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Hey everyone.
This chapter follows after Ron has brought back Alcmene and unbeknownst to him - Megara as well - to the 21st century.
I hope you will find it entertaining and if nothing else… just have a laugh over my typos 🤭 Please be kind and considerate and remember that English is my second language so mistakes are a certainty.

Other than that, I hope you have a blast.

Yours truly


It took Alcmene several weeks to adjust to her new life in the 21st century.

Oddly enough, La herself ended up becoming a source of comfort to the poor woman. La, who had grown up in a primordial jungle, understood her transition struggle.

She wasn’t the guide so to speak, but she had become a confidant in Alcmene.

La: Just, be prepared for the television and streaming sessions with the girls… some of the King’s concubines have the weirdest taste in entertainment.

Alcmene however learned rather quickly. Much faster than La. Perhaps it was because she was less prideful and a more humble being, than the Queen of Opar.

She easily understood how the toilet worked and the sink. She had been marveling at how the water ran out of the faucet in the shower. She had literally been giggling like a little girl when she stepped in under the wonderfully hot water and took a really long shower. She had been even more in awe at the sight of electrical light.

It was everywhere, and even the darkest of night everything was as clear as day.

Ron had been close to her for most of the days, and the days he was away from her, Alcmene spent with the girls. She was much more sociable than La had been, and she was also way nicer.

She had bonded with Kim and Monique. Both had taken her out to the local city in a car, and shopped for clothes. Alcmene had been in a state of pure bewilderment and in complete shock from all the huge buildings downtown.

She had to be taught where to walk… sidewalks were for people, and the roads were for cars. But the white striped paths on the roads were for people, when the light showed a walking man.

These lessons had been easy enough, but she still clung to Kim’s arm for the entire trip. Kim had been all smiles and as soon as they came to the mall, the girls let her marvel at the sight.

Alcmene: Is… is this a temple to your god?

Both Kim and Monique giggled.

Kim: No, Alcmene, but it is a place dedicated to as much worship as a god.

Monique: True. This is the mall. I guess a marketplace… just indoors and on multiple floors.

Alcmene had been completely in shock when she stood before the escalator… It took some encouragement from Kim to take the first step. But when she finally got the hang of it she took the escalator downstairs and upstairs 4 times in a rove.

She looked like she had the best of times.

They shopped for shoes, underwear, regular clothes, some fancy clothes and then they took her to the spa and got everything fixed. Her hair needed a do, and she was absolutely gorgeous when they were done. She looked younger and… oddly enough at home in the 21st century.

She walked around now in a pale purple top, some tight white jeans and her hair sat up in her usual style that matched her top. She looked gorgeous.

After a good long day they were ready to eat and sat down in the food section and got some grub.

Alcmene was introduced to pizza… and… she liked it.

Alcmene also got an ice cream afterwards and she liked that even more. She loved lemon sorbet (who doesn’t?) and she loved the chocolate flavor even more.

The girls all returned to the mansion in laughs and Kim and Monique helped with the bags. There were several of them. Shoes, clothes, perfumes and soaps. All that she needed and more to make it in the 21st century.

They arrived in the living room and found it empty, with just a few of the girls sitting around. Penny sat with Madison’s arms around her reading a book out loud for Madison to enjoy.

Jessica was painting her toes in a shade of pink and Joss was playing on her Switch.

Kim: Hmm, I guess we could watch some tv in our room… Just so we don’t disturb anyone.

Penny looked up at them. Her magnificent eyes enchanted Alcmene.

Alcmene: Miss Penny’s eyes are truly a marvel…

Monique giggled.

Penny: You can watch whatever you want in here if you want. I am just finishing this chapter.

Kim: Thanks Penny.

They took the bags to Alcmene’s room. It wasn’t a big one, but it was still a nice room with good space, and it had a big walk in closet. The reason it could be called small was because the bathroom was only separated by a glass wall, so it seemed like one big room. But it was enough for Alcmene. She was no princess who required a lot. In fact, her gentle and humble demeanor was what drove Kim to her. She was so kind and friendly.

