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Hey everyone.

This is the second part of the two girls from Ancient Greece that are getting acclimated to their new reality.

I hope you like it, and will have some enjoyment with it.

Yours truly

Dawn came to the new Stoppable Mansion in Upperton.

Ron Stoppable was stirring from his slumber. The first rays of the gentle sun reached him and he slowly began to feel like his brain was rebooting.

He felt he wasn’t alone in bed… But… that was rare these days.

His arms were wrapped around a woman he could tell… Her ass was pressed against his groin and he was clinging to her with his huge muscular arms.

Ron lifted his to sorta get a hint of who it was he had shared his bed with… But the long mane of silky soft reddish brown hair already gave him a hint, as the memories of last night swarmed back to him.

It was none other than Megara of Thebes.

The Princess of Greece. Ron remembered he had jumped her in the kitchen and later carried her to his bedroom. And here, they had continued and later slept.

He gently stroked the beautiful mane and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and she also let out a sigh of enjoyment.

Ron remembered that last night they had gone at it so wild, that he was pretty much stuck inside of her. She had clamped so hard down on him that he couldn’t get out.

Ron felt… and he was still inside her… with a little pull… he felt how his cock slowly slid out of her pussy and with a little slurpy sound… he was out.

Megara let out a moan and stretched a little in her sleep.

Megara: Ron…?

She said clearly in her sleep. Ron quickly hugged her in her sleep. Either to prevent her from waking up, or to… simply keep holding onto her. Ron wasn’t quite sure at this point. But it didn’t really help. Megara was waking up and Ron could see her slowly find him with her groggy stare.

Ron sent her a smile and Megara smiled back.

Megara: Good morning… Wonderboy…

Ron: Good morning Megara… Did you sleep well?

Megara: The god Hypnos has never given me such a good rest before in my entire life…

She raised one of her incredibly beautiful legs and stretched far up in the air. It looked like a fleshy obelisk of womanly perfection.

Ron reached out with a hand and began to caress the beautiful leg. All the way down from its attachment to her buttocks and as far up as he could reach laying down. Which was around the knee.

He was marveling at her flawless and endless beauty. Her entire figure seemed more like carved out of a man's deepest desire than just a random mix of fortunate genetics. Her curves and slim toned lines of muscles that were coated in her slightly brown skin… not unlike the Rockwaller’s tan.

Ron slided his fingers over her gentle crevices her skin made over her muscles.

Megara began to giggle as he gently caressed the inside of her knee.

Megara: Wonderboy, that tickles…

She bent her knee, but slowly lifted it again for Ron to continue his examination of her.

Ron was fascinated by her laughter. It wasn’t like Tara’s or even Kim’s. Megara’s voice was deeper, and had an enchanting, light hoarse effect to it. That made everything, and Ron truly meant everything she said, sound like she either toyed with him, or she perhaps flirted with him. She was like Amelia or Bonnie on steroids… She was a seducer… the seducer of seducers. Ron had a feeling she was fishing for a quick way out of her maid duty… and it was working… Ron was nibbling at the bait…

As he finished up marveling at her leg and was ready to move down to her cooch, he caught the gaze from her brown eyes with his own. She was smiling… an infatuated smile, that he had seen so many times before, in so many other women’s eyes. It was the smile and the look, that meant… she wanted something… Something he and only he could give her.

Ron leaned in and kissed her beautiful lips.

She was as sweet as honey and as spicy as diablo sauce. And easily as flexible as all of the cheerleaders in Ron’s harem.

Ron had just moved himself and her into position… her on her back with spread legs and him on top of her, ready to impale her pussy on his cock once again… when the door blasted open.

Ron and Megara looked. It was Selene. The head of Ron’s harem.

Shego: No way Barbie… that belongs to me!


Seconds later, Megara stood in the hallway carrying her maid outfit.

Selene had pushed Ron off her and pulled her out of bed with surprising strength for such a womanly figure. Megara wasn’t used to this treatment… or from such powers from said characters.

All she knew from her old life… was seemingly useless. Women in this day and age were… more than powerful… some were even dominant.

She stood with her maid uniform and let out a sigh… she had hoped that she could have avoided more of this horribly degrading work… when…

Ron’s face appeared in the doorway she was just shoved out of.

He was smiling and closed the door behind him.

Ron: Sorry Meg, but Selene has dibs on me in the morning. That’s just how it is.

Megara: That’s ok, Wonderboy. I am still learning the rules.

Ron’s smile was enchanting. She was infatuated with it, just as much as Ron was with her.

Ron looked at the maid uniform she was trying to figure out to get back on.

Ron placed a hand on her arms.

Ron: You are officially off Maid duty, Meg. Go and find the girl named Vivian. She will help you to learn the ropes around here. I will tell her in advance that you are cleared.

Then Ron gave her one of his jerseys and told her to wear it for now, until she got some new clothes.

Much like Selene, Megara filled out the jersey and she looked really hot with most of her butt exposed.

