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Treva, or Event?

Whatever ❤️ Hey everyone.

I haven’t made any real Fanart of TDI have I? Maybe I have, but I can’t really recall it.
I remember watching the show of Cartoon Network. There was a time when weird shit was allowed without platforms like Netflix either censoring it or putting out slur words. I miss Cartoon Network sometimes.

TDI I remembered as it aired in probably the most traumatizing period in my life. My parents were recently separated and heading towards divorce. The show holds a special place in my heart because everything went to shit from then on.

Watching something that seemed to be people either my age or slightly older back then helped me realize that, life sucks… and the only way to make it unsuck, is to do something about it.
The show was weird as mentioned. It still is. My favorite characters are many, and the character I like the least/hate the most is Chris - the host of the show. Him I never liked. He has like the most punchable face in all animation 😂

I really liked Trent as he was probably the guy I either resembled the least, or most. Of all the characters in the show, I think I was a mix of a lot of them. But they didn’t really have one I thought was like me all the way.

Dorky, sad, lonely, moody, unsocial… I was a mess back then.

Why am I telling this?

Well, first and foremost, I am not so keen on making too much art of this show, because, it brings back stuff. Stuff that I would rather leave for my therapist to sort out.

But also, secondly to remind you, and myself, that… we are not the same person throughout all of our life. We are in fact changing. I look back on the boy I was as a child and I shake my head with an understanding smile.
   I look at the preteen, the teen, and the twenty year old bugger. All of them had qualities. Most of them had flaws.
I guess in 10 years I will look back at my 30 year olds flaws - knock under the table 3 times…😳

To all who has read this far, please understand, at present I am perfectly fine with my parents divorce ❤️ It’s so long ago now. It’s all in the past. Wounds heal and scars fade, and a day not that long ago, I actually left it behind me. I still carry the memory and the pain it brings. But not all pain is bad. It’s meant to be a guide and a teacher. A reminder. In the hope we are spared more of it in the future.

Trent and Gwen were my favorite couple. They still are today. Them and Duncan and Courtney.
Both are so cute. Both are like, Opposites attract.
Gwen and Trent were adorably sweet and Duncan and Courtney were hilariously cute. Courtney was such a tsundere. Man my younger selfs would look at me weird if I used that word in front of them. 🤭

Eva was a character that I thought was meant to be tossed away as she had literally no mentionable screen time. Sure there were those with even less, but she was interesting to me. She was so angry… In a way, she was acting a lot how I felt back then. So I guess I connected to her in a way.

She didn’t strike me as a lesbian. More like a sporty beefcake.

But I guess, what if Trent hadn’t gotten anywhere with Gwen at all, and instead had chosen himself an amazon?

I hope you like the sketch ❤️
Also, I hope you respect my wishes not to post this anywhere else. I would truly appreciate it.

Thank you
Yours truly




Please more TDI

Matt Gemm

Awesome stuff man, though could there be some content involving Cody? Dude’s awesome!


TDI works?? Nice, bro! I look forward to more. 😌

Jaguar Man

Cody is wayyy too overplayed, wouldn't be against it but there are other dudes that need some love


I loved that show, till after season 3, then it pretty much went downhill. But please do more of these.

Jaguar Man

In my opinion he gets the most attention in fanfiction, and he already has two porn comics featuring him, notably ones by Stickymon and Garabatoz if you are interested. I don't mind Cody when I see him but I'd like to see another dude.


I loved watching TDI growing up, I’m surprised Ron hasn’t made an appearance on the show yet.