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Hello everyone, and thank you all for reading this Part that is longer than usual. It took some time to finish it, and I might have to do a walk through of spelling errors, but all in good time.

The story begins in after Ron yet another time has been around Vivian’s Time Machine… and this time… it has sent him to a golden age in the history of humans.
I hope you will enjoy this adventure of Ron.
It sure were funny to write for a nerd of myths like myself. And if you do find spelling errors then please be considerate. Thank you a lot. ❤️

Also please refrain from posting this anywhere else, that would be greatly appreciated❤️ Other than that, I hope you enjoy.  

Yours truly

Ron woke up.

He coughed a bit. He had something in his throat.

Then he sat up, and looked around. He was apparently in something akin to a forest… at twilight. The shadows were growing longer, and he felt… no wait… he didn’t feel the chill of night.

It was… surprisingly warm for the time of day…

Ron: Where am I now?

The darkness kept creeping, and Ron decided to build a fire for the night. He didn’t know where he was, but usually such a warm climate meant wild animals, and big ones too.

And though the forest felt both safe and calm he heard the screams of animals in the distance.

So… he found a lot of branches, placed them together and took out the multi tool he had gotten from Vivian. He switched it to lighter mode, and soon he had a nice warm fireplace that casted a golden light around him. He placed it back in his belt.

Ron checked his pockets.

What else had he brought with him through Vivians infernal portal.

He found his smartphone, his wallet, the multi tool, some chewing gum and a few packets of diablo sauce from BN.

He sighed as he placed everything back in his pocket, all but the phone.

He opened it and saw it was fully charged.

He typed in the code, and he had unlocked it.

No notifications.

Ron: No internet I guess… figures. Wherever I am… or… whenever I am… it sure isn’t too friendly…

The eerie howl of a distant wolf made Ron shiver. He placed another log on the fire and sparks rose over it.

Ron: At least the weather is nice.

High above him was the starry sky clear and bright. Ron was actually taken aback. He had never in all his life seen so many stars. The Milky Way he had never ever seen so clearly before.

He tried to find the moon, but it wasn’t out tonight.

Ron: Well… the girls are gonna find me sooner or later… at least I hope…

Voice: Ron…? Ron?!

Ron felt a buzzing in his pocket.

It was his phone.

Voice: Ron!?

Ron took his phone out and slit his finger over the screen to unlock it.

Ron: Hello?!

Vivian: Oh thank goodness Ron! We still have contact!

Ron: Vivian!… Vivian, you have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice.

Vivian: I have a mild idea, because I am so relieved to hear your voice as well.

Ron: Where has your infernal machine sent me this time? To another dimension?

Vivian: No Ron… you… you are back in time…

Ron: Wait… what? Again?

Vivian: Yes… the machine is still broken, and you are back in time again. The only issue is where you are…

Ron: Where? Don’t you mean when?

Vivian: No beloved I do mean where. I know in fact when you are. You are 3300 years back in time. What is commonly known as the Bronze Age.

Ron blinked…

Ron: So that’s why it’s so warm…

Vivian: Well. Back in the Bronze Age the average temperatures of the world were much higher than today.

Ron: Really?

Vivian: Yes, but it was also a bit more humid. Tell me… what can you see?

Ron: Not much… It’s night time here.

Vivian: Really? Huh… how inconvenient. Well Ron… we will find you… we just have to get the machine to work again. Just… stay alert back there, and don’t waste too much of the phone’s energy. When we come to get ya we can follow the signal from the phone to get close to your location. If we do manage to find out ‘where’ you are, then just send it as a message… we will get it.


Ron tossed another log on the fire.

The sound of wild animals was kinda unsettling.

But the sound of a woman’s voice in the middle of the night made him startle.

Woman: Excuse me… what are you doing here?

Ron nearly had a heart attack, when he saw the light of the fire fall upon a woman… An incredibly beautiful woman. She was holding some form of lamp in her hand. It had a little golden flame.

She didn’t quite have the maiden look of a young girl, but she looked more like a woman, a little bit closer to the age of Rhea… maybe a little older.

But honestly, Ron couldn’t tell…

She looked upon Ron with absolute wonder in her eyes.

Ron: Oh goodness me, you scared me…

Woman: It’s not wise to open a fire on another’s property… Especially not these dangerous times.

Ron stood up.

Ron: I am so sorry but… I have sorta… landed here and I had no idea where I was or am or… Oh man, there is nothing I can say that really will make any sense…

Woman: Well… you could do something that makes sense… put out that fire before you set ablaze the entire forest.

Ron made a face, and then he dutifully began to kill the flames, by tossing dirt and earth on them. Soon, they were engulfed in darkness except for the woman’s light.

Ron stood up and faced the woman with a long face and an apologetic demeanor. He saw that she appeared a little baffled over his size.

Ron: I am so sorry, mam… I will remove myself from your land now…

Woman: Wait… I never said that I didn’t want you here…

Ron looked at the woman. She was smiling.

Woman: It’s not good Xenia. Let me introduce myself… I am Alcmene of Tiryns.

Ron: And I am Ron…

Ron reached out his hand and expected a shake but the woman simply looked at it in surprise…

Ron: Uhhh… I guess you don’t shake hands here in Greece…

Alcmene: Are you a foreigner?

Ron: In more than one way.

Alcmene: Well… if you want you are welcome to stay at my house. At least for the night if you wish…

Ron sighed. The thought of spending the night in a house felt much more calm to him than the idea of sleeping in the outdoors of a land he didn’t know.

Ron: I… I would like that a lot… thank you… You are very kind.

Alcmene smiled and turned around in order to show him the way.


Alcmene’s house was a small cottage with only a few rooms and a hearth in the middle.

There was something akin to a living/dining room with wooden floors that sounded hollow. Ron guessed there was a basement underneath.

To the left of him was a tall bed and at the hearth was a warm fire going.

Over the fire was a black pot and it smelled like something delicious was inside it.

Alcmene offered Ron to sit by the hearth and Ron obeyed her.

As he did, he saw Alcmene remove her cloak and Ron could now see her body… she was a fantastic sight. Her ass was huge and beautiful. She had a slim waist and fine strong legs. She seemed like a woman used to outdoor work. Ron smiled as she handed him a pot of the stew. It smelled wonderful.

He took the wooden spoon and took a sip.

Alcmene: Careful… it’s warm…

Ron felt it, but he was so hungry… It tasted fantastic.

He ate 3 whole bowls before he finally settled his stomach.

Ron: Thank you again, miss Alcmene…

Alcmene: Please, just Alcmene… I am just a shepherd's wife…

Ron nodded… he looked around…

Ron: Where is your husband?

Alcmene seemed a little annoyed all of a sudden.

Alcmene: For all I know… between the legs of some prostitute in the town…

Ron: Oh… uh… I am sorry… I didn’t mean to…

Alcmene: As long as he tends the flock in the morning he can stay with all the prostitutes in the town for all I care… As long as he doesn’t expect me to welcome him into our bed again.

Ron nodded and made a sigh.

Ron looked around… there really only seemed to be one bed in the house… but he guessed that… that Alcmene might have something prepared in case of guests…

Alcmene: Was the stew any good? It’s mothers recipe.

Ron: Uh, Oh! Yes! It was delicious! Really delicious! You are an outstanding cook.

Alcmene giggled: Thank you… It’s always nice to have a man appreciate your food.

Ron smiled and handed her the bowl.

Ron looked around in the house. It seemed to have been built of bricks, clay and wood. But not much was in sight in the darkness.

Alcmene: It’s late… Do you mind if we just go to bed right now, Ron?

Ron: Not at all… uh… where do you want me?

Alcmene giggled: There is just that one bed silly.

Ron looked a little bashful at her: Uhh… is that uhh… I mean… What would your husband say if he found me in his bed?

Alcmene: If my husband wanted to come home tonight, he had come home hours ago. We won't see him before some time tomorrow… if we even see him then.

Ron was urged to remove his clothes. And Alcmene did so as well.

She seemed both indifferent and completely charmed by the fact that they were both naked.

They crawled into the bed, Ron against the wall, and Alcmene at the edge.

Alcmene: For some reason… I am not able to keep my husband at home…

Ron: Your husband is insane… You are a goddess of a woman…

Alcmene sent Ron one of her enchanting gazes.

Ron: Careful Ron… the goddesses of this land don’t like to be compared with lesser stock…

Ron: It wasn’t a comparison, but a compliment to the goddesses in your land.

Alcmene smiled wider. She rested her head on the pillow and let out a sigh.

Ron starred up into the ceiling.


Ron felt like it should be awkward but… he… he didn’t really feel it as such. He had shared his bed with a multitude of women… some out of need, some because he wanted to.

But this was strange… he was filled with that odd and strange feeling of restlessness that you always (or sometimes if ever) feel when you are in a stranger's house.

My dear reader, I want to make it clear that I do not assume to know how you would feel if you were in this or any other situation that is kinda resembling it. I can only write out of my own experience in such matters.

Ron was now in a stranger's bed… with a stranger's wife. And he felt bloody… strange about it.

Ron was laying up against the wall, and Alcmene was on the edge. She was… completely naked… as was Ron’s btw… he had even removed his belt… It wasn’t good for sleeping in.

Inside the house it was warm enough due to the hearth. But Ron was certain most of the heat had to come from the incredibly hot woman right next to him.

Alcmene turned over to look at Ron with a very telling smile.

Alcmene: Good night.

She said it with such a sweet and warm voice, that there was no doubt in Ron’s mind. He knew that tone. He knew that look… Now… he knew what it meant, when a woman shared a bed with him… naked… like this…

Had he only known long long ago… then much would have been different.

But now… he knew…

Ron waited as long as he dared and then… Seemingly… like it was all just a casual accident… Ron turned in what could be his sleep, and ended up spooning Alcmene.

Instead of shaking him off her, as he always had feared they would do if he did it… Alcmene let out a sigh of what had to be relief and joy.

Alcmene: Mmmmh… it’s been so long… since I had a man in my bed…

Ron began to massage her tits, her ass and all in between. She was incredibly soft, and she was warm. Ron was moaning and gasping into her neck, and Alcmene was reaching back to get a hold of his rod.

Alcmene: Oh by Olympus…

Alcmene got hold of Ron’s manhood.

Ron sure hoped it wouldn’t scare her off.

Alcmene: Ron… you certainly are blessed by the gods…

Alcmene released his cock from her grip and she used her hand to part her buttocks…

Ron moaned as he held the other cheek and marveled at the sight.

Ron: You are a very beautiful woman, Alcmene.

Alcmene sighed and moaned her answer… and Ron… Ron spat in his palm and slided it up against her pussy… which was unnecessary, as she was already dripping wet. She was just as excited as he was.

Ron grabbed his cock… and with a steady hand, he led it to her pussy and…

Alcmene blocked his entrance…

Ron looked at her and she shook her head.

Alcmene: Not there…

Alcmene smiled at him, and reached for something under her bed. She pulled out a little clay urn. Sealed.