In a way, Kim felt she reminded her of Tara… and her grandma.

Alcmene and Monique placed all her new clothes on the shelves. There was still a lot of space.

Monique: Don’t worry about the empty shelves, Alcmene… I am working on a new wardrobe for the entire mansion. And you will get some lovely garments to really spice up that delicious booty! Dang girl you got more in the trunk than some of my fellow black girls!

Alcmene: Uh!

Monique had grabbed the lush ass of Alcmene and begun to shake the buttocks. They were safely secured in the white jeans but she did manage to shake the flesh.

Kim: Monique, that’s enough. Let’s get back to the living room.

Alcmene: You sure are special in this country… and time… It still isn’t easy to fathom that… all I know… all I knew… is now ancient times… long lost to civilization…

Kim: I am sure it’s a lot but, you are coping so much better than other time travelers in the harem.

Monique: Sure thing. La still struts expecting the locals to bow before her ass.

Alcmene: Uh!

Monique: But I sure wouldn’t mind bowing into this ass at any given time.

Monique once again groped Alcmene’s butt.

The girls laughed as they entered the living room. They sat down on the couch next to Penny and Madison, who seemed to sleep resting her head up at Penny’s head. She didn’t seem to mind. But simply padded Madison's arms that still hung onto Penny.

Alcmene: They are adorable.

Kim: They sure are.

Alcmene: Are they… you know… a couple?

Monique: I think so.

Alcmene looked at them with a smile.

Alcmene: But… how come they are then… drawn to Ron… if they are drawn to each other?

Kim: It was Ron who brought them together. Their love for Ron made them meet each other. And just because you love one, doesn’t mean you don’t love others as well.

Alcmene seemed to understand this wisdom.

Alcmene: So… are there others who have such… inter harem… relationships?

Monique: Sure thing… give your Mama some sugar, baby…

Kim smiled and leaned in over Alcmene to kiss Monique. She had just meant to give her a single hot kiss, but as always, Monique was irresistible and the kiss became a long and deep tongue kiss.

When Kim finally was released she was both hot and moaning. Alcmene was watching them with a blush on her cheeks.

Alcmene: Oh my…

Monique: The harem is packed with them. Kim and I are together. Madison and Penny are together. Kim’s mom and Tonnie are a thing, and there is some weird thing between La and Bonnie… I am not sure how it works but it is a thing.

Kim: Then there is Shego and Vivian…

Alcmene looked confused at Kim.

Kim: Shego?? Uh… Selene… the one with the long dark hair and green eyes?

Alcmene: Ohhh, that one… the bombastic one that keeps throwing me out of Ron’s bed in the morning?

Monique: Hehehe, girl I love you.

Alcmene: And Vivian… is that… the tall blonde with the blue eyes and the looks of a goddess? The one that keeps asking me downstairs? I haven’t gone yet because… whenever she looks at me I feel like… she wants to do something to me…

Kim: That’s the one. They are a couple too. As said, most girls have a partner, but some are loners. Why…? Do you have someone on your mind?

Alcmene: Oh no, I was just… puzzled how it works… this is all so new for me… a few weeks ago I was a married woman and now… I am literally lost to time…

Monique: About time, we are wasting it girl, boom it up!

Kim took the remote and snuggled up to Alcmene. They were watching…

Kim/Monique: Palz! Yes!

Alcmene didn’t know what to expect, but after a few episodes… she was hooked.

They watched 3 episodes and after many laughs and many jokes, they decided to go and make some food.

Alcmene: Oh my goodness that was hilarious. Especially the pretty blonde girl who chews her hair… I had a friend who used to do that.

Monique and Kim giggled.

Kim: We have all had a friend like that. It’s the point of the show, to remind us of people we know or once knew.

Kim, Monique and Alcmene all helped making a delicious Salsiccia pasta dish. It was delicious.

They had even opened one of the wines they got from Ron’s trip to Ancient Greece. During the meal, Kim had also explained how the function of a television worked, along with a studio and actors and how it all is a performance.

Alcmene: Oooh, so it’s like a theater, just… in your home… that’s amazing.

