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Well… mostly Fleur.

I sorta thought that Fleur and Harry needed such a moment to themselves. Fleur needed to sway Harry with her Veela powers. And Yes, that is canon, the Veela has a power to seduce and sway men. Only men who are truly in love (or so I think) are resident to the power of the Veela.

In my idea, Veela are almost human. Something akin to a dryad or a Nymph in Greek Mythology. Almost Elven like if we talk Norse Mythology. But they can become human. It simply takes for them to have a human child. The pregnancy transform them into humans, and they give birth to humans with extraordinary powers and beauty.

Now you might ask… why isn’t the world crawling with gorgeous people who are half Veela or quarter Veela. Simple really. Veela are very picky. As in incredibly picky. They might flirt left and right, but it’s a one in a million chance to actually find a Veela who will fall for you.

Veela are ironically enough, blind to beauty. They aren’t attracted towards looks. They only care for your personality. They value different traits sure, but things like high Honor, tremendous courage, and good morals are all things that make Veela fawn and purr. To them, looks doesn’t matter.
Which actually corresponds well with the Fleur in the books.

Sorry My fellow Slytherins 🤭 but Veela are drawn to the brawny bravy Gryffindorians… Hehehehe, nah, we Slytehrins are brave as well… we just aren‘t dumb 😁

But back to Veela’s.

When a Veela has become a human being, she looses some of her powers. She still holds a true arcane force in her heart but, she is not able to turn into a fury at any given moment. Nor does her children or grandchildren.

Now, you might also ask, for how many generations does the Veela beauty hold?

Well this I am unsure off, but based on the books I think it’s safe to say that Fleur’s daughter Victoire has the gift/curse of beauty as well.

So I think a space between 10 and 12 generations is a given.

I hope you like this coloring of the former sketch.

Yours truly



Osbourne GG

Could be a good story for Rita skeeter "minister of magic wizard or puppet "


One look in her eyes and i can already see my future with her. Like the art is soo good that i wish it was real. If i somehow was Harry right now this one look made me just wanna worship her, love her like no other and be the father of her children no magic required. But i guess Harry feels the same. Thank you for your work. ☺️♥️