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Hey everybody ❤️

I hope you are all having a good time.
Today we/I experienced a Patreon that was updating. This caused a few bugs, making it impossible to upload content or even see once own content. But in the future, when this error code comes up, then I am better prepared… I hope 😂 It was something of a scare.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my call out in the dark of the internet. ❤️ It truly helped me. I am still prone to anxiety and it was something of a scare to suddenly see a big fat 0 patrons on my page 😨😱 Like oh my gosh! What have I done!!?? I must correct… whatever it was I did!?
But it was fortunately 😮‍💨 not just me who had this issue, it was many other users/creators.
But again, thank you for your response. It was like hearing a warm and welcoming comfort in the dark of night. Thank you so much ❤️ You guys are the best ❤️ And you all deserve the best of the best. I will do my best to make my best for you ❤️

Here is Alcmene.
I don’t know if she is the best for all of you, but she has found her way into my heart ❤️

A thousand kisses and hugs from a very calm and happy artist in the little cold kingdom of Denmark ❤️

Yours truly and lovingly




She is quite lovely. Can't wait to see more of her in the upcoming written works of the story after what we got recently. Of her time in the modern world and her adjusting to the times while pregnant with her first child

Runus Brewblade

She is such a cutie. Ron us a lucky man to have her in his life