Megara looked both relieved and also… a little embarrassed or… was it excited? Ron still had some trouble recognizing the differences between the two.

A loud moaning shriek was heard from inside his room and Ron rolled his eyes. It was Selene’s; I-am-unsatisfied-sound.

Ron: Gotta go… remember to find ‘Vivian’. Hot blonde girl, can’t mistake her.

Ron then gave her a kiss that turned into a tongue kiss… it only stopped when once again they heard the unsatisfied sound from Selene, just louder this time.

Ron broke off the kiss and went inside.

Megara: Every king has his Queen, I guess…

Megara started walking the halls of the mansion. In the beginning she had had some trouble finding her way around, but she was accustomed to large places. Being a princess meant she had her ways of getting around.

Megara found her way to the kitchen, and here she found several girls sitting around the tables eating breakfast.

Megara’s presence wasn’t announced as she was used to but some heads turned when she entered their proximity.

Including a blonde girl who’s name she had learned. Her name was Tara and she was truly blessed by Demeter and Aphrodite. Megara had rarely if ever seen a blossom that large. She would put any Royal wet nurse to shame. Her bright blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes made her into a real exotic beauty - From Megara’s views. Blue eyes was something she had never seen before, and blonde hair… that was rare in her time period. It was something only people touched or related to the gods could brag about.

Megara looked at the crowd who looked at her. Megara knew that they all measured her. But she was stone cold. She simply smiled as warm and silently as she was trained to do, and walked over to the kitchen table to get herself a cup of coffee. She was new to the drink, but she had already found it… great.

The rest of the girls went back to talking. Megara gave the coffee a little milk and then turned around to look at the harem of Ron Stoppable…

There were a number of blondes… In fact… There were many of them.

Tara sat and talked with a girl that Megara quickly overheard was named… Jess… She too was blue eyed and like Tara… a real beauty.

There was a blonde with shorter hair and athletic build. Megara wasn’t sure of her name, but her brown eyes put her aside from the rest.

Another blonde with shoulder length hair, blue eyes and a more womanly figure caught Megara’s eyes… In her own time period Megara had recognized such figures with women who had a few years on her back and at least one kid on her hips. But the woman herself was a puzzle. She looked very… sharp… like… mentally sharp.

Megara had acute powers of observation. She could tell a lot about a person by simply watching them over. A trait she had learned at court, where you need to asset your surroundings faster and better than all the rest to play ‘the game’.

Then there was a blonde who strutted around… butt naked… She was stunningly gorgeous and seemed either completely unaware or completely without care that she was naked. She too walked over to the coffee machine and poured herself a cup. She looked at Megara and Megara looked her in the eyes.

The blonde had a beauty dot on her right cheek over the mouth and she had enchanting green blue eyes. A very rare variant it seemed.

The blonde rolled her eyes and left her.

‘Not too bright’ Megara instantly noticed. ‘And not too good manners either’. The blonde didn’t even say hello or good morning.

Another blonde entered the kitchen, but she wasn’t going for coffee. Instead she went for one of the tea bags and added boiling water. She looked at Megara with only what could be described as an even more calculating and measuring look than Megara’s own. She then smiled… almost emphatically and walked off with a nod.

Megara noticed that her body was near perfect… if not perfect. She sorta thought she could be Vivian, but another woman came up to her and called her by the name ‘Kate’, so that wasn’t Vivian.

Two blondes entered the breakfast and both aimed for the coffee machine. Megara noticed her spot of choice was as always brilliant. All the harem seemed drawn to the coffee machine so here she could observe and asset them all from a close point, without drawing suspicion.

The two blondes were clingy and almost… no… certainly flirty.

One of the blondes took her coffee with a little sugar, and the other stuck out her tongue and instead took a glass of apple juice from the fridge.

The blonde with the coffee looked at Megara with a smile and when Megara looked her in the eyes she was… she was completely taken aback by the sheer beauty of her eyes…

They were blue but… looking into them… was like looking over the ocean of her homelands… endless blue, under the eternal sky… shimmering under the light of Helios…

Penny: Hi, I am Penny.

Penny reached out her hand in a gesture… Megara was new to this custom of greeting, but Ron had given her a quick lecture on how to act in this situation.

Megara took Penny’s hand and shook it.

Megara: Uhm… hello Penny… Nice to meet you…

Penny smiled and seemed to notice Megara’s position and her choice of spots.

Penny: Smart… You have a knack for finding the right place to observe your new family.

Megara quickly noted: Penny… blonde. Fantastic eyes. Bright and Observant.

Megara: I grew up among snakes in a royal court… I have been carefully trained to watch my step.

Penny: I understand. But there is no need to be careful around these girls. The best thing to do, is actually to just… jump into the thick of it… that’s my experience. But that’s your own decision. Talk later.

Penny walked over to the other blonde she arrived with and Meg heard her call her; ‘Mads’.

Meg thought to herself: Observant and bright perhaps… but unbearably naive.