Alcmene: Olive oil… use my ass instead…

Ron smiled… He undid the seal and began to oil up himself and her asshole. He put the plug back in the urn and then he aligned his cock with her ass and… He slid inside her.

Alcmene’s mouth opened and she let out a gasp.

She had a man inside her… a man larger than the average man… In her ass of all places…

Alcmene felt how Ron pulled her to him, and he himself pushed himself into her ass with an increasing speed.

That night, something was happening in the cottage that hadn’t happened for many months now.

The sounds of humans making love.

Ron and Alcmene were a wild pair.

Ron had in the first rounds tried to get face to face with Alcmene but this position had she steadfastly fought against, and Ron wasn’t sure why.

Instead Ron had fucked her mostly in the spooning position. Then Ron felt the lust to see her ass work for him.

He managed to roll onto his back and get her to move with him. Ron could now see her move her ass up and down on his cock while he supported her backside.

If she wanted to ‘not face’ him, then she had to feel how impractical that was.

She was impaling herself on his cock in what Ron called the reverse spider position. He used his free hand and massaged her pussy. In the hope that they might get to that later.

But for now he was happy to see the woman work for her nut.

In the end Alcmene began to lean forward, making Ron’s cock bend the other way and showing Ron her magnificent ass work for him.

Ron saw the look on her face. It was a satisfied, almost teasing look. As if she was assured he would come easily from her skills. But Ron had something else in mind.

Ron: Oh I am gonna show you, bitch!

Ron pulled himself up to her and began to plow her from behind. This came as a surprise for Alcmene and she began to moan and gasp as Ron fucked her like the bitch she was.

Ron kept pushing deeper and deeper inside of her.

Finally… blowing his load into her huge ass… filling her up.

Ron: Oh fuck… oh fuck you…

Alcmene kept moaning… she had gotten her nut as well…


Ron woke up in a strange bed, with a strange woman in his arms. He instantly remembered both last night, and all that came before it.

He looked around and realized, it was truly not a dream. Alcmene was resting up against him, using his shoulder and chest as a pillow. She looked completely at peace.

They had had one heck of a wonderful night.

You would think that Ron was used to these things happening but he needed to talk to someone… quite urgently…

With a little pushing and gentle nudging did he manage to remove Alcmene a bit so she wouldn’t wake up. He crawled out of bed and grabbed his belt on the way.

He went outside the house after he had grabbed his phone and then he called Vivian. He sat down on a rock that was already warm from the morning sun.

Ron: Come on… take it please…

Vivian: Hiiiiiiii Ron… how’s it going…? How’s the weather? Nice I hope…

Ron: Viv…

She sounded too weird…

Ron: What has happened?

Vivian: Uuuuh… well… the… the machine works…

Ron: But?

Vivian: Well… for some reason… it wont open a portal to your location at the moment.

Ron: And why not?

Ron felt a disgusting feeling.

Vivian: Well…. The time paradox blockade isn’t bending at all. If we set up a portal right now, in the area you are in, then… the system could malfunction and… we could either all be trapped in Ancient Greece or something worse…

Ron: So…?

Vivian: Soooo… is it possible that you can wait perhaps a week back there, and… perhaps travel to another location…? Just a few kilometers should be enough…

Ron: Travel… where to?

Vivian: Well… you are at a place called Tiryns at the moment. If you could travel to Thebes, then… you would be golden. And you should be able to do that in a week. And according to records it wouldn’t be that difficult a journey.

Ron: Easy for you to say… Urgh… Viv, this is bad!

Vivian: I am sorry Ron, I am so sorry… Listen I promise you can do anything to me in the dungeon when you return…

Ron: If I ever return…

Vivian: WHEN! You will return, we just have to time it.

Ron: Okay… okay… Was it Thebes I should get to?

Vivian: Yes Thebes. That is the perfect spot.

Ron: Sigh… Okay… I’ll… I’ll see what I can do…

Vivian: See you later my love.

Ron clicked on the phone and placed it back in the belt again. He took a deep breath… Thebes… in a week.

Ron walked inside again. Alcmene was still sleeping.

Ron looked at her. She looked so peaceful.

A shame he had to wake her up.

Ron: Alcmene…? Alcmene… are you awake?

Alcmene let out a sigh and smiled at him.

Alcmene: I am now…

She used her hand to rub her eyes and face.

Alcmene: Was someone at the house?

Ron: Uh, no… why?

Alcmene: I thought I heard you talk… I just assumed it was Meliodas who had come by… and that you might have stuck up a conversation…

Ron: Uhm, no… no Meliodas… You must have dreamt it… listen uh… Alcmene…

Alcmene looked at Ron with a smile.

Ron: Can you help me get to Thebes?


Ron and Alcmene were walking in the town market to get some provisions.

Ron had promised to help Alcmene if she would help him on his way to get to Thebes.

Alcmene: Thebes…? You have to get to Thebes?

Ron: Yes… It’s urgent. As in really really urgent.

Alcmene: I would say… At present Tiryns is at war with Thebes… it’s not really because I had expected this to come from you.

She was inspecting some goods on the market. This made her bend over and show her gorgeous ass.

Ron gave her ass a little pat and she giggled as she gently removed his playful hand.

Alcmene: Careful Ron… just because we shared a bed and had some wonderful fun last night, doesn’t mean you own me.

Ron: Sorry, Alcmene… I was just… unable to resist…

She smiled and caressed his cheek.

She wasn’t mad at him. Ron knew that now.

On their way back from the market, Ron carried a lot of baskets for Alcmene. When they were finally back at her house, Ron helped her put everything away.

Alcmene: I will gladly help you on your way to Thebes. But you might wanna avoid traveling in the dark. You never know what might lurk at you so… stay here for… one more night and then…

Alcmene made a fondling move at his tunics bottom…

Ron: And then…?

Alcmene: And then… I will lead you on your way tomorrow?

Ron smiled for her.


The evening came quickly and Ron was standing by the hearth of the house. He had his hands behind his neck and in front of him, on her knees was Alcmene.

She was sucking his cock. Ron was enjoying it… as this was probably the last blowjob and sexual intercourse he would ever have with her.

She wasn’t the best cocksucker he had ever tried but, she was definitely not bad.

She was not Rockwaller good, but… she was close to either Kim or Adrena Lynn… In the beginning at least.

She didn’t lack enthusiasm though.

That she had in spades. She was eager and very wild. Sadly this came at the cost of her efficiency. But Ron didn’t bother. She would eventually get him to cum. He just had to wait for it.

Ron: Mmmh… that’s it… suck me off…

Alcmene seemed to enjoy being told what to do by him.

Then suddenly… they heard a sound from the gravel outside…

They heard steps and they heard a grunting voice sing some weird drunken song.

Alcmene had stopped sucking Ron’s cock and she suddenly seemed frightened.

Alcmene: By Hades… It's my husband.

Ron felt a weird sting and he suddenly had to move. Alcmene opened a hatch in the floor and Ron walked into something like a basement.

Before she closed the door she said: Be quiet and don’t do anything.


Ron felt his heart race as he made himself as quiet as possible. He heard the door open and he heard a voice call out: Alcmene! Where are you, you stupid “Hic!” Whore…?

Alcmene: I am here… my ‘faithful’ husband… Oh Zeus, Amphitryon… How much have you been drinking?

Ron heard the venom in her voice.

Amphitryon: Oh mind your own fucking “Hic!” Business will ya… I come bringing gifts!

Ron couldn’t see what happened. But he had an idea of it.

Alcmene: Put that away, Amphitryon… I won’t do it.

Amphitryon: How long do you intend on denying me what is mine by right and law?

Alcmene: How much longer do you intend on going to prostitutes?

There was a long silence.

Amphitryon: If I decide to visit whores… don’t you think it’s because “Hic!” I don’t get what I need from my wife?!

Alcmene: Ever thought the reason you don’t get what you ‘need’ from your wife is because you visit your whores!?

Ron watched from below the floor shadow of Amphitryon move and he heard the sound of a slap. He also heard Alcmene scream in pain and then he heard a loud thump.

Amphitryon had given Alcmene a backhand and she had fallen to the floor. Ron heard and saw how Amphitryon undid his undergarments and pulled out his cock.

Amphitryon: I will fucking teach you what that mouth is for! You are a woman! You are MY woman! I bought and paid for ya, so I freaking own ya! All wives are essentially whores anyway… they only have one customer…

The sound of Alcmene’s whimpering voice as Ron saw Amphitryon do something above him.

What Ron couldn’t see was that Amphitryon pulled Alcmene up by her hair and pulled her to her knees.

Amphitryon pulled her to his crotch and began to push his cock towards her mouth. Alcmene resisted. She knew very well where that cock had been.

Amphitryon slapped her again, and she fell to the floor.

Ron felt how the anger rose in his body.

Amphitryon pulled her up again, and this time twisted her head backwards as much as he could without snapping her neck.

Amphitryon: Resist me again, and I will fucking beat you to a pulpy mass…

Alcmene was crying and it was clear that she was gonna resist him again, but nonetheless, Amphitryon was gonna go for it again.

As his cock reached for Alcmene’s mouth, she once again wouldn’t take it in her mouth and, once again, Amphitryon slapped her over her face, and she fell to the ground.


The man began landing blows on the woman. Then he placed his hands around her throat in order to strangle her, but he didn’t get very far as…

Ron broke the floor planks of the hatch to the basement and Amphitryon looked in shock and awe…

Ron’s eyes were glowing blue and he was so angry.

Ron: Strong words… Let’s see how you fare against a real opponent!

The fight was over before it truly began.

Ron only had to punch a single time and… Amphitryon crashed against the brick wall behind him and landed on the floor after a horrible breaking sound… His lifeless body didn’t move after that… He looked like a broken doll…

Ron regained his normal eyes and ran to Alcmene… She had a few bruises and her lip was bleeding, but other than that she seemed fine. She seemed mostly in shock of the abuse she had received.

Ron took her in his arms and effortlessly carried her to the bed. He found fresh water and boiled it in the pot by the hearth. Then he found a cloth and began to clean her wounds.

Alcmene was sobbing throughout the whole ordeal.

Alcmene: This is horrible… absolutely horrible… He… he was more violent than… than ever before…

Ron: You… has he treated you like this before…?

Alcmene closed her eyes and seemed to remember the worst times in her life.

Alcmene: He is infertil…

Ron blinked.

Alcmene: We have tried for a child for years now, to no avail… None of his whores has a child with his looks… and he… he blames me… because… because…

Ron: I understand… But it isn’t your fault… you shouldn’t beat yourself up because of it…

Alcmene: Oh Ron, that’s not why I am crying…

Ron looked at her, and her eyes were filled with distraught…

Alcmene: Amphitryon is… he is…

Ron knew… he had probably done something horrible… but it was in all technicality done to protect another life… Amphitryon had made his intentions clear.

Alcmene: I knew you did it for me but…

Alcmene threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Alcmene: When the local soldiers discover it… they will execute you… And that is unbearable to me…

Ron: Sounds like we gotta get the heck outta here, Alcmene…

Alcmene looked surprised at him.