Monique: They did have theaters back in your time, right?

Alcmene: Sure, but… nothing kinda like this.

The evening progressed and the girls ended up moving to Kim’s and Monique’s room to watch some more Palz. The girls didn’t want to use up all the room in the living room and it was much cozier in the bed. Alcmene was the meat in a Kim/Monique sandwich. Monique was spooning her, while Kim faced her.

They kept drinking the wine and they kept laughing at the Palz show.

The episode where one of the girls ended up kissing an old female College roommate came up and Kim and Monique stared at each other. They both blushed and locked their hands with their fingers that both rested on Alcmene’s hip.

Alcmene noticed and looked from one to the other. She smiled.

Alcmene: If… you want some alone time then I completely understand…

Kim: Don’t you dare move… you are so wonderful to be around…

Monique: Right… I am so in love with all of you, Alcmene…

Kim: Me too… in fact…

Kim looked into the wonderful green eyes of Alcmene.

Kim: I have been wanting to kiss you all day… just to… know how it feels…

Alcmene blinked… the Alcohol had removed many of her barriers. It had been years since she had last kissed a girl. She had fooled around when she was young but… even back then she had known that her fate would never allow for such a union… but now… her fate had taken a completely unexpected turn… so was this really so… strange?

Kim’s lips gently touched Alcmene’s and she felt how soft and warm they were.

Alcmene: I… I thought that you two… were…

Alcmene didn’t finish the sentence… because Kim lips and tongue… claimed her unspoken words before she could speak them.

Alcmene felt how her entire body turned into a soft and squishy mush under the grasps and gropes of Monique and Kim… Monique had bitten herself into her earlobe and was really good at it.

While Kim kept kissing her, Alcmene landed with her head down on the pillow. Kim moved up on top of her, holding her down. And Monique began to undo her pants. Kim groped and massaged Alcmene’s tits and when they both needed to breathe she began to sucke her tits.

Monique had managed to remove both her pants and her thong and now… she was feasting on her pussy.

Monique: Mmmh, a fresh bush… gotta trim it though so we can get to all the best parts…

But that didn’t seem to stop her now. She kept pushing her tongue deeper and deeper into her taste flesh.

Kim removed Alcmene’s top. She was now completely naked. Alcmene reached out with her arms and pulled Kim back into her kiss, and she did something Kim had not really expected… she turned the table.

Alcmene tilted Kim around so she was on her back with Alcmene on top of her. This didn’t stop Monique from feasting on her pussy though. She just had to alter her position so she could get in there. And also now, she could give her ass all the attention it deserved.

Alcmene began to finger Kim Possible under her pants. Kim struggled with removing them while Alcmene filed away on her clit, but finally it happened.


The girls fucked through the best part of the 7 first episodes of season 1 in Palz… when they finally took a break it was because Monique wanted to shave Alcmene’s pussy.

Alcmene was on her back, and was still being snuggled and kissed by Kim.

Monique was very attentive… she didn’t want to cut the tender and soft skin.

Kim: I really like you, Alcmene…

Alcmene smiled and kissed Kim.

Alcmene: I really like you too, Kim…

Monique: And I really like you both… now… we are almost done…

Monique removed the razor and pulled out the tenderizing cream that needed to be applied afterwards. This ensured a longer time before the hair would grow back and also a softer density of the hairs.

Monique: I love your bush, Aclmene, but your fur was kinda rough… I want my kittens to be as smooth as a dream…

After 5 minutes she took a warm wet towel and gently scrubbed the cream away.

Alcmene looked down to see… a completely clean and bare cooch. She felt she looked like a much younger girl… Monique brought over a mirror, and Alcmene couldn’t help but giggle.

Kim immediately began to fondle her pussy.

Kim: Oh my gosh, she is as soft as silk… And I didn’t think it was possible to love you even more…

Monique spread her ass cheeks and stuck her tongue into her ass.

Alcmene: Oh girls… girls… I am going crazy…

Before they could get any further they were disturbed by a knock on their door.

Monique got up - she was nearest.

