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The first drawing I made was from Harry and Fleur after her arriving at Hogwarts for the Tri Wizard Tournament. Fleur seeks out Harry, because she can feel he is a good guy.

This one is after Harry was chosen as the forth contender in the tournament. Fleur in the original story isn’t happy about it. Perhaps because she is frustrated that there is another contender to overcome. In this fan version, Fleur is still mad at Harry, but they still fuck like crazy… although be it in a much more… distant fashion. Fleur refuses to kiss or even face Harry when they have sex.

Harry confines in Hermione about what is going on, and Hermione tells Harry he has it wrong.

Harry mistakes Fleur‘s anger for hate.

Hermione: She doesn’t hate you, Harry. If she hated you she would even dream of touching you, let alone have sex with you. If she hated you she would fuck your best friend.

Harry: Then what’s going on?

Hermione: She is mad at you. There is a difference. It’s because she still likes you.

Harry: Oh… man… girls are complicated…


Harry: Auch!

Hehehe… I hope you like this work. 

Yours truly




wow amazing job...i'd like to see the same scene but after Harry saves her little sister from the black lake, maybe with both giving him a proper thank 😏


And then he saved her sister and she reminds herself why she feel in love with him. 🤭 And the answer is he is a honest and wonderful guy. Thank you for your work. ☺️ ♥️ Seeing Fleur mad is kinda hot. 😳