Ron: I am not leaving you behind to face the music… Come with me… Leave this place and help me get to Thebes.

Alcmene looked like she couldn’t believe what she heard, but she quickly agreed.

They decided to leave the very same night.

To their huge surprise they learned that Amphitryon wasn’t dead at all… thank goodness. The breaking sound had probably been from the wooden stool he had hit on the way.

Ron placed him in the bed and with Alcmene in hand they ran out the house with a few provisions and some equipment.

They ran into the night and they didn’t stop until several hours had passed and the lights from the city were far behind them.

They came to a dark woodland area and here they passed through until they felt they needed to rest.

Ron collected some firewood and Alcmene set up a tent - a thing she had been able to take in the hurry.

When the fire was going strong, they sat down next to each other, and warmed up.

Alcmene: I almost can’t believe I finally did it…

Ron held his arm around her. Both to comfort her, but also to isolate her from the cold. She was unbelievably soft, and she felt remarkably calm after a few minutes.

Alcmene: I have left my husband… Do you think he is okay?

Ron: Yes… He survived that bash… he is probably gonna stay in bed for a day or two, but he was tougher than I thought.

Alcmene rested her head on his shoulder.

Alcmene: I feel terrible… not for leaving him… but… for ever marrying him… I never loved him… but… I never wished him anything bad… He has just grown… more and more… irate… and… violent…

She gulped.

Alcmene: He was gonna kill me tonight… I could see it in his eyes… The anger and hate… it was… so scary…

Ron hugged her tighter.

Ron: How were you married?

Alcmene: My father arranged it… Amphitryon is a descendant of kings… he thought our children would become heroes unlike any others… Heh… I wish my land's laws were like the laws in your land, young Ron… it sounds like a paradise… a place where men and women are equal… It sounds almost like an impossible dream… In my land we are sold as cattle… expected to keep house and make children… I have always wanted a family, but… I dreaded having babies with Amphitryon… he was always mean spirited and… always hard and a brute… not like you… I looked into your eyes the day we met, and I saw only kindness and compassion… a gentle child of the west…

Ron was listening to her story. Because he knew from Kate back home, that if she had a chance to tell this to someone, then the burden would feel much less.

Alcmene looked up at Ron and he looked down at her.

She was unbelievably beautiful. Her cuts and bruises were not as easy to see in the half light of the fireplace. But even under those, Ron could see how remarkable a beauty she was.

Her eyes had that rare green tint that was so outspoken in the Rockwaller girls. It wasn’t blue, but it wasn’t quite green either. It was something in between.

Ron had often compared it to a tropical sea color. Not blue as the sky, nor green like the palm trees… but greenish blue, like the sea that is in between.

Her lips were round and fluffy and her tongue had just left her mouth to wet them. Ron did the same. At this point he knew what it meant when a woman looked him into the eyes like that. She wanted to kiss him.

Alcmene: Ron…

Ron: Yes, Alcmene…

More wasn’t said, because their mouths met first in a trying little kiss… when they both felt the fireworks, they quickly continued.

She was a really good kisser. And Ron could tell it had been a long time since she had really enjoyed a kiss. And Ron could feel she was starving for it.

They sat and kissed for a good long while, but just like when he kissed with Shego or the others, he felt how it was over far too quickly.

The fire had become embers, and Ron and Alcmene felt it was best to crawl into the tent and attempt to get some sleep. The tent was small, and compared to what Ron was used to in the 21st century, it was nothing but a few sticks and a cloth over them.

Ron had an idea that Amphitryon would be knocked out for a good long while. He had been intoxicated and the hit he took from Ron wasn’t a light one.

But Ron figured they best be gone by first light.

The tent was small, and the pair could only fit if they literally laid up next to each other.

Ron was relieved that Alcmene didn’t push him away. In fact she hugged him so tight he felt all of her body… how soft she was, how delicate her skin was… how warm… she was…

It was only natural.

A young man in his prime, and a beautiful woman. And they were already kissing so tenderly… the next step, as mentioned, was nature's call.

Ron had somehow gotten on top of Alcmene and she had spread her legs.

They didn’t have much room to maneuver on, so they took it easy… in the beginning.

It had been a looong time for Alcmene. She hadn’t been with her husband for many, many months. In fact, we could almost say a year had passed since she had started denying him.

She wouldn’t let him touch her, as long as he went to the prostitutes of the nearby city.

Ron managed to get inside of her, but it wasn’t all easy, as she was very tight, and clamped down so hard around him that he was almost gonna nut inside her, like it was his first time inside any woman.

But he managed to spear her as long as he was. She was so incredibly wet and her pussy clamped down so hard and massaged him so well Ron had to hold onto her in order not to nut inside her… it had been several days without sex on his part after all… and he was used to a much more… amorous lifestyle.

Alcmene caught his lips and began so suck his tongue, and Ron couldn’t stop it… the stimulation was too intense.

Ron explosively came inside Alcmene’s pussy… causing her to gasp loudly. In the darkness of the tent Ron could almost feel her orgasm. All his other senses were blinded, causing him to feel even more with his cock.

Alcmene’s pussy was shaking with the most intense vibrations Ron had ever experienced. Did all his girls shake like this when they orgasmed? And how had he never felt it before…?

Maybe he had… he did remember a time with Bonnie when he had rambunctiously ravaged her asshole. Bonnie had screamed and howled like a mad banshee and Ron had simple grabbed her and pushed her downwards to keep fucking her - as per her instructions…

Bonnie’s entire body had been shaking, especially internerly and Ron could feel the shaking in her asshole, massaging him like a vibrating flashlight.

Bonnie also had squirted quite loudly back then…

Ron began to understand that Bonnie had had one of these really intense orgasms, just like Alcmene right now.

Alcmene’s legs had locked themselves behind Ron’s back and her thighs were so close to his flanks.

It took several minutes for Ron to empty his balls inside Alcmene’s womb… but when it was finally done, he requested a kiss from her lips, and she gave it to him.

Alcmene: Ron…

Ron: Yes, Alcmene…?

Alcmene: Please… promise to accept our child… as yours…

Ron gave her a deep reassuring kiss.

Ron: I will accept all our children, Alcmene…

Alcmene sighed in relief and she blessed him with more kisses.


Nutting inside with the first pump… Ron felt he had embarrassed himself… luckily the night was still young and he was still iron hard as they progressed into other positions… with care of course.

But the first order of business was the traditional missionary position.

Ron arranged Alcmene in a way so her huge ass was slightly lifted putting Ron in the perfect position to give her a good pumping.

Alcmene was holding back her screams and moans of lust. Ron understood why. He himself was eager to keep the voice down.

Their situation was still precarious and they were indulging in their lust a little too carefree, but they were simply not able to resist each other.

Ron kept pummeling the amazing pussy of Alcmene with more and more force every time he thrusted his cock into her soft, wet flesh.

Alcmene: Oh Ron, more… Give me more… I want more…

Ron lifted up one of her legs and leaned it against his chest so he was getting her to move onto her side.

This made him penetrate even deeper and this caused Alcmene to dig her fingers into the soft soil under the sheet they used as a bedding. She had opened her mouth as wide as she could and her eyes had rolled into her head.

Ron felt it too. He was so deep inside of her it felt as if her womb had opened up and let his cock enter it.

He grabbed onto her flesh and continued to plow her. Her tits were simply the best for this position, and she encouraged him.

From that position to doggy was a little easier, and with Alcmene on all fours and Ron’s eyes adjusting to the darkness, he began to see just how beautiful she actually was. Her ass was a little big, but she was well built all over and it suited her physique completely.

It was only after yet another explosive blast of cum into her pussy (Ron’s 5th tonight) that Ron felt somewhat sated.

He was usually able to do a lot more, but his ejaculations with Alcmene tonight had been larger and more bountiful than usual.

Alcmene was resting below him. They were back in missionary and Ron kissed her one last time… before he dozed off on top of her.


Morning came… as if his brain had set a timer, Ron awoke to the sight of the cloth of the tent being slightly brighter than last he looked upon it.

He was on his back, and he tried to feel for Alcmene… but she was not in his arms… A quick sense of panic and he rose to his elbows only to see…

Alcmene was gently and casually sucking his cock.

Ron breathed out a sigh of relief and fell back to his elbows and watched how Alcmene in the cool morning light sucked his dick. She looked at Ron with a very familiar look in her eyes.

It was the same look all of Ron’s girlfriends had all the time whenever they looked upon him.

She was so beautiful.

And frankly… not bad at sucking him off.

Ron fell back down and with a firm grip on her buttocks, he blasted his load into her mouth.

Alcmene swallowed his cock as long as he was and the sperm went directly to her stomach.

Ron’s load was unusually big.

When Alcmene finally rose from his cock with a gasp, she quickly moved her body so she could stride Ron’s cock.

Ron: Alcmene… wait… we…

Alcmene: We have time… for this…

She lowered herself down over his cock… she closed her eyes in the massive stimuli she got to her brain… She shook her hips to go all the way down, and then she began to ride him. Ron placed his hands on her buttocks and spanked her every now and again.

It was a shorter ride, but eventually Ron blasted another load into her, and she gave him a kiss.

She looked into his eyes with the same wonder and light he was used to see from both Ann, and Tonnie… it was an everlasting wonderful sight, and he loved it.

But they had to get moving.

They took down camp after a very short breakfast, and got on the move.

They took the chance and decided to follow a pathed road that seemed to be moving in the direction of Thebes.

Ron had thrown a cloak over his shoulders, and Alcmene had put a shawl over her head and hair so she would be less distinctive. She had a nagging feeling, and Ron agreed when she told him that Amphitryon might alert the local soldiers about the incident last night.

Ron understood that something like divorce and separation was not really a thing in Ancient Greece and that what Ron had done might end up causing trouble.

Alcmene and he had decided to take up the role of Mother and Son… Ron was younger than Alcmene and she could appear as the mother.

Ron: Why not as husband and wife, traveling to find a new life in Thebes?

Alcmene looked around to see if anyone was around, that was not the case, and then she bestowed a kiss upon his lips. A kiss that could have evolved to so much more, had they not restrained themselves.

Alcmene: Perhaps when we get to Thebes… but for now, let’s pretend to be a mother and her grown son… that is less conspicuous. Trust me.

And Alcmene would end up being right.

Ron didn’t look very Greek to the rest of the people they passed.

And when they finally saw a pair of riders approach… both armed with spears and shields they were held up and asked about their business.

Alcmene: We are just travelers seeking a life in Thebes… Me and my son are fleeing the war in the east…

And then Ron got it.

The soldiers looked at Ron, and he seemed like a man ready for the conscription age.

Soldier: Ah… I see… Take him far away then… Your son would be the prize for any army…

The soldiers spun their horses and they rode off the other way.

Alcmene looked at Ron with a smile

Alcmene: If I had said you were my husband, then they would have glared at us and insisted that you Ron should join their ranks as all men of fighting age should fight to protect his wife and livelihood. But no soldier would ever question a mothers love and desire to protect her son from the war. Even they know… they don’t all have wives, but they all have mothers…

Ron understood she wasn’t just a pretty face. She was actually very clever and cunning.