Monique: Urgh, who the hell has the nerve to disrupt a perfect lesbian sexact!?

She opened the door and there stood…


Dressed in a tutu dress in black and white. She was a French maid and frankly, she looked both hot, adorable and ridiculous at the same time. All parts of her body, that wasn’t meant to be shown, were shown. Her huge breasts, just barely the size of Shego's, were hanging dangerously out on the balcony, and threatened to tilt out. Her perfect ass was not at all hidden by the strutting skirt and her long delicious legs were decorated by a set of dark nylon stockings, held up by their laces.

The crown jewel of her outfit was the crimson red thong under all the black and white.

The Princess of Thebes… looked utterly humiliated.

Megara made a formal curtsy befitting a lowly maid, and bowed her head at Monique.

Megara: I beg your pardon madam Monique… But Ron Stoppable has sent me tonight's evening meal. He has clocked it himself and asks you to be gentle with his new… wife… Alcmene of Tiryns as she is still uncostumed to the traditions of the 21st century.

Megara took a tray from a side table by the door and carried it inside. She looked both awkward and feeble. She was a princess and she had probably never lifted a tray carrying a meal for 3 at the same time.

Kim looked at Megara. She was outstandingly beautiful. Her long reddish brown hair was almost magical to look upon.

When she first saw her in her toga style dressing Kim had mistaken her for a goddess of the time, but… she looked even more fantastic as a maid. Ridiculous perhaps, but… HOT!

Megara arranged everything and then made a curtsy at them all.

Megara: Enjoy your meal.

Then she left and closed the door afterwards.

Alcmene: That… was… something I never thought I would ever see… a princess… working…

Kim Monique and Alcmene all looked at each other, and then they bursted out laughing.

They were actually very hungry.

The meal was another pasta dish. It was made of mushrooms in a creamy, cheesy sauce and some roasted beef strips to go. It was dumb how good it tasted.

Ron was a master in the kitchen.

Kim: How come we weren’t just called to dinner?

Kim took another bite.

Monique: Look at the time…

Kim checked her phone. It was almost 9 pm.

Kim: Oh… We have spent a little too much time… on the show…

Alcmene smiled and snuggled her cheek with her own.

Alcmene: Thank you girls… for making me feel so welcome and also… desired…

Kim leaned in and gave her a good kiss. Monique did the same. But after that they mainly just ate and after the meal, Megara came back and cleaned out the tray. The girls paid her no attention and kept watching Pals. Once again, huddled up together. All naked and with the occasional kiss.

Alcmene: So… this is what life is… in Ron’s harem?

Monique: Ah, not always… We also have jobs and stuff outside of hanging and shopping.

Alcmene: Jobs… You mean… like chores or… duties? Does Ron require us to help with the harvest or something?

Kim and Monique giggled.

Kim: No, not like that. See, I attend college and study to become a diplomat. Monique is working as a designer for the store in the mall where we bought your pants. And a lot of the other girls have jobs too. My mom, as an example, is a doctor. She works at the hospital. And so on and so forth.

Alcmene: Oh… I guess it makes sense… but… what should I do then?

Monique: Well you are new, you have time to figure out what you like to do… Until then, you are mine and Kim’s bedmate… if you would like that.

Alcmene blushed and said: I… I think I would love that…

The girls began kissing… and once again… they missed at least 5 more episodes of Palz.


Megara had made her way back to the kitchen with the tray and she sat it down with a big sigh of relief.

Megara: Oh goodness… I wasn’t bred for this kind of work.

Ron who stood next to the sink heard her.

Ron: Not all that silly talk Megara… it’s good for you. Now, grab that bucket over there and fill it with hot water and a dash of soap. The floor needs a scrub.

Megara sighed again - this was not at all what she had imagined when she had wanted to go and live with the gods.

She took a pink plastic bucket and filled it with warm water and some soap - she had had a careful instruction on how to do so. Then she placed herself on the knees and began to scrub.

Ron was still washing up some of his kitchen equipment. But his eyes did indeed wander over to the exposed ass of the Princess of Thebes. The only thing hiding her cooch was a matter of centimeters of crimson red fabric.