A new blonde entered with a group of girls. The youngest Megara had yet to see in the harem. She quickly learned her name. The others called her Peach and like Mads she wasn’t after coffee but juice. She looked at Meg and Megara got a smile as a greeting.

She then sat down and began to eat.

Megara wasn’t sure this was an effective way to locate said; ‘Vivian’.

A redhead entered the kitchen, followed by a black woman who Megara quickly mistook for a goddess in human form, and… Alcmene…

The sight of Alcmene was oddly relaxing for Megara.

In their past life, Megara and Alcmene would have little to nothing in common or to share. Alcmene was a peasant and Megara and princess. Though it was a possibility that they could have met under the right circumstances… and also… it had happened.

Megara didn’t really want to think what would have happened to her under Nessus' treatment in his captivity. Centaurs were not known to part with what they considered… theirs…

But the very fact that there was someone else in this place… who Megara had something in common with gave her a huge sense of relief.

Alcmene was being treated like she herself was a goddess by the redhead and the black girl. They fawned and swooned over her like playful puppies.

Alcmene seemed to enjoy the attention and also… she seemed more beautiful than ever. The 21st century clearly agreed with her.

Megara was not blind to the beautiful sight that often could be a woman of common heritage. Back home, she knew her father had several bastards with commoners. While Megara was a product of careful breeding, Alcmene was more likely a fortunate keeper of rare and great traits earned from her clouded ancestry.

But the sight of Alcmene was, however, oddly welcome to Megara.

A little bit of home, here in an age completely unknown.

A brunette came up to the coffee machine and brewed her a cup. Megara was taken aback… There were some incredible beauties in Ron’s harem. This one in particular was a truly blessed one.

Megara saw how flawless her body was, how well formed her butt was and the excellent shape of her tits. She had long slender legs and her back made a wonderful curving form. The hair was shining like silk and seemed to flow around her figure like an ocean.

And to top it off, it looked like she had just rolled out of bed. No bath, no brushing, no nothing. She was dressed in only a small and skimpy nightgown of silk and nothing else.

Amelia: Good morning, Megara.

Megara was a little taken aback.

Megara: You… Do you know me?

Amelia: Sure. Princess Megara of Thebes. One of the new girls. Welcome. I am Amelia Rodriguez.

Megara took a closer look, and began to make assessments on the brunette.

Her looks spelled that she had been an admired beauty by her peers. In Megara’s time period wars would have been fought over a woman as beautiful as her. And to the victor the spoils.

It was clear to Megara by the way the brunette was dressed that she knew and understood how beautiful she was, and how admired she was. Megara had enjoyed the same awe, respect and admiration.

Megara took a safe bet and attributed a lot of her own traits to this brunette Amelia - calculating, confident, measured, adored and… dared she say it?… Spoiled.

Megara did send Amelia a smile. This was something she knew and understood. The game.

Ron’s harem might be a harem, but it was also a court, and where there is a court there is a hierarchy, and where there is a hierarchy there are opportunities for advancement. The game was on.

Megara: Hello Amelia… Nice to meet you…

Megara sent out her left hand in an attempt to greet proper. Amelia smiled and took it with her right.

Amelia: Thank you, and we always use the right hand for the greeting.

Megara nodded: Noted.

Amelia and she stood a few moments in silence.

Amelia: So… anything you wanna try out in the 21st century?

Megara: Well… I was told by Ron to go and find Vivian… he said she was blonde… Thought I might find her here where all the ladies come for breakfast… but I haven’t seen or heard anyone by that name.

Amelia: That’s because Vivian rarely rises this early in the weekends. She stays up late and plays computer games… I know, it’s complicated to explain, but… if you really have orders from Ron to go and meet her, then, I can take you to her.

Amelia sat down her cup and walked out the kitchen. Megara hesitated for one moment and then she followed suit.

They walked down a long hall with doors on both sides and a window at the end. Some of the doors were open, and some were closed.

They came to an almost hidden staircase at the end and walked upstairs. Here was the same floor plan, but with fewer doors. Megara suspected it was because the doors kept larger rooms. Like in her fathers palace.

They came to a door unremarkable from all the others. Amelia knocked on the door.

Amelia: Vivian… Is the High Queen of all mortal men arisen?

Megara frowned her eyes in confusion. This was the first time she had heard such formal speech. And also… What and who was this Vivian?

There was a loud groan inside the room and a few moments later the door opened.

Megara gasped… So this was Vivian…

In the doorway stood easily the most beautiful woman in all Ron’s harem. A woman, who’s beauty would put Hera, Aphrodite and Athena to shame. The blonde was tall, naked and had long straight hair, wonderful breasts and a look in her blue eyes that spoke their clear language that she was tired and her patience was limited.

Vivian: We are… What do you want?

Amelia: Nothing Vivs, but Megara here has been sent by Ron to find you.

Megara felt a little uneasy. When Vivian looked at her she seemed a little… annoyed, but then she seemed to light up under a little smirk.