They had walked for several hours and they had to take a rest come noon.

They had walked to a clear watered river that seemed to have its roots far up in the mountains.

They took the chance to get some fresh water, and Alcmene insisted on washing her body in the calmer part of the river a little away from the road.

She undressed herself and began to scrub her skin in the cool water.

Ron also took the chance to refresh himself, and… after a thought and a long glance at Alcmene’s body… naked, and wet… he felt a need to walk over and… and at least hug her…

As he placed a hand on her shoulder… he felt how she relaxed under his touch.

Alcmene slowly turned around and placed her arms around his neck. She looked into his eyes with the same glow and wonder, but there was an unspoken request in her gaze. A question that she wanted to ask…

Alcmene: Ron…

Ron blinked.

Alcmene: Would you… really want me… as your wife…? Even though I… I have been the property of another man?

Ron placed one of his hands on her buttocks and the other on her back. He pulled her in for a long and deep tongue kiss.

Ron then looked at her and smiled: Alcmene… I love you… and I would be honored to be your husband…

Alcmene let out a huge sigh of relief and instinctively she lifted a leg that Ron caught with his arm and with surprising ease… he impaled her on his cock…

And there they stood. On 3 legs… in the slow moving river… and fucked.


They later came to a city. They were standing on a mountain ridge and were looking over an inlet with a sprawling harbourcity. There seemed to be hundreds of ships and even from this distance you could hear the sound of a busy working city. Hammers hitting their anvils. A swarm of ever present seagulls. A marketplace… busy as always.

Alcmene: That is Corinth… It will take us another day to get there.

Ron: Then let’s find something to eat. The River runs through that forest. Let’s see if we can catch a few fish.

Alcmene agreed and they entered the forest that flanked them. The river was a nice place to rest and after they had set up a tent and Ron had made a fire going he saw, once again Alcmene in the river water. But this time she was still dressed and had walked out into the water to her thighs…

Here she stood for a while, with her hands in the upper part of the water. She stood unbelievably still and then… suddenly, she held a huge trout in her arms. She wrestled with the fish, but her grip in its gills was impossible for the fish to battle. She then managed to break its neck and the fish stopped moving.

She looked at Ron with a gleam and a smile. Ron had a look of surprise and of wonder.

Ron: Wow… you really are a fisherman’s granddaughter.

Alcmene: You should have seen my grandfather…

Alcmene sat down and began to clean the fish in the water.

Soon after they were feasting on the lovely fish.

Then they decided to go to bed. They had once again set up the tent and they were once again out of sight. The tent was this time placed far better, and much more out of sight from all angles. They were surrounded by scrub, and the only angle you could see the tent from was from the side of the river, which had a steep slope opposite of them, so the horses wouldn’t go that way.

With full bellies… and with lust ever hanging in the hot Greek air…

Ron and Alcmene once again succumbed to their deepest desires.

Alcmene was far less quiet now. They were far from everything and they felt rather safe.

The night had fallen, and Ron was in the midst of fucking Alcmene in doggy style… when something abruptly stopped their act.

The frighteningly distant and still not far enough sound of a lion's roar could be heard in the cold air…

Ron: What the…

Alcmene fell quiet… but Ron felt that she was scared out of her wits…

The roar had been close… and… the sound… It was the sound of nightmares.

Alcmene: Oh no…

Ron’s ears were on stalks… he tried desperately to hear more… when…

A deep rumbling and hollow roar… even closer to them than before, could be heard in the distance…

Ron: Are there lions in Greece?

Ron whispered.

Alcmene hushed him and she looked as pale as a ghost.

Ron took a deep breath and listened for a few more minutes… Just as he thought the animal had taken another direction than theirs… he heard the unmissable rumbling sound of a huge beast on four paws… and with a ferocious appetite… The king of the beasts… the fireplace… it had drawn the animal closer to them.

Ron peeked out of the tent… His heart was in his throat.

He could only see the embers of the fireplace… the animal was out there… and Ron walked outside… knowing fully well the beast knew where they were, and that the tent was no obstacle for a full grown lion…

The moon stood right down on them, and she was full tonight… Ron had grabbed a dry log and threw it on the embers, which blushed with new energy from the fresh dry fuel.

The flames casted a light into their little camp, and Ron spun around and around to see…

Shock… pure shock. Nothing can prepare a man for an eye to eye contact moment with the King of Beasts. Ron had seen lions before… he knew the usual size of a big male lion… The best that now fronted him… was not an ordinary lion.

The animal stared at him with a green glow in the huge black eyes…

The animal made a snarl and showed its oversized fangs. It placed a paw down and Ron saw it. It was likely his terror that distorted the vision, but the animal was easily 3 times the size of a regular male lion.

Ron’s longest instinct had been to run… run as fast as his legs could carry him… but with Alcmene in the tent and this huge beast in front of him, he wouldn’t run… not now… not ever. He would fight… Fight… and keep fighting…

The lion let out a deafening roar.

Ron blinked… and when his eyes opened… They were glowing blue.

The lion jumped. With the huge paws stretched out for the pounce, and the giant mouth opened wide for the killing bite.

But Ron swung his right hand with all the strength he could muster, and… he hit the lion right on the side of its face…

The beast flew through the air and landed in the river.

It quickly came to its feet again and it was angrier than ever before… No human had ever dared stand up to it, not even mention punching it.

The lion fought the water to get onto dry land again, and this time it was moving directly towards Ron with intention to kill.

Once again, Ron managed to land a right hook on the animal's head, and this time, the lion felt the pain even harder.

Ron somehow managed to get onto the lion's backside, and with a firm grip around its throat he had placed it in something akin to a half Nelson.

Ron managed to stand his ground, with a body that had grown a number, and with raging blue eyes. The lion roared and snarled and managed to pull Ron off his feet, but he simply clung to the lion's back and kept tightening his grip. He knew, if the beast got ahold of his throat or any part of him with those teeth, then he was done for.

The lion did something, either because it was smart or desperate. It flung itself onto the ground trying to land on Ron with its full body mass.

It could have worked, but the lion landed in the wrong way, and Ron hardly felt it. He kept holding onto the beast, and he kept wrestling it. And more than anything. He kept tightening the grip around the neck.

Ron had no idea how long he held on… it might only have been for half an hour… but it felt like 30 days…

It was only when he finally felt a loud snap under his arms and the huge body of the beast go numb… that he dared open his eyes… He still held the lion in his strong grip, and he mistook the shaking of his own muscles as the lion's movements.

He wouldn’t let go… he wouldn’t risk it harming Alcmene…

Alcmene: Ron?… Ron??

Ron heard her voice and he turned to look at her.

She looked completely shocked and… a little scared. But she quickly regained her usual composure…

Alcmene: Ron… Ron let go…

Ron: No… not until it’s dead…

Alcmene: But Ron… it is dead…

Ron blinked… he… he stopped tightening his grip and… he felt it… the animal had no more struggle… no fight…

He managed to get out from being half way under it and rested on all fours for a while… shock and adrenaline pumped through his system like a crazy machine.

Alcmene ran to fetch water, and she brought back their satchel. Ron gulped down a huge portion and took a deep breath. He looked at Alcmene and she looked at him… then her eyes filled with tears and she flung herself at him.

Ron gently hugged her and patted her on her back.

Ron casted long looks over to the dead cat…

Completely sure it was dead, he and Alcmene sat together… they sat together… and fell asleep sitting and leaning against each other.

When Ron woke up at first light his eyes caught the sight of last night… he remembered what had happened and he also felt how sore his muscles were. It had really happened. It wasn’t just a wild feverish dream caused by too much sex.

Alcmene was sleeping up against him. And she too was getting out of her sleep. She looked up at Ron, who looked down on her.

Alcmene: If I am dead… then at least I am in the same place as you, Ron…

Ron: We are alive and well, Alcmene… We survived… The lion is dead…

Alcmene turned to look… there… not 3 meters away, was the colossal carcass of the lion…

Alcmene blinked…

Alcmene: Ron… that’s no ordinary lion…

Ron looked… He was a little taken aback about how big the beast seemed, even dead.

Ron came to his feet and walked closer to the lion… The beast was huge… Ron had thought it was due to the terror and fright he had felt last night, but… no… the animal was in fact a giant… Alcmene was right… it was not an ordinary lion… The handsome skin was bright and golden and its royal mane was like a crown… a natural crown…

Ron: A king among kings…

Alcmene: It’s… it’s a Nemean Lion… if not… The Nemean Lion…

Ron had heard about the Nemean lion… Something about some Greek hero wrestling and killing the beast… but he had not been that good at listening in history.

Alcmene looked at Ron with awe.

Alcmene: Ron… you have slayed the Nemean Lion… with your bare hands…

Ron was still in awe over the magnificent animal… and he was filled… with an urgent and overpowering feeling of regret and remorse. He knelt down by the huge head and placed a hand on the thick mane…

Ron: I am so sorry… but I had to do it… I hope you find rest, king of kings…

Alcmene sat down next to Ron. She gave him a hug and looked at him.

Alcmene: Ron… you saved our lives… And you have ended the reign of the Nemean Lion… Hundreds of travelers have gone missing in these lands… Now… no more will fall victim to his hunger…

Ron nodded. He took Alcmene in his arms and hugged her tightly.


Alcmene had instructed Ron to remove one of the lion's claws and use it to cut open its skin.

She said a Nemean Lion’s skin was the toughest material known to man. Only a claw or tooth from a Nemean Lion could cut through it.

In other words, a Nemean Lion’s worst enemy was one of its own.

When the skin was removed, they set course for Corinth.

They had placed the lion's skin in the satchel and they walked into the busy streets of the town of Corinth.

Ron’s plan was to sell the lion’s skin and fangs for some money that they could buy provisions for.

Alcmene guided him to a trader that seemed to specialize in rare items.

Ron pulled out the lion’s pelt and he seemed impressed, but also tried to hide this emotion.

Trader: Uhhh, well… lion skins are not that rare these days. I just got some from an Egyptian the other day.

Ron took a knife from the trader and stabbed it into the hide as hard as he could.

The hide didn’t even get a mark… and the wooden table underneath didn’t as well.

That made the traders eyes glare up with wonder.

Ron smiled and so did Alcmene.

They walked away with a huge bag of coins. Nemean Lion hides were among the rarest of items in the entire world. Alcmene said they now had enough to buy a palace. But Ron simply said, they needed just to get to Thebes.

Alcmene said they could buy some horses and be in Thebes in only a few days.

That sounded like a fine idea.

They bought a pair of horses. Both young and healthy mares. Saddles, provisions and some new clothes. Ron was tired of running around in the old tunics.

Now he was wearing something that fitted him better. And Alcmene was also dressed in something better suited for traveling. They each got a new cloak and then they were on their way.


That night, a half a days travel outside of Corinth, Ron fucked Alcmene more vigorously than he had ever done before. She was also a lot more enthusiastic than she had been up until this point.