The tutu dress was hiding almost everything else, so her ass was like a single entity that titled back and forth. Back and forth… wobbling oh so wonderfully.

Ron ended up stopping the water and drying his hands and leaning into the desk to observe the sight.

Megara was not at all an easy addition to the harem like Alcmene had been. She was not practical to have around in any way shape or form.

She was a gorgeous sight to behold, but… in a mansion that required the girls to pull their weight, she was a bit too much of a show horse. Not that Ron couldn’t afford her, but she was not an expectation. Ron had invited Alcmene, not Megara. He had fallen for Alcmene, not so much Megara. Sure she was beautiful, and deep down, Ron could sense she wasn’t a bad girl. Just spoiled rotten.

But what else could you expect from a girl raised in a palads catered to by every servant and slave in the building since she was born.

It was over 3 weeks since Ron had come back from Ancient Greece carrying all the wealth of the Kingdom of Thebes… which they honestly had no idea of the value of… until Vivian and the others started looking at the treasure hold.

The gold and jewels were priceless artifacts, lost to time. Some they actually sent to be reviewed by the local museum… the kurators on the museum hadn’t looked very impressed or enthusiastic when they presented some of the artifacts and urns Ron had received… but that changed when they took a closer look. Some of the urns they said were priceless… and the gold alone was beyond any quality they had ever seen. And they all confirmed it was 100% legit. They had of course asked of its origins and Ron had simply said Thebes, in Greece.

Other than gold, they had gotten wine brewed in the ancient times. They had cracked up an urn and tasted it… it was really good. The entire mansion had gotten drunk that day.

But of all the treasures Ron had gotten with him, he would gladly give all of them away… just to keep Alcmene and Megara… both were wonderful and gorgeous women… They came from the same region, but they were worlds apart.

Megara lifted her torso up to dip her cloth in the bucket again, and as she did, she noticed Ron was watching her closely. She blushed and looked down again, and kept scrubbing. Ron had a feeling she was misinterpreting his gaze. He was simply in awe of her beauty… nothing else. He wasn’t angry with her work pace or anything.

To be completely honest… Megara had been working like a horse since she came to the mansion.

From the day she got here, she scrubbed floors, polished the windows, catered to the other girls, served drinks, cleaned toilets - that took some lessons - and of course… Ron had taken her to bed vividly. But always, while she was wearing that ridiculous maid costume.

Ron walked over to Megara and patted her butt. Megara looked surprised and looked back at him over her shoulder. Ron was smiling at her. Megara seemed to understand what was coming.

It wasn’t the first time…

Over the last few weeks, Ron had mounted her at least once a day. Megara had a feeling the maid costume was a fetish of Ron’s. Or perhaps it was just the sight of her on all fours half the time.

Megara knew that of all the women in her fathers palace, none got as much sex as the servant girls and slave girls who scrubbed the floors. She knew her father had mounted several slaves in his endless lust for them. It had annoyed her mother to no end.

Ron removed the crimson red thong and exposed her gorgeous pussy… the scent of her womanly perfume alone was enough to drive any man crazy.

Ron lowered himself to give her a nice sloppy kiss, right where the sun never shines.

Megara let out a moan… and with that, Ron mounted her like a stallion mounts a mare. He aligned his cock with her pussy and in one single thrust…

Ron impaled the former princess of Thebes on his rod. Megara’ s eyes rolled up in the back of her head and she opened her mouth to clear the way for oxygen to come to her brain… she was completely blown away… by the first thrust.

Ron himself had to squeeze her ass cheeks extra firmly with his hands to cope… Megara’s pussy was so tight it felt like a thousand clamps on his cock. It felt amazing, but it was almost like she was trying to get him to nut instantaneously. ¨

Ron: Oooooh fuck, Megara! You are amazingly tight!

Ron didn’t get a response to that statement.

Megara was simply too far gone to hear his words. She was experiencing the wildest orgasm she had yet to get.

Ron however didn’t let it stop him.

In fact he began to pick up his speed.