Vivian: Ah… the stowaway princess… I thought we got everything covered once you arrived.

Megara was not fond of remembering it. She had been injected with a ton of different needles, some that made her feel really sick. But as she became all well again, Ron had explained it was to keep her from getting sick in the future. Megara didn’t understand half of it, but she understood it was well meant.

Megara: Well… Ron said to find you, and… well… isn’t Ron’s word the law, to us…

Vivian smiled broader: At least you are acclimatizing well enough.

Amelia: I think Ron perhaps meant to let her go outside the mansion for a while… under supervision… and for that she needs a phone, a card… You know… the works.

Vivian: Ahh, is that all… well I can sort that out right here. Come inside.

Vivian opened the door and walked back inside. The room was held in shadows, but the light of morning was ever penetrating. The room was a little smaller than Ron’s Master Bedroom. But it was much larger than the room Megara had received. The bed was huge and in it were two women… a blonde and a black haired woman. Both looked like they were completely exhausted. They were naked, and seemed like they had spent most of the last night having wild sex. Megara knew the looks on their faces well.

They were satisfied… but tired.

All snuggled up together, because… they were without a blanket…

Vivian: Don’t mind Justine and Belladonna.

Vivian walked over to her desk on which there was a large computer with several screens.

There was also a cabinet next to it.

She booted up the computer and opened the cabinet in which there were a number of smartphone looking devices. Megara remembered seeing Ron with one of those.

Vivian took one out of its canister and started to install it.

She quickly handed it to Megara and told her to hold it up and look into the camera and move it so her head was in the frame shown on…

Urgh! All of us who have had to do this know how annoying it is, and I don’t wanna go into too many details, but… Soon after, Megara was now the proud owner of one of Vivians special custom made Smartphones and a brand new debit card linked to an account.

Vivian: Now don’t go spend all of it on one go, but please see to it that you go and buy a nice wardrobe. Winter is coming, so something warm for the future could be a good thing.

Amelia: Don’t worry, Vivian… I will help her get a nice new wardrobe…

Vivian: For HER, Amelia…

Amelia: I know, Vivian… And uh… we kinda need to borrow some of your clothes…

Vivian seemed a little less inclined to do this.

Vivian: Why my clothes?

Amelia grabbed Megara’s boobs and flaunted them.

Amelia: Well… she will stretch out all of mine, that’s why… are you sure you are a genius?

Vivian rolled her eyes and walked over to the closet. It was hidden and locked with a password.

Vivian came out with underwear, heels and a neat dress in a calm purple color.

Amelia took the clothes and quickly thanked Vivian for her time and then pulled Megara out the door.

Back at Amelia’s room Amelia pretty much shoved Megara into the shower, and Amelia joined her.

The two ladies scrubbed each other and Amelia grabbed a razor after a while and began to shave Megara’s pussy.

It was already well trimmed, but she had been neglectful of her bush lately. Amelia removed every hair and playfully gave Megara a long lick deep in the flesh.

Amelia: Smooth as a virgin. Now it’s your turn.

Megara understood. Quid pro quo.

Megara grabbed the razor and though there wasn't much to tend, Megara gently slid the blades over the gentle silky soft flesh of Amelia.

As they both were done, Amelia and Megara stepped out of the shower to dry up with towels.

Megara took a little longer because of her massive hair. But when they were finally set and done, the two women got dressed up.

Amelia found a dress and some heels that resembled Megara’s ansamble a lot, and they walked down to the garage.

On the way they were met with several long stares from the other girls and also… They met Bonnie Rockwaller on the way.

Bonnie: Oooh, what’s this Amelia… found a new friend?

Bonnie’s voice was sugary sweet. Megara knew this tone. It was an attempt to hide the sting of piss.

Poorly conceded, but maybe, it had been the intent all along.

Amelia: None of your business, Bonnie.

Amelia’s voice was just as sugary. She grabbed Megara by the ass rather tightly.

Amelia: I am just going out to shop with Meg.

Bonnie: Ahh, our newest… addition.

Bonnie walked around Meg with a sly look in her face. Megara had to give the girl credit. She was a stunning sight. Her ass was completely round and looked hot from every damn angle.

But it was clear that Ron’s ‘family’ was not just claiming cute little bunnies… There was occasionally a snake or two in between.

This fact actually calmed Megara down. She could handle court serpents… it was the cute waddle bunnies she had no hold over. She never knew what to do with them. But the snakes… those she knew how to handle.

Megara: Wanna come with us Bonnie? I am sure we would have a blast.

Bonnie looked up at her. There was a measuring contest between the two.

Bonnie: I am not sure… I think I have had my daily dose of Amelia for today.

Megara: Suit yourself…

Megara shrugged and grabbed Amelia by the arm.

Megara: Let’s go Amelia.

Bonnie: But on the other hand…

Bonnie grabbed the other arm of Megara: I promised my RonRon to be welcoming to the new girl…

Amelia/Bonnie: Sssssssss…

The girls began laughing.