She was louder, wilder and far more energetic.

As Ron was laying on his back he looked in awe at this new woman on top of him. He was all smiles, but it certainly was a transformation.

He watched in great satisfaction how her lush tits jumped to her wild movements and how she seemed to relish in her orgasms far more… intensely now.

When Ron decided she had had her fair share, he toppled her over and got her on all fours. He rammed his cock inside of her and much to his surprise… she moaned and screamed like a true woman of pleasure… in fact, she was vocal enough to belong to the Rockwaller clan.

Alcmene: OOH FUCK! Oh Ron! You fuck me like a god! Mmmmh, more! Fuck me more! Harder! Harder!

Ron reached out for her hair and he got hold of her mane. He pulled back and Alcmene responded by moaning and bitching even more seductively.

Ron: Oh yeah bitch! That’s it! Scream for me! Scream how much you love it!

Alcmene screamed to his leisure… And Ron absolutely loved it. He gave her ass a good spank to tell her that he really enjoyed her enthusiasm tonight.


Later in the night, Ron and Alcmene were resting, arm in arm, looking into each other's eyes. They were only dimly lit up by the moon through the cloth, but they could still see each other.

Aclmene: Ron… you are no ordinary man are you…?

Ron: I am who I am, Alcmene… And I am ordinary… In my own way…

Alcmene shook her head. Her eyes were twinkling with beautiful stars. She was completely mesmerized.

Alcmene: No ordinary man could have wrestled a Nemean Lion… and won… even the gods fear those beasts… But you… you were completely fearless…

Ron: No… I wasn’t…

Alcmene blinked.

Ron: I was scared out of my mind…

Ron gulped. It was the truth. He had been terrified.

Ron: But I knew that if I didn’t fight him… We would both be dead… And I wouldn’t let that come to you… Never, Alcmene…

Alcmene’s smile became somehow even prettier and more admiring.

Alcmene: Oh Ron… you truly are the best of men… Not fearless… But courageous…

She kissed him and they kissed until sleep overtook them.


The journey to Thebes took them through yet another forest.

Alcmene seemed reluctant to go through it.

Alcmene: Ron Wait!

Ron: What is it?

Alcmene: That forest… it’s… it’s the forest of Nessus…

Ron: And who is Nessus?

Alcmene: He is a Centaur Lord… one of the strongest of his kind… he doesn’t like humans and he surely doesn’t like them in his forest.

Ron looked at the forest. It seemed completely normal.

Alcmene: Maybe we should take the long way around… I mean… it will take us 5 days but…

Ron sighed. He had to be in Thebes soon, so time was of the essence.

Ron: How long will it take if we go through the forest?

Alcmene: The rest of this day and most of tomorrow, presuming we rest for the night…

Ron meant that was the better option.

Ron: Let’s just… keep a low profile then… Come on.

Alcmene obeyed and followed Ron on her horse.


The forest of Nessus was both beautiful and full of life.

Alcmene managed to shoot a few rabbits with her bow and arrow… She was an excellent marksman.

When they made a stop for the night she cooked the rabbits and Ron helped her.

After dinner the night was over them, and they both entered the tent feeling quite calm. They had heard nothing but the sounds of animals all day, and they were both easy to fall asleep… after a good fuck that is.

The next morning they ate what was left of last night's feast and saddled up and continued into the forest.

The deeper into the forest they traveled, the more Ron started to feel like they were being observed. More than once he thought he heard the sound of galloping hooves. But he constantly shrugged it off.

Finally they came to a huge river… There were no bridges and right here the river was too strong and deep.

Ron: hmm… let’s venture upwards of the stream… we might find a crossing…

They did that, and soon they came to a place of the river where the water was no more than knee deep and the river was very broad, causing the water to flow slowly and calmly.

There was a loud and beautiful waterfall right up at the other end, but it was a good place to get over to the other side.

Ron got down from his horse and grabbed it to lead it across.

Ron: Let me take you across, Alcmene…

Ron looked at Alcmene, but Alcmene wasn’t looking at Ron… she had turned pale and lifted a shaky finger and pointed at the waterfall.

Ron turned and looked…

Over on the other side of the shallow river, was an old and crooked tree. From behind the tree came a woman with a huge topped hairstyle… it was a brunette. Ron could only see her from a distance.

She fell over her dress in the water and looked up behind her, in visible horror.

Ron could see a shadow behind the tree… a shadow that stood well over 3 meters of the ground at least…

Suddenly the shadow stepped out into the light and grabbed the poor young woman in one huge hand with a swoop.

Ron let out gasp in shock.

The shadow was now completely visible, and he was looking at one of the most bizarre creatures he had ever imagined.

The head and torso of a man, and where his legs should have been, was the shining dark body of a horse… his four legs were tripping like horse legs do when the animal is excited.

It was clear they were in some form of argument, and the woman was not really enjoying anything. She in fact seemed like she was ready to kick him in the…

The woman kicked out, and almost got a hit on the centaur… but she missed, and the centaur just seemed more invigorated.

Alcmene: Oh my goodness… that poor girl…

Ron felt he needed what had to be done.

With a deep breath he took a step into the cool water.

Ron: HEY!

Ron saw how the centaur tried to force a kiss with the girl, but she seemed to hold him off with her hands. Their gaze turned to Ron, and they both seemed unable to understand what was going on - who was this bozo?

Nessus growled and stepped up towards Ron who met him in the middle of the river's water.

Nessus: Step aside Two-legs!

The centaur leaned close in on Ron in order to intimidate him.

Ron: I am very sorry to interrupt what I am sure is a very… interesting exchange of interests between you and this young lady, but she seems more than reluctant to continue this conversation. So I would like to ask if you could perhaps release this…

Megara: Keep moving Junior!

Ron: … Lady… uhhh…

Ron looked at the entire situation and felt he had made something of a mistake.

Ron: … But… mam, isn’t he like holding you… against your will?

Megara: He is holding me… HNNG! Against my will!… HNNN!

Nessus seemed to grow more and more angry.

Megara: I can handle this… Have a nice day.

The young lady sent him a very cold and messed up smile that reminded Ron of all the Rockwaller smiles… what was it with the ladies here… were they all related to the Rockwallers somehow?

Ron shook his head.

Ron: Lady, there is nothing wrong with asking for help if the situ-

More Ron didn’t get to say, before he felt a terrible pain at the side of his head and flew through the air and landed in the cold water.

Ron opened his eyes… He was looking up through the water.

He sat up in the water, spewed out a mouthful and stood up again. Nessus was coming towards him with a smile on his ugly face.

Ron: Listen… violence will not get us any-

More pain… and once again, he flew through the air and landed in the cold water. Even under the water he could hear the vicious laughter of Nessus.

Ron sat up again.

He looked at Nessus with a glow in his eyes. Nessus once again tried his luck with the young girl.

Ron felt how his body changed and he grew in size and strength.

He stood up and walked up to Nessus again.

The centaur looked at him, but didn’t get to hit him again, because Ron hit him first… and he hit him so hard and so powerfully right in his human belly, that he dropped the struggling Megara and flew into the waterfall.

Ron took a deep breath and looked behind him. The young lady had re-emerged from the water with all her long hair in her face. She was soaked and was coughing.

Ron walked over and lifted her up from the water and placed her on a fallen tree trunk at the edge of the river.

Ron: I am sorry about that miss… That was dumb.

The lady split her hair like a set of curtains to look at him with a barracuda smile.

Megara: Yeah…

She lifted an eyebrow and looked behind Ron. The centaur Nessus came at them again, grunting and raging like a wild horse.

Ron: Excuse me…

Ron’s eyes glowed again and he ran towards Nessus again. The two met in a battle of titans. Ron quickly tossed him around and started to throw punches at the centaur.


Alcmene, who had tied up the horses, ran to the edge where the young lady was sitting and trying to dry her soaked mane. Alcmene looked at her completely distraught.

Alcmene: Oh goodness, are you alright my dear?

Megara: I am fine… but who is that marvel of a man? He is handling Nessus like nothing…

Alcmene looked at the scene in the river. Ron was indeed throwing the centaur around like he was just a puppet.

Alcmene: That is Ron… He is my uhm…

Megara looked at her with a sly look in her eyes.

Alcmene: Well… He is a lot of things to me lately…

Alcmene had blushed. She sat down next to Megara and began to help her in her situation.

Alcmene: Who are you, my dear?

Megara: My name is Megara… Megara of Thebes.

Alcmene was surprised. She knew that name. She took a look at Megara. Her long beautiful hair, her looks, her clothes… all of it screamed Royalty.

Alcmene knew it instantly.

Megara was the name of King Creon’s daughter… the woman who was often called the most beautiful in all of Greece.

Megara looked back on Alcmene with her calculating glare.

Megara: And, what is your name?

Alcmene: Oh uh… Aclmene… Alcmene of Tiryns.

Megara: Nice to meet you Alcmene… So what is yours and Ron’s story…? Ron… such an unusual name… Is he a foreigner?

Alcmene: Well… actually I know surprisingly little about him…

The women looked at Ron, who was still busy fighting with the centaur.

Alcmene: I think he is from somewhere far to the west, but I am not certain.

Megara: So he is not a son of yours…?

Alcmene: Uh, no… no we are… traveling companions I guess… See Ron helped me escape my husband… He had to get to Thebes and… Let’s just say he is a good friend to have…

Megara: I’d say… Had I had him for an escorte I would be in Thebes already.

Alcmene: What?

Megara: I am on my way home from a diplomatic journey to Tiryns. It didn’t go so well… and the commander, the blasted fool he is, decided to go through the forest of Nessus in order to escape the soldiers that were following us. Only the soldiers had more sense not to follow us.

Alcmene: So there has been talks of peace?

Megara: Of course… but the King of Tiryns won’t budge, so… we are still in a struggle. At least I convinced them to make a ceasefire until the winter is over. People need to get the harvest in. Last year’s famine was a disaster.

Alcmene remembered it too well. Refugees and struggled to find food. Fortunately she and Amphitryon had been more lucky.

Megara: So I take it, you and Ron won't mind if I tag along with you to Thebes? I promise you, my father will reward you handsomely.

Alcmene wasn’t all too sure she liked the idea.

She had enjoyed having Ron all to herself, and… frankly… having Megara around, a princess in her own right who probably needed to borrow their tent…

They were disrupted with a loud thundering crack… Ron had punched Nessus so hard he had been sent flying into the forest and Ron was still standing in a glow of blue lighting.

The battle was over, and Ron stood victorious. Around him, in the river, were several fish that had succumbed due to Ron’s powers.

Ron relaxed and walked back towards the ladies.

Ron: I am sorry to have kept you waiting, my ladies.

Alcmene: Uh, that’s perfectly fine my dear… Uh, Ron. May I present… This is Princess Megara of Thebes. She is the daughter of King Creon.

Megara nodded and Ron nodded back at her. His gaze fell on her foot that had just crossed her leg.

Ron: You seem to have lost one of your sandals, miss Megara…

Megara lifted her head and looked at her little foot.

