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One of my favorite characters ever.
In a way, may favorite character in the HP franchise. She was utterly wasted on Bill Weasley, (no offense to Bill/Fleur fans out there ❤️) and I think she was a hoot whenever she was in the books.
Had I been with the trio I would probably have followed Ron Weasley example and just starred at her, whenever she entered the room 🤭

Sorry for the weird speaking bubble, bit it has irked me that I didn’t know how to write in a French accent - probably the hottest accent out there ❤️

I hope you enjoy it.

Yours truly




Damn the Wealeys ain’t getting love around here.


I tend to agree with you, moreover, it was your first drawing of Harry and Fleur going to the Ball that made me love this couple and discover the fanfiction about them.

Julian Fratzscher

Dunno what she has against a fatter ass.


Probably the fear she will not be able to fit an already paid for dress.