Megara had no idea what it meant and shortly felt… that she was truly in a den of snakes.


They drove in one of Ron’s cars. They were 3 so they couldn’t take the Porsche like Amelia had wanted. The BMW was okay as well. Megara had never seen the like before. They traveled with such comfort and speed that would put even Hermes to shame… Megara was in the front passenger seat. It had been rather funny to see her try to get into the car.

They drove to Middleton Mall and parked as close as they could to the entrance. The 3 gorgeous girls caught a lot of attention from every person there.

A guy out with his girl got a very evil glance from her as Megara passed them.

Bonnie snickered as they entered the doorway.

She knew the bitch. One of the cheerleaders from Lowerton. Seems she knew where that relation was heading.

Megara: Oh my… goodness… never in my life have I seen such… such…

The girls stood by the fountain at the center plaza.

Megara walked over to the water and she looked into the water that was teeming with coins.

Megara looked back at the girls: You pay tribute to the gods here?

Bonnie and Amelia giggled.

Amelia: No… it’s a sort of thing to wish for good luck.

Bonnie stuck a hand in her pocket: Or to lose your spares… but that doesn’t mean you can’t wish for luck to find some good discounts.

Bonnie flipped a quarter into the water and it plunged into the fountain.

Megara bowed her head in a gesture to the unknown deity who resided in this building.

Amelia and Bonnie pulled Megara with them to the stores of their choosing. Club Banana was a must.

Here they got her a good amount of tops, and some decent priced thongs and also some other necessities.

For some more high quality stuff, like heels and fancy dresses they sought out other stores Holly Boots and Janet Olay’s.

The girls were having a blast and as they walked out of yet another store carrying more bags, they decided to go for some lunch.

Megara was treated to some delicious pasta at the food court.

After the lunch they all sought some manicures and pedicures. Megara clearly enjoyed it. They all did.

As they left the mall, they were all loaded with bags, and even the trunk wasn’t big enough to hold them all. So they had to sit with bags on their laps, and Bonnie was squished into the backseat with Megara’s new wardrobe.

Megara: This was… so much fun… Do you do this everyday?

Amelia: Ah, not everyday… We have jobs, and college to tend to. Bonnie is studying to become a nurse, and I am studying economics. But we do this as much as we can.

Megara: Jobs… hmm… I wonder if… I should get a job as well…

Amelia: It’s not required, but it’s a good idea if you want a little extra to spend besides the allowance we get from Vivian.

Megara understood. Vivian was the keeper of the coin in the harem. She made a mental note to stay on her good side.

The ride home was uneventful and soon they arrived in the basement garage and started to upload all the bags to Megara’s room.

Megara’s room wasn’t small, but compared to Vivian’s it was smaller. But it was quaint and also… kinda nice. She did have a good size closet and they found room for everything. Including her new winter coat. All her shoes and heels.

Amelia: The snickers are for everyday things.

Megara nodded.

Bonnie: Heels are for when you want some action with Ron.

Megara: But I always want some action with Ron.

Bonnie: Then wear them all the time.

The girls giggled.

Bonnie: Seriously though, keep one set of heels as an indoor pair. Ron goes crazy whenever you wear them in bed. I would suggest these.

Bonnie took a set of black plateau heels from the shelf.

Bonnie: They were really expensive and they will last longer if you keep these babies as indoor pets.

Megara nodded. She removed the ones she was wearing and shifted to the black heels.

To both Amelia’s and Bonnie’s surprise, she was really adept in walking in heels.

Megara, still walking around in her heels, asked to try some of her new underwear.

Amelia threw her a black thong. Megara was surprised. She had learned to wear these things as a maid, but she was still in awe how… obscene these things were.

She had removed her dress and was naked besides her shoes.

She stepped into the first hoop…

Bonnie: That’s the back, Meg… step out and turn around.

Megara looked… the string… was meant to…

Megara: Oh dear…

Megara turned the thong the right way and… as she felt the string go up between her buttocks she felt utterly… cheap… she turned to look at herself in the mirror… the mirror was tall and showed her entire body.

Megara: Oh… great Apollo’s ghost… What… in the world…

She spun around to look at her ass… for some reason it looked completely different with the thong…

Bonnie let out a whistle and Amelia giggled.

Amelia: Looking good, princess!

Bonnie: Let me tell ya Meg, Ron is gonna jump you the moment he sees you in that.

Megara was still getting used to having the fabric so close to her…

Megara: Isn’t it a little… tight?

Bonnie walked over to her and grabbed her butt cheeks.

Bonnie: It’s meant to be tight.

Bonnie showed her in the mirror.

Bonnie: We all possess something that men with all their heart will do anything to stick their cocks into… that little string… that feeble stretch of cloth… represents the truest and most horrible form of frustration. Something that simple and so small… keeps them from getting access… to all that is holy to them.