Megara: Oh my… So I have…

Megara stepped down from the log and began to wade around in the shallows to look for her lost sandal.

She bent over several times and allowed Ron a full view of her absolutely perfect body and ass.

She sought with her hands in the crystal clear water.

Alcmene: Uh, Ron we were just talking about her becoming a companion to us, on our way the Thebes. After all, she is in need of our aid, but…

Ron: Oh sure, I mean… She is welcome to.

Megara: You are very kind, both of you… ah…

Megara pulled up a leather strap with her entire sandal hanging onto it.

Megara: What luck… they were really expensive. It seems all my luck has returned to me today.

Megara made a fondling motion of Ron’s tunic and cloak.

Megara: Your mother certainly gave you many gifts, Ron… that wide breast case… those big arms… I wonder if your…

Ron: Hnnng!

Megara had grabbed hold of his scrownum.

Megara: … Manhood is up to scale…

She was not gentle… But she got a good grip of his root and stem and she got a good feel of his… manhood.

Megara: Mmmmh… what a woman pleaser… You certainly are blessed by the gods…

She released him, and he made a deep sigh.

Megara: Just get me to Thebes and keep her rod in your tunics, then we won't have a problem, alright?

Megara left them by the edge of the water.

Ron: Well… gratitude is certainly something her mom forgot to teach her about.

Alcmene: She is a princess, Ron… she has been raised around pillars of marbel and robes of silk. No wonder she is difficult.

Ron: Well if she tries that again…

He gestured towards his groin.

Ron: … Then she will fly to Thebes…


After a quick evening meal - fish again - and some wine shared from Nessus personal collection behind the waterfall, they decided to make an arrangement.

Megara had been offered the tent by Alcmene, and had kindly accepted it. Ron and Alcmene would sleep by the fire under the open sky.

Ron had wanted to protest, and offered that at least Alcmene should share the tent with Megara, but Alcmene had kindly refused.

Megara disappeared behind the cloth and Ron and Alcmene had made a bed of soft leaves and their cloaks. The night wasn’t so cold, and with the fire right there, and the shared body heat, they were cozy enough.

Ron and Alcmene were spooning each other, and suddenly Ron heard and felt Alcmene stir about.

Ron: Hmm… Wha- Alcmene?

Alcmene: Sshhh…

Alcmene was moving around so she could get to suck Ron’s cock. Ron didn’t fight her. Why would he do that?

Alcmene was not the best cocksucker he had ever experienced, but she was by no means bad. And Ron had a feeling he knew what it was about.

Alcmene kept looking at Ron as she always did, but sometimes, when she pulled his cock from her mouth and instead rubbed it with her hands, she looked behind her to the tent.

Then, when she had had enough, she licked Ron’s cock one last time, and crawled up so she could ride his cock. Ron again, didn’t stop her. Why in the world would he do that?

Alcmene impaled herself, and began to ride him.

She was less noisy tonight… and Ron knew why. Megara was in the tent, and royal brat or not, she was gonna hear them easily enough. Ron however was completely careless of Megara and her nonsense. He had just experienced the true Alcmene when they had sex, and he was determined to experience her again tonight.

He grabbed hold of her lush ass cheeks and this sorta set off Alcmene’s usual higher moans.

She caught herself though and held a hand over her mouth.

She leaned down and gave Ron a series of kisses.

Alcmene: Ron… no… we can’t be loud… The Princess… she will hear us…

Ron: Let her hear us… I guess it’s not against any law in this land to have sex with your woman… even if the princess is sleeping right next to ya.

Alcmene: Ron no… wait…

But Ron had already toppled her over, and with his firm abilities, gotten her on all fours. He grabbed hold of her ass and before she could do anything but mutter a few words of protest, before he sunk his cock deep into her pussy, ending all talks.

But Alcmene was already hooked on Ron’s cock. She couldn’t be without it for too long at the time. And her brain lost all thoughts when she felt the iron hard meat of Ron penetrate her wet pussy and fuck her.

She wasn’t exactly screaming, but she moaned loudly enough.

And of course, Megara heard it. She stirred in her sleep and dared to look out from behind the cloth, the bodies of Ron and Alcmene in a wild sexual act.

Megara blushed.

She had seen other people fuck numerous times. It was often a part of the decor or the entertainment at her fathers parties to have slaves fuck each other.

But this was different.

This was… organic.

When her father had slaves fuck at the parties it was stiff… almost like a performance… it somehow didn’t look right to Megara. She got turned on by it of course but… She could sometimes feel better from watching the illustrated intercourses on the urns and vases back at the castle.

This was more… realistic and… as mentioned before organic. Ron’s movements of his pelvis matched perfectly with the flow of Alcmene’s body. Her sounds of love were… realistic, without being forced.

Megara had to admit the sight of her swinging tits, and the skvulping of her flesh on her ass… it was simply the most erotic sight she had ever envisioned.

When Alcmene at a point lifted her upper body up from the ground and covered her face with her hands, it was clear to Megara that she was experiencing something truly phenomenal.

Alcmene: Oh Ron… Oh Ron! I am cumming! I am cumming so hard!

Ron grabbed hold of her boobs and squished them in his strong hands. She let out a scream and Ron’s movements increased in their tempo. He was ramming her. Ramming her like a bull.

Alcmene stretched her arms up in the air and somehow got hold of Ron’s face and head. She turned it towards her own and she received a kiss… a deep and tender and lush full kiss… a kiss that no slave in the palace had ever given another slave… it was a kiss of pure love and passion…

Megara, who had already begun to masturbate to the alluring sight of Ron and Alcmene, felt how she was soon to cum herself… The kiss… it was so… hot…

After Alcmene had gotten her kiss she slowly released Ron’s head and she dutifully fell down to rest on her arms again.

Ron still continued to fuck her. Megara didn’t understand… The male slaves at the palace were given a substance to enforce their vigor to go on and on for the entire night, and the females another substance to ensure a wet and moist climate in their womanly regions…

Without these, the slaves were unlikely to hold for an entire night…

Megara had heard from the free servant girls, who sometimes spread the legs for the soldiers in the palace, talk about all night sex, but… Megara had often assumed it was just an exaggeration or a taunt from the girls to sorta brag about which of their lovers were the best… But now… she saw it… With her own two eyes.

Ron not only continued to fuck Alcmene, but was apparently ready to try out a new position.

Megara watched as Ron somehow got them standing up, without pulling his cock from her pussy.

He then managed to lift Alcmene up in the air, holding her by her legs, and fuck her… by ramming his massive cock into her pussy.

This made Alcmene howl and scream. She once again held onto Ron’s body for dear life… Her screams spoke of absurdly intense orgasms and completely wild stimulations in her brain… But Megara was solely focused on Ron and his… incredible size.

To say Ron was large was an understatement. Megara had never seen such manhood. So well formed and so well rigged with veins. She had often had either soldiers or slaves undress in front of her, and sure some had been larger than others, none… oh none had such a divine size as Ron.

Megara had to adjust her sitting position so she could stuff two fingers into her pussy and stimulate her most sensitive area.

She was on her knees, while she was plowing away at her pussy… she was literally dripping like a waterfall. She was also moaning like crazy.

Ron seemed to be ready to plow Alcmene like this for the rest of the night.

It was breathtaking to Megara. She had never imagined sex to be so… fantastic.

What little she had heard about it, she had always assumed it to be a simple matter. A cock and a pussy, some action and nine months later a spawn of the Union would join the herd.

This was more than making a child out of two different entities. This was more than simple communication. This was something Megara was… not really aware of.

Being raised in a palace around slaves and servants that did her bidding, she never really got much understanding out of the word ‘love’.

To her it was a foolish notion.


A word fawning girls would cry out at the sight of a handsome boy at the raze track.


A poetic resemblance of something that would invigorate the crowd at the theaters.


A foolish hill for soldiers to die on.

Megara saw it again.

Alcmene’s lips that sought out Ron’s and how the man and the woman bestowed upon each other, a loving kiss… causing Alcmene’s pussy to spray out a stream of fluids, while Ron…

Megara saw it… She saw the bulging movements of his cock as he rammed it deeper and deeper into Alcmene and seemingly pumped her full of his sperm.

Megara knew of the sperm, and like all well educated people, she knew this was key in the breeding of horses, cattle and slaves.

And everything else that could crawl on land - to her knowledge at least.

The seed of Uranos had once given birth to Aphrodite… The goddess of love…

And now… she saw a seemingly endless stream being sprayed into the pussy and womb of Alcmene. While still kissing… the pair had open mouths in order to breathe and only touched with their tongues…

Megara’s vision began to fail her… She didn’t see Alcmene kiss Ron… she saw herself kiss him.

Megara had fallen back over on the slim mattress in the tent and was cumming endlessly… her ejaculating juices were hitting the cloth wall of the tent's opening.

She was getting the first orgasm in her life… simply by watching others have sex… And now… her fantasy did the rest…

Outside the tent Ron was still holding Alcmene and he was still kissing her.

Ron: I love you, Alcmene of Tiryns…

Alcmene: And I love you… Ron of… wherever you come from…

They kissed and made love until daybreak.


The travel to Thebes was rather simple really after they exited the forest.

Ron was riding his horse with all the equipment, while Alcmene and Megara shared Alcmene’s horse.

They were traveling alongside a dirt road that nonetheless seemed to be used to a lot of traffic. Ron found it strange that they were seemingly the only people out and about.

Megara seemed to think this as well.

Megara: Perhaps we should alter our route… this road is worryingly abandoned…

Ron caught wind of her words… He looked around. They were in an area that was completely open, but they would soon have to enter something akin to a gorge. The road went straight through it.

Before they drove the horses through it Ron looked at the alarmingly tall rock walls on either side.

Ron: Is there no way around?

Megara: There is… but it would take at least another day… Thebes is right on the other side of that gorge…

Ron looked at Alcmene. She seemed surprisingly calm. Ron smiled back at her.

He had managed to defeat a Nemean lion and a centaur lord in only a matter of days… But one thing was these mythological creatures, another thing entirely was human bandits.

Ron: Well… I like our odds… Come on.

Alcmene followed Ron and they made their way through the gorge.

The constant feeling about being watched never left them.

Ron was embarrassingly aware that it was the perfect setup for an ambush. But he was on a tight schedule. He had to be at Thebes soon, because then and only then, would he be able to get back home to his girls.

The weather was nice here in the bronze age of Greece, but he was literally dying for naco.

As the gorge leveled out and at a point it seemed like they were in the clear. Ron even allowed himself to feel that perhaps their fear had been for nothing… when…

Darkness and the feeling of stars dancing before his eyes… then a short drop and a meeting with the ground. Ron felt a lot of things happened at the same time.

The sound of Alcmene and Megara’s screams.

His horse roared and reared.

The horrific sound of battle cries.

His adrenaline fueled brain made him open his eyes, and he saw shadows and blurry figures make a way past him to the women and his horse.

He took a deep breath, and he reached up to his head with one hand. As far as he could tell there wasn’t a wound… but he would probably get a big ass bump later.

His vision returned to him slowly, as he heard voices communicate.