Megara’s ass was not as big as Alcmene’s but then again, few women in his harem had an ass that size. Grace might be a candidate and Tanishia as well.

Not that Megara’s ass wasn’t a marvel, because it was. Her entire body seemed bred for sex and to drive men insane with lust for her.

An epitome of beauty. Ron doubted even Aphrodite was as beautiful as her.

Ron: Oh fuck, bitch!

Ron somehow managed to lift up Megara so he held her in his arms. Megara could only hang on for dear sanity as Ron’s cock drove deeper inside her than ever before!

Her eyes rolled again and her tongue flew out of her mouth as Ron now impaled her on his cock.

Gravity did its part and Ron began to push around Megara’s womb… it drove Megara even crazier and she lost control of her mind. She began to scream… really loud.

Ron: Damn… I knew she was a screamer, but she nearly put the Rockwallers to shame…

Megara’s legs flung up and down with her body, and when Ron finally needed to catch a break he landed her on the kitchen table… Thank goodness dinner was a passed chapter, because they really messed it up. Megara began squirting at nearly every thrust Ron made into her body, and she was shaking all over.

Ron: Oh for fucks sake… I am gonna blast into you…!

Ron once again picked her up like a stuffed turkey and with his arms under her legs and his hands behind her head, he showed his cock as deep into her as possible, and as hard as he could… and after a dozen or so incredibly hard thrusts into her… He came…

It must have felt like an internal explosion in her stomach… Ron let out incredible amounts of sperm into her womb, which quickly overflowed and then… the sperm began to drip down on the floor, as Ron kept pumping… pumping… pumping until his balls were drained…

Ron: Oooh sacred Jalapeños…

Megara didn’t have the mental capacity at present to respond or even react to what happened to her… and Ron also realized something else… as he tried to lift her upwards… he discovered that her pussy wouldn’t let go of his cock…

Ron: Oh man… I might have overdone it…

This had happened before. Ron knew it was simply because of too much stimulus. Megara had gone into a form of orgasmic shock.

It had happened with Ann, Shego and Bonnie… even Heather had once had a tat too much of the good stuff.

Ron simply carried Megara out of the kitchen and to his room. By some miracle, he met no one on the way… It would have been comical…

As he laid Megara down on the mattress she made some noises and shook even more… but she didn’t let go.

She was now on her stomach, and Ron on top of her…

Ron signed: Well… I guess we just have to wait it out, Megara… can’t be in orgasmic heaven forever…

Ron arranged them, again causing Megara to shake in pleasure, so they spooned. Ron reached for the remote and turned on the television and sought a good streaming service.

It could take a while before Megara let go of him.

Ron carefully got her out of that ridiculous maid outfit. It wasn’t too difficult. They were made so they were able to be removed fairly easily. But Megara being completely gone mentally didn’t make it too simple.

Ron: I think you have been punished enough, Megara… Meg… Heh…

Ron for some reason had to roll over and as he did, Megara’s lower body followed him and she shook again while whimpering, but with a faint smile on her face.

Ron: Aw man…

Ron rolled back and simply hugged the girl. Hugged her and began to cuddle her.

Megara’s shaking stopped and she… almost began to purr like a kitten.

Megara: … At least… Out loud…

Ron heard the words as some form of whisper… a whisper from a dream she had.

Megara: I… won’t say… I’m in… love…

Ron smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Ron: Sleep tight Meg…

And thus… they slept… All night…

To be continued.



Kinda wondering how the other Greek girls join in does Ron decide to go back to Ancient Greece again for some reason


Question: Are most of the women in Ron’s harem from Disney-related source materials, or can you draw in other women from other sources? Like say for example, Sansa Stark or Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones?


I will be dead and buried before I allow any character from GoT to enter ANY of my work. I despise that franchise with every fiber of my being. But thanks for the question. ❤️ And also, it’s just my opinion. I understand why people like the franchise, it’s just not for me. To be a little more clear in the answer. RSAHNP is mainly centered around the Disney Universe - and I am very reluctantly allowing other verses to mingle into it.


Another wonderful written work.


Great entry as usual.