Bonnie looked Megara closely in the eyes: It’s the most prestigious and advanced form of torture… That little string keeps them out. It drives them nuts.

Megara understood: Does… does Ron like them?

Amelia: Hehehe, he sure does… Sometimes when we all wanna tease him, we all walk around in nothing but a thong. It drives him totally bonkers.

Megara nodded again. She took another gander at her butt in the mirror.

Megara: Well… I guess it’s a question of getting used to it.

Bonnie: True that. You will be happy you did.

Bonnie released her hips and walked back into the closet.

Megara stood and spun around on the spot. Admiring her ass and hips from all angles when the door opened and in walked none other than Ron.

Ron: Hey girls, saw that you got back. Did you get some some some… Soooomeeehhehe…

Megara had just been watching how her back and ass formed when bent forward in her new shoes… Her butt was facing the door and Ron had a full view of all the forbidden fruit.

Megara found his eyes and she saw that he was eying out - everything… Megara stood up straight and turned to face him. She was getting flustered and with one hand she tried to hide her breasts, and with another her cooch… she still felt naked, sure… but it was the thong… it made her feel… indecent…

Ron just looked at her like she was something completely out of this world.

Megara: Uh, Ron… I uh…

She didn’t know what to say… When she sorta remembered who Ron was and where she was, she removed her arm and once again allowed him to see her body.

Megara: Do you… like it?

Ron smiled his heavenly smile and he briskly walked up to her and gave her a huge kiss. His hands had found their way to her ass and his tongue was already melting her brain with his kiss.

She threw her arms around his neck and lifted a leg to encircle his waist. It was like Ron’s hands were as if glued to her butt. He couldn’t remove them from her buttocks.

Megara was in awe of this magical undergarment.

Ron somewhat carried her to the bed, and laid her down on it. He was still kissing her like a man possessed and she was enjoying all of it. She aimed to remove the thong to begin what she knew was coming, but nope, she was stopped by Ron.

He ended his kiss, and for a moment Megara thought she had done something bad, but one look into his eyes told her she had done nothing wrong. He simply wanted her to keep her thong on. She obliged and felt how he firmly but gently turned her around so she was on her stomach. He then lifted her butt up in the air, and then Megara felt how he buried his face in between her cheeks.

His hands massaged her buttocks and Megara was feeling one of the most indecent and embarrassing acts in her entire life being performed on her…

Her lover, Ron Stoppable was… feasting on her… shamelessly in front of both Amelia and Bonnie… without even removing her undergarments… heck… she was still wearing the black heels.

Ron’s tongue work was… unbelievably good. He could make movements she didn’t even know were possible with a human tongue.

She was already so far off into the bliss, that she hardly felt the two bodies that entered the bed.

Amelia and Bonnie had both stripped down to their thongs, and were eager to join in on the fun.

Bonnie had placed herself over Megara’s body with her head between her legs, and her face over her ass, spreading her lush ass cheeks very wide so they could see all the glory.

Amelia had sat herself under Megara’s butt on the floor. She was now right under her pussy.

Bonnie: Enough with that cute pussy eating, Ron-Ron… time to ram that big Stoppable Dick into her…

Ron was already unpacking his huge cock from his pants… and before he could do anything to Megara, both Bonnie and Amelia aimed to suck it a little… If not anything then to get him nice and moist for the fucking of Megara.

Ron first lifted it up to Bonnie’s mouth. Bonnie eagerly began to suck him off, taking him as deep as almost only a Rockwaller could do it.

She made the most obscene sounds of pure pleasure while looking up at him with her huge green blue eyes. Ron loved it when she did that.

She kept eye contact as long as she could hold her breath - which was quite long… Rockwallers had incredibly good lungs.

She leaned backwards and sucked in a huge gasp of air.

Ron pointed his cock downwards so Amelia now could get herself a face fuck.

He aligned his cock with her beautiful mouth and then he gently, but firmly… shoved it deep, deep… deep into her throat.

Amelia wasn’t as adept in cocksucking as Bonnie was. Few girls were. But she had learned the basics on how to take Ron in his full length. She squirmed a little, but only because she couldn’t control the orgasm she got.

As Ron was finally balls deep into her throat, Amelia came, soaking her thong in her pussy juice.

Ron stayed deep down in her as long as he dared, and then he relented. He pulled out, to get the girl to breathe, and as she had gotten that life giving oxygen, he continued to fuck her throat.

Ron was holding on to Megara’s perfect ass. He saw how Bonnie was licking her asshole with her agile tongue. It turned him on. He quickened his pace with his trusts into Amelia’s throat. Amelia made sounds as if she was drowning, but it was all performa. She knew Ron enjoyed the sounds. Besides she and Ron had a code that meant - Stop! - and this wasn’t it.

Ron plowed her throat so well and so good, but in the end… he pulled his now saliva soaked cock from Amelia’s throat and mouth. She coughed and gasped, drenched in her own drool.

He aligned his cock with Megara’s pussy. Bonnie held the thong to the side and Ron, determined, showed his cock into her pussy, like you would a sword into its sheath.