Megara and Alcmene had put up a struggle against the bandites that had seemingly come out of nowhere. In fact they had hid under bushes in cleverly constructed hiding spots that allowed them to jump their victims from certain angles.


Megara had let out a kick and it had hit one of the goons in the face while two others pulled her down from the horse.

Alcmene had cried more than fought, but mostly because Ron had fallen down from his horse after he had been hit in the head with a log.



Megara: COWARDS! BASTARDS! Fighting civilians while there is a war on! Have you no HONOR or SHAME!?

Bandit/1: That fucking bitch… she broke my nose!

Bandit/2: Hehe, then I guess you can learn your lesson.

Captain: Get those two broads gagged and bound! Women slaves are always in high demand! Especially such beauties.

Bandit/3: What about the man?

Captain: What? He is still alive? Damn, he must have a strong head… Deal with him.

Ron saw a shadow approach him. It was a man dressed in a cloak. He seemed to pull out a shiny, pointy object and Ron had no trouble guessing what it was.

Ron closed his eyes again… and when he opened them, they were glowing blue.

Bandit: Say good night, big fella…

A disgusting voice with a foul smelling host pulled up in Ron’s hair.

Ron: Good night, big fella!

And with that Ron punched the man so hard in his face that he flew through the air and hit the stone wall right behind them.

The bandits all stopped in their tracks and held at the sight of their colleague’s lifeless body…

Ron’s glowing blue eyes fell on Alcmene and Megara who were both being pulled by the hair… The bandits holding them seemed in shock of what had just transpired. Something like this was completely new to them.

In reality, these were all cowards who had either deflected from the war or run before they could be signed up for it.

They only fought against easy victims and robbed those they thought they could handle. In the case of the king's soldiers using the road through the gorge they always allowed them the pass… but a man traveling alone with two women… that had been a target too easy to resist…

Ron stood up in his enhanced height and glared down on the puny men.

He saw Alcmene and Megara in their struggles and he growled.

The bandits seemingly rallied, and enraged by their comrades' fall, they took to their arms and attacked Ron.

Ron however was impossible to hit, and when his punches landed on them, he sent them flying as easily as you or I would a barbie doll.

Ron had pulled up a young tree and flung it around like a club. Causing immense damage to the bandits.

One bandit got his back broken and another flew into the rock wall. He was not more than a pulpy mass on the floor.

The bandits… the only ones suffering casualties seemed to pause and step back from this monster in human form that they were now facing.

Bandit/1: What the hades…! What is he??

Captain: I don’t care what he is! KILL HIM!

The bandits once again attacked on their Captains orders. Cowards and miscreants as they were, they had an idea that their numbers would prove the proving factor of this battle.

But no.

As Leonidas once would teach the Greeks, it isn’t numbers alone that provides an army with victory.

And a rag of bandits isn’t an army more than a pile of bricks is a house.

Ron managed to hold his own. He wasn’t only strong, he was evasive and impossible to hit as well. Ron wouldn’t hold his punches and the bandits were thrown around like a dog would a rat.

In the end the captain bolted with only a few of the bandits left.

Captain: RUN! RUN FOR IT!

They ran out of the gorge and Ron stood in the dust looking after them considering a hot pursuit.

The sound of horses hooves and a good number of them made Ron turn around. A platoon of soldiers had come around the corner of the gorge and had only stopped a few meters from Ron. The leader in front, dressed in traditional Greek amor looked upon Ron with utter shock in his eyes.

Sergeant: By Hermes staff! Who are you?!


Megara ran in front of Ron, and Alcmene ran up to him.

Sergeant Daidalus: By Zeus and all his children… Princess Megara! You are alive…! Thank Olympus! But… but what happened to your escort? We expected you yesterday?

Megara: It’s a long story Daidalus… this man and woman found me in the forest of Nessus and they… well… frankly they saved my life… This is Ron, and Alcmene…

Ron took a deep breath and he seemed to deflate a little while his eyes once again turned brown.

Daidalus: Really…? In that case we are thankful to you both, Ron and Alcmene…

Ron: No problem… but what are you here for?

Daidalus: Well, our orders were to intercept the cart of Princess Megara… or find traces of her… The king had grown worried and wanted us to help his daughter home, as we have gotten reports of bandits on these roads.

Ron: The reports are true… auch…

Ron’s head still hurted like hell.

Alcmene, still with tears in her eyes, took a closer look. There was no wound, only a slight bruise… Ron was thick headed in more than one way. Alcmene however could only find the explanation that Ron’s head must have hit the log on a soft spot, making the log break instead of Ron’s head.

That or he was protected by the gods.

Daidalus: Ron and Alcmene, please let's escort you to Thebes. I am sure the King will wish to reward you himself.

Megara was helped up in the saddle of Daidalus’ mount while Ron and Alcmene got into the saddles of their own horses. And soon they drove off to Thebes.

Ron had no idea what to expect of Thebes… it had been described as a huge metropol of the ancient world.

When he saw it, he had to marvel. The city was raised on a hill and all its wonderful buildings had a theme of columns and pillars. Most were held in white and gray colors, but there were also golden sun stone colors.

Before they reached the outer wall which ran around the entire city, they came across an entire village of tents that had been set up around the gates.

Ron saw a number of different people that all seemed to have been drawn to the city in the hope of security.

Alcmene was riding right next to Ron and it was clear that she was in shock. This war that she had mentioned clearly ruined a lot of lives.

On the top of it all, towering over the city was a palace.

That was their main destination.

Before they had made their way through the crowded city it had become dark again.

They landed at the palace front yard. A huge open place paved with flat rocks.

Here they were met by a delegation of toga dressed people and more guards. Out from the inner halls of the palace and down the stairs came a man dressed in royal red robes and a golden crown on his head.

Creon: Oh my goodness… oh my goodness… Megara!? MEGARA!? Oh it is you!

The king ran to the mount of Daidalus, and down from the saddle came first Megara who soon was embraced by her father the king.

Creon: I feared the worst… I should never have sent you to Tiryns. I should never have trusted Eurystheus… I will never forgive myself…

Megara: Father… take it easy, I am alive and well… Thanks to…

Creon: … well thanks to Daidalus and his brave men I am sure…

Megara: Father no… It was Ron who saved me…

Creon: Ron… what is a Ron?

Megara made a gesture to Ron who was aiding Alcmene down from her horse.

Creon: Oh my…

Daidalus: My lord, this young man single-handedly defeated a number of bandits in the gorge… I have never seen such strength in a man before.

Megara: And before that father, he saved me from Nessus…

Creon looked at Ron like he was the answer to all his prayers.

Creon: Nessus? The Guardian of the River… the Immovable…

Ron smiled at Creon and bowed his head.

Alcmene herself made a gesture more befitting to greet a king.

Creon: Well Ron and… I assume this lovely lady is your mother?

Megara covered her mouth with a hand. It was clear she giggled.

Alcmene seemed to blush herself.

Megara: No, no father. Alcmene is not Ron’s mother. They are… traveling companions.

Creon: Oh, I see…

Creon looked at Alcmene with a look Ron couldn’t tell what meant. Then he began talking again.

Creon: Ron, I thank you with all my heart and please see yourself as my personal guest tonight and a friend of my house. You and your… truly charming companion, shall dine with me and my daughter and surely you shall have all the luxuries known to man bestowed upon you as a symbol of my gratitude.

Ron: Thank you, your Majesty, but I surely can’t…

Creon: Tut tut, no questions you are deserving of it. A hero is always a welcome guest.


Ron and Alcmene were escorted into the Palace and both were catered for in every angle and way.

Ron was first of all given a warm bath, and as was Alcmene, but in different bathrooms.

Ron was being looked after by a number of different servant girls. His bath was a bassin and it was filled with warm water somehow.

The servant girls were both as lovely and pretty as anyone could wish for. One scrubbed Ron’s back, while another scrubbed his legs. It was clear to them both that they were more than impressed with him… and his manhood.

Ron tried not to look as they both used their bodies to scrub him. This treatment made him very amorous, but he held his ground as long as he could.


In the other bathroom, two male servants were massaging and carrying for Alcmene. Both were handsome and well trimmed.

In another world, in another life, Alcmene would have loved to have had her way with both of them, but she was only interested in Ron. And no one else.

As she had accidentally touched one of the men’s cocks… she politely smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Alcmene: Sorry… but I am the property of another man…

The servant nodded and continued to simply scrub and wash her.


Finally dry and cleaner than he had felt since he got here, Ron stepped out of his bedroom in a fine royal tunic. He had gotten new sandals and he seemed like a real Greek hero. The mirror wasn’t made of glass, but of polished bronze. He appeared as a golden version of himself.

He was checking his phone in his special belt. He had fortunately not harmed it. It was still intact and it still had full energy…

Ron: Wow… Vivian wasn’t kidding about those new batteries. They are awesome.

A servant entered the room. Ron quickly hid the phone away and the servant told him that the meal was ready.

She escorted Ron down the halls, where he was met with a now clean and completely dressed Alcmene.

Alcmene looked like an ancient queen. Her hair had been knitted into a pure wonder of a hairdo and her toga was… quite revealing.

Ron: Wow, Alcmene… you look… well… You look simply fantastic…

Alcmene blushed and smiled.

She reached for his arm and followed him closely.

They came to a huge hall where a table was set for them to dine.

They were soon joined by the King, a woman by his hand Ron assumed was his… wife and queen.

The Queen had a good hold around a Megara who seemed to cuddle up next to her.

Ron and Alcmene both bowed towards the Royals that entered.

Creon: Ron, may I present my wife, Queen Eurydice of Thebes.

Ron looked at the woman who seemed to be somewhere in her 40’s. She was still very beautiful and she looked a lot like Megara. There was also another girl with them. A young woman who looked like a younger version of Megara.

Creon: And this is my youngest, Princess Pyrrha.

Ron bowed his head towards her and she looked at him with a smile. There was the same calculating look in her beautiful eyes as in Megara’s. It was seemingly a look she had from her mother, because Queen Eurydice had it as well. She sent Ron a very speaking gaze. It was a gaze of assortment. She was figuring out Ron and his value.

Ron knew that gaze… from high school.

Creon: Our sons are off fighting in the war, but I am sure they would have been impressed with your feats as well, young Ron.

Ron felt how Alcmene took his hand and he tugged it back reassuringly.

There were a number of people who had gathered for the feast. Some very important looking men and a few guards who seemed to be circling the party as watchdogs.

Ron had to imagine that in unruly times like these, it was wise to have armed guards around in case someone got a little too feisty after too much wine.

Ron spotter Daidalus, that outside of his armor appeared far more like a boy Ron’s age. He was dark haired and though he was a head shorter than Ron, was really strongly built. He was dressed in a more beautiful armor and a long golden cloak.

A little later they ate.

Ron wouldn’t deny that the meal was excellent. There was a wide array of different trays brought in. The roasted lamb was possibly his favorite.

Eurydice: I must say the tale I was told had me baffled, young Ron.

The Queen looked at him with intense fascination in her eyes.

