those who perhaps haven’t watched the episode where Tempest‘s backstory is told in the Hercules series, she has parents - just like all others. It’s just, apparently that the roles on the island of the Amazons, the more traditional roles were… apparently reversed. Her father Darius, was the cook and seemingly housekeeper of the Palace - while still holding the title of King, while Hippolyta was the more dominant and aggressive warrior type.

What little we know of the the amazons it‘s clear it was a woman only society, but Disney actually took a chance and tried to reverse the roles - it was kinda fun, especially because Hercules had been told some silly things by his trainer Phil about women - think the usual 90’s stereotypical picture.

Hercules and Tempest shares some lessons in cooking and all hell breaks loose. 😂

It was actually a good episode, especially because it taught me, that it’s not a thing about helping those you think can’t help themselves, it’s simply that helping each other out, is the most human thing in the world. We are a social species and our greatest success stories are when we stick together and help each other.

Break a single branch with a single stroke is easy enough, break two is a lot harder.

About Tempest role in the harem.

Tempest will sorta become Ron’s life long bodyguard. Her day will contain mostly of training and practicing her skills with spear, sword and shield. Perhaps she will also practice the bow - a weapon that Greeks often called the Cowards weapon.

Tempest will likely shadow Ron wherever he walks and often take a simple gesture from strangers like an attempt on his persona.
Ron will have to teach her personally, as I doubt she will listen to anyone else but him.

I hope you like this work of her.

Yours truly




I feel like she and Rhea won't get along too well. And prehaps at some point Ron will be stuck between them. 🤭 Thank you for paying Tempest attention. I haven't exactly watched the show but i can see why she grabbed your eyes.😍 I don't know why but when i look at her i think of Adrena. 🤔 But i really appreciate the work you have made with her. Thank you. ☺️♥️

Julian Fratzscher

Does she practice unarmed combat with the Wrestling trio?


Does she have a rival in the Harem?

Runus Brewblade

I remember that episode. It was such a fun one and made me want to try cooking. Now I'm cooking for my wife and she absolutely loves my cooking