Megara gasped from under Bonnie’s butt. Her eyes rolled and her mouth was open as if to ventilate her brain… because a lot was breaking down from all the major stimuli…

She was still getting used to Ron’s magnificent cock.

Bonnie: Wow… what a newb! She is like totally cumming from the first shove!

Ron kept pushing deeper and deeper inside, and then began to thrust. Megara still had a pusssy with a vice grip, and once again, he had the feeling that she was trying to milk him for his sperm.

But Ron once again resisted the urge to fill up her pussy and womb with his potent seed.

Amelia: Oh fuck it is so hot to see you plow her, Ron… You are like a merciless god…

Bonnie: Ron-Ron is the best!

Ron was feeling ready to burst out his first load. And he wanted to burst into Megara’s pussy.

He progressed with a fast barrage of hard hitting thrusts into her that left her whimpering and moaning pathetically.

She was already outfucked and ready for a break.

Ron pulled out of her, and then slammed right back into her, making her let out a howl, which grew into a scream as his sperm blasted out of his cock and into her womb with tremendous force.

He slammed his cock one more time, and once more, every slam resulted in an explosion of sperm into her innermost parts.

Amelia: Wow… she is cumming so hard…

She was… Megara was spraying out on her own, and her pussy was shaking around Ron’s cock… the vice grip… was slowly becoming more loose.

Ron gently pulled himself out and now, drenched in pussyjuice and sperm, Bonnie once again took him to the root, no problem at all.

Ron patted her head, finally letting go of Megara’s ass.

Ron: How do you want it Bonnie?

Bonnie tightened her lips around his base and pulled back. Everything that stuck to his cock she vacuumed up and when she closed around the tip her mouth was full of a cocktail of sperm and Megara’s juices… She looked up at Ron, opened her mouth and let her tongue roll around in the soup. She then closed her mouth and swallowed it with a noisy ‘Gulp!’.

She opened her mouth again gasping like crazy, showing that indeed it was empty. Ron smiled at her.

Bonnie: I wanna be carried in your arms Ron-Ron…


When Megara returned to consciousness it was because she heard loud and indecent womanly screams of either torture or pleasure… it was most likely a sound of pleasure…

She opened her eyes, but found she saw mostly shapes and lights. She blinked a few times and then she realized what she saw.

Bonnie Rockwaller, begin held in her kneecaps while being lowered downwards onto Ron’s cock in a constant rhythm.

The poor girl was screaming like a banshee. Megara saw how her flesh engulfed Ron’s cock, and every time, the girl seemed to get a larger orgasm than the previous one.

Ron was relentless. He kept lowering her despite her howls… perhaps it was just a show from Bonnie’s side - Megara thought. In which case she was a splendid performer.

Megara was so captivated by the sight of Bonnie and Ron, that she hardly noticed… something was being done to her.

Amelia was fingering her pussy… almost petting her… Megara noticed, and tried to sorta shake her off, but it was no use. The girl was determined to play with her. Megara, who had not the strength to fight her, allowed her games.

She even lifted her leg so she could better enter.


Bonnie let out her loudest scream yet, and Megara nearly had to cover her ears.

Megara saw how the girl’s body jolted and jerked as if she was hit by one of Zeus’ lighting bolts.

A thick white stream of fluids leaked out of her pussy in hard motions.

Amelia: My turn…

Amelia turned Megara onto her backside, and placed her butt over her face with a knee on either side.

Ron walked over to the bed and placed Bonnie on top of Amelia… He then pulled his cock from her pussy, with one of the most obscene sounds Megara had ever heard.

Sperm sprung from her like water from a leak.

Ron then aligned his cock with Amelia’s pussy. Still hard as steel, he plunged deep into her and began to fuck her.

Megara saw it up close. Amelia’s pussy was literally right over her face, and she saw the majestic cock of Ron plunge deeper and deeper inside her.

It dripped down on her face… was it Ron’s seed or Amelia’s juices of love, she didn’t know… and frankly… she realized… she didn’t care…

Her tongue moved on its own. It sought out the place where Ron’s cock vanished into Amelia’s pink flesh and there it found its base.


The 3 brunettes were fucked until night fell on the mansion and even then… there was still some action going on.

Ron was fucking the breasts of all 3 girls at the same time. They had squished their hooters into each other and Ron was fucking them in the crevices they formed. The girls used their saliva as a lubricant.

Sometimes they kissed in order to drive Ron bonkers. It worked.

Finally… when Ron for the unknownth time blasted his sperm out over them and their tits, he seemed to collapse on the mattress and fell into a sleep. The girls licked each other for sperm and then took turns in the shower.

Usually they would go all three but they didn’t want Ron to rest alone on the bed and get cold.

Once clean they tossed themselves back on the bed and cuddled up to Ron. Giving him, his body and his cock lots and lots of kisses.

Megara: Wow… that was… wow…

Bonnie: Actually… this was pretty tame… Ron can be much, MUCH wilder…

Megara: Really?

Amelia: Sure… Ron has a much more primal side to him, and when that is unleashed, we all hold on for dear life.

Amelia kissed Ron on the mouth.

Amelia: But all attention from Ron is great attention. And he always gives us his best.

Bonnie came to kiss Ron on the mouth too.

Megara: You two seem… very close to Ron.

Amelia and Bonnie smiled.

Bonnie: We have both… sorta… been his exclusive girls… but it was unbearably short for both of us.

Amelia: Thankfully… we didn’t lose him for good. And even sharing him with many many others… is still better than to live without him.

The girls looked at Megara.

Amelia: That sentiment you seem to share… Isn’t that why you are here?

Megara smiled. It was true, she had fallen for Ron back when she had first met him. He was a bit dorky and she had found his shy country boy act a little dull… but… unbearably charming.

Megara: I honestly thought Ron was… Zeus… and… I wanted to see the realm of the gods…

Bonnie and Amelia seemed serious enough.

Megara: But learning that Ron in fact… is just a man… a magnificent man albeit…

Bonnie and Amelia had looked skeptically at her by that notion.

Megara: … was actually both disappointing and… reassuring. It comforted me. Sure, I wanted to see the home of the gods but… I also dreaded their anger. But I was so curious… I couldn’t help myself… and also… the thought of never seeing Ron again… it… it was horrible to me.

Amelia: That thought is horrible to all of us.

Bonnie: Yeah… I couldn’t imagine never seeing Ron again. I would go mad within an hour.


The next morning came and Ron woke up to a blowjob from 3 stunning brunettes.

As if they could read his mind, they had all awoken around the same time and had all begun to feast on his long morning wood.

There was no pattern to their sucking. They simply did what they enjoyed and each took turns on every single part of his cock.

Their eyes were sometimes closed, so it could look like they did it all in their sleep. But alas, it wasn’t so.

Ron: Uhhh, good morning girls…

Amelia/Bonnie/Megara: Good morning Ron…

They were clearly awake and they all looked at him with their lustful eyes.

Ron: Wow… we really went at it last night didn’t we… so uhm… how a y’all feeling?

Bonnie: Perfect, Ron-Ron.

Amelia: Really good, thanks.

Megara: It has been educational…

Ron looked at Megara.

Ron: Have you 3 become friends?

Amelia, Bonnie and Megara all looked at each other.

Megara thought to herself: At first ‘Friends’ was not really the term she would address them as. She knew their types. Bonnie could be mean and so could Amelia. Both were females who acted though… but it was mostly an act.

Both felt superior to their peers. It was a marvel they could share at all.

But in lack of a better term, they were actually just like the noble girls she had been forced to mingle with back at court. They were court snakes… and these… She knew how to handle.

Megara: In a way… I guess… we have at least become closer… Perhaps… even friends…

Bonnie smiled a barracuda smile.

And Amelia blinked like a naughty cat… hiding the tigress behind her stare.

Amelia: Sure thing… Girlfriend…

Amelia leaned forward and gave Megara a kiss with WAY too much tongue. It was just a kiss for show, but oddly… It comforted Megara a lot. She knew her way around court intrigues. This was her game… and she liked to play it.

The girls were just about to continue their performance on Ron, when the door swung open and in the door stood a raven haired goddess of a woman. She had glowing green eyes and a smile as broad as a sharks.

Shego: Get lost girls… I am here for what is mine…

Amelia and Bonnie both pouted, but they obediently distanced themselves from Ron. Leaving his cock with a long final kiss.

Megara was lingering, even as Shego came closer and closer. Looking at Megara with a gaze that spoke its clear language of amusement.

Shego: Something in your ears, princess?

Megara: …This… This is my room…

Bonnie and Amelia both let out sounds…

Shego leaned down so hers and Megara’s faces were less than an inch apart and Megara knew… she had messed up.

Shego: I don’t care… GET OUT!

Megara scrambled. Shego hadn’t yelled at her, but the tone in the last few words spoke its true intent. She was not messing around or sharing right now.

Megara stood outside the door of her room, next to Amelia and Bonnie, who slowly walked away.

Amelia: Don’t cross Selene in the morning, Meg… it just ain’t worth the hassle…

Bonnie: Mmmh… I would love a waffle for breakfast…

Amelia: Aren’t you big enough down there?

Amelia grabbed Bonnie’s butt and shook it.

Bonnie: Hands off the merchandise!

Megara walked in silence. The look Selene had given her… It had been truly terrifying. Ron sure kept some rare women in his life.


The end.



This story sure was an adventure a very sadesfaing at that. But i somehow can't help but wonder what reaction dose Ron have when Shego barges in the room? 🤔 But i appreciate the effort you have put to show us both sides of the story how the girls adapted to the harem. Thank you. ☺️♥️


Another great entry you have for us here. Love how it turned out. Keep up the good work. Also stay well on your end.