Eurydice: In fact I have not heard of such tales since we had Perseus walking among us.

Alcmene made a little jolt, but it was hardly visible.

Creon: Indeed. Such strength and dexterity that Megara has told about. Defeating Nessus… That is a feat worthy of legends to come.

Eurydice: Legends… it’s worthy of pure immortality. Especially when I consider that he did it all to selflessly save our beloved Megara.

Creon: Well spoken my dear, well spoken… May I bring out a toast, For Ron, the Hero of…

Creon leaned in towards Ron.

Creon: That’s true dear boy from where do come?

Ron had to be impressed. It was a very clever way of getting information out of him without prying it.

Ron: America… a land far to the west.

Creon seemed a little disappointed. It was clear he had hoped Ron came from a country not too far away, and one he had heard of, in the possibility that he could form an alliance with Ron’s king.

Creon: Aha!

Creon said and regained his joyful boast and smile. He held aloft his golden cup and let out a toast. The entire table lifted up their cups as well.

Creon: To Ron of America! Hero of Thebes!

The entire table stood up and unanimously said: Hail you Ron, Hero of Thebes!

The Queen and Megara stood along them, and Alcmene too had taken part in the toast. Ron had no idea what was expected of him. So he simply nodded his head and smiled bashfully.

The dinner continued.

Creon: Ron, please tell me about this distant land, America was it?

Ron: Yes, my king.

Creon smiled.

Creon: Is it far away from here? I mean… how many days on horseback… just about.

Ron: Well… you would need to travel several days, and hope your horses also can swim really well.

Creon: Oh, you would have to go by boat… that is interesting. How come you are here in our lands, and how did you even get here?

Ron: I am sorry to be so cryptic my King, but, if I told you, you either wouldn’t believe me, or you would call me a mad man.

Creon: Oh boy… Then I guess there really are no chances for an alliance between our two people.

Ron: Not one that would be fruitful to you, I am sorry.

Creon: Oh no need my boy. My kingdom is strong and even against Tiryns we stand a good chance of winning.

The king nodded against Alcmene who politely bowed her head towards the king.

Creon: I must say your traveling companion is a very beautiful sight.

Ron smiled as he saw the king down another cup of wine.

Creon: Is she from Tiryns? I have something of an eye, and an ear for accents.

Ron: Yes… Alcmene is from Tiryns. I helped her escape a brute of a husband.

Creon: Oh your noble actions have no end, dear Ron. I have always said noble is as noble does. Ain’t that right, Eurydice?

Eurydice: True, my dear, true.

Creon: And you seem to have a true hero’s heart my boy.

The dinner sorta evolved into a social event where the food no longer was a center. People moved into the furniture in another part of the castle, and here there were servants filling up the cups of wine, and… Ron had something of a shock…


There were slaves placed around the new room. Beautiful women who were seemingly sliding around in the shallow pools filled with crystal clear water and rose leaves. They seemed to imitate sirens in the ocean. There were slave girls chained to trees in pots. Shaking their asses in a seductive way.

Then there were female and male slaves, one with the horns of a bull, the other with the horns of a cow, chained to each other and… going at it.

It was to Ron a stark reminder of his time in Hydrea’s lands… Back then, Hydrea had been a slave trader as well… Ron was not impressed with this. But it seemed like it was normal to these people.

Ron stood in the doorway for a while with Alcmene, who didn’t seem too well in this place either.

Ron knew that she had to feel empathy for these poor slaves as well… after all, she had been a slave to her husband for years.

Ron’s other arm was grabbed by Megara, who smiled at him and let him down the stairs.

The party turned into something akin to the grotesque. The well dressed men that Ron had seen flanking the King at his entrance, apparently were the king's ministers and advisers. And a few of them were perhaps his cousins as well.

Many of them began indulging in the… slaves…

Apparently that was what they were for.

Creon had placed himself in a soft chaiselong and he made a gesture for Ron to sit down in front of him. Ron led Alcmene with him. He wanted to be perfectly clear that he arrived with Alcmene, and he was going with Alcmene. He was not leaving her out of his sight again.

Creon: So Ron… what is you plan now…?

There was a certain silence in the room. Only the music from the orchestra could be heard.

Ron: Well… I was told to go to Thebes… here my… uhm… my friends would meet up with me and…

Creon: Friends…? Do you have friends in Thebes?

Ron: I told you, it’s hard to explain.

Eurydice: I think an explanation is in order however…

Ron looked at the Queen. She was fondling her daughter Megara’s hair.

Eurydice: … We have never ever heard of this ‘America’ land, and you haven’t even mentioned the name of its King…

Ron: Well… we don’t have a king, so to speak and…

Pyrrha: No King…? That means… no Queen either… Too bad huh, Meg…

Megara turned at Pyrrha with a poisonous look.

Creon: It must be like this experiment the Athenians indulge in. I think they call it uhhh… what was the word again…

Thallus: Democracy, my king…

One of the king's advisers, an old man in a purple toga. He looked like the typical serpent in the court. A crafty and clever plotter.

Thallus: The rule of the people… Tell us young Ron… how does that fare in your country?

Ron: Please, don't make me get into that… that subject is already a party killer back home.

None seemed to get the joke.

Thallus: I guess it’s because it’s unnatural. The gods rule us, as we rule the people. It’s the way it has always been, and it’s the way it will always be.

Ron seemed to have stirred a hornet's nest.

Creon: Whatever the order is, it will be interesting to see how the Athenians fare… I just hope they and the Spartans can stop fighting long enough for it to actually happen.

There was laughter in the room.

To Ron it sounded forced.

Daidalus: With your permission, my king…

Daidalus stepped into the circle of the conversation.

Creon: Yes, Daidalus?

Daidalus: Forgive me for speaking outside of my jurisdiction, but perhaps it would be wise to ask for the mighty Hero Ron’s help in the war against Tiryns?

Creon seemed a little annoyed that Daidalus had brought the subject that he clearly was working his way to.

Daidalus: Of course… there is the chance that… what we saw in the gorge was nothing but… pure luck… and perhaps… Ron’s strength… is not real strength… as his courage… might not even be… true courage…

Ron frowned his eyebrows… What the heck?

There were whispers in the crowd and circle. Ron felt just like back in high school. He was used to people talking behind his back - that didn’t mean he appreciated it.

Thallus: There is something to the Sergeants words my king… Honestly… one thing is this tale of the bandits attacking… that is something well heard of… but this gallivanting tale about Ron defeating Nessus in single combat… truly… that must be the talk of a woman’s exaggeration.

Megara stood up and with remarkable compulsion looked at Thallus and Daidalus.

Megara: Calling me a liar directly to my open face, Thallus… that is a bold move…

Thallus bid his tongue. Not because he had nothing to say, but because he felt it necessary.

Megara: Especially…

Megara stepped towards Ron.

Megara: Coming from the man… who refused to journey to Tiryns and instead told my father to send me… to bargain for a peace deal…

Ron gulped. He hated this kind of situation.

Thallus: I am not calling you a liar, my princess, and I assure you that I believe there is credence to the story… I simply have a hard time imagining this, albeit, well grown boy is able to handle Nessus the Immovable. A centaur…

Daidalus: Truly… the gods must have been with him…

Ron: Or maybe they weren’t with Nessus…

This made Alcmene giggle, and also the king.

Ron stood up.

Ron: I defeated Nessus. I battled him in the river water. Believe it or not, it happened. What would prove it to you that I did it?

Thallus and Daidalus both seemed to think, and plot… they shared a look.

Just as Thallus opened his mouth, Ron lifted a hand and simply smiled.

Ron: I am so sorry… I forgot… I don’t care if you believe in it or not. I have nothing to prove, and I am sorry…

Ron bowed his head towards the king.

Ron: I have nothing to offer of value to a king. I am simply a man seeking to get the Thebes… I am here, and I was hoping to meet my friends here as well. So if you don’t mind that…

Ron felt his belt, the one hidden under his tunic, vibrate…

Ron: Oh, excuse me a second will ya…

The entire hall looked at Ron with completely perplexed eyes.

Ron pulled out his smartphone and saw it was Vivian in the other end.

Ron: Vivian! Oh thank goodness you called, I am at the most horrible party you can even imagine…


Vivian: Party!? What party!? Ron, we are outside the city gate and we can’t get inside because of some very annoying guards… according to my information you are at the palace, is that right?


Ron: I am Vivian I am… listen there has happened so much since I got here… I ended up at the palace, and the king and his court seems to be holding onto me for some reason…

If you have ever experienced being the unfortunate listener to a phone conversation right in front of you, my dear reader, you know how absolutely awkward it is.

Then try to imagine what the King and his court and all around Ron felt when they saw their guest talk into a black rectangular thing…


Vivian: Have you tried asking them to let you go?


Ron: Vivs, I don’t think you understand… I am the king's honored guest… or at least I would think I was, the way I am being probed for information… I am standing in the middle of a court and it’s not something you just leave…

Megara had approached Alcmene.

Megara: Who is this Vivs?

Alcmene shrugged.


Vivian: Oh god, Ronald Dean Stoppable, I told you to stay out of trouble…


Ron: Well listen here, Vivs, when we get home, you are not getting out of the lab before that damn Time Machine is working properly.


Vivian: Enough, Ron… Selene and Rhea are about to start another war with the guards… we have to get you out of there, and in something of a hurry. Any suggestions?


Ron: Well Vivs… they are a pretty stubborn bunch, so… we are gonna need something… dramatic…

Ron sorta got an idea…

Ron: And… bombastic… Vivian… what are you wearing?


Vivian: Ron really? Is now really the time for that?


Ron: Just answer me, what are you wearing?


Vivian: Well I am wearing a white and pink Greek toga, and I have also got a crown of leaves on my head… the people outside of Thebes thought I was a goddess… such sweethearts…


Ron: Perfect! Vivs, does the projection device still work in the phones?


Vivian: Of course, I fixed it before… Ooooh… I see… Ron I don’t give you enough credit, you are a smart cookie.


Ron: I have my moments…

Ron looked back over his shoulder.

Ron was whispering into the phone, and he was embarrassingly aware that all the party was listening in on his conversation.

In our modern time we have a certain decorum to attempt to not eavesdrop at a phone conversation… at least not openly… but the fist device that even comes close to a phone would still be several thousand years away.

Ron: Listen… you have to pretend to be the goddess, Hera… Understand…?


Vivian: Hydrea’s mom? Ohhh, yeah I saw her… I guess I could make such an impression… hmmm… I am not really an actor…


Ron: Then use your dominatrix demeanor, I am sure that will cut it. The King’s name is Creon and the Queen’s name is Eurydice… got that…?


Vivian: I got it… Okay… then put me through… Selene… Oh for heaven's sake, let that man go and get over here!


Ron turned to face the court, only to be shocked to see they were all watching him like he was mad… even the slaves had stopped their… thing…

Ron: Ahem… ladies and gentlemen…

Ron stepped over to the small table in front of the king.

Ron: May I present… her Divine Supremacy… Queen Hera of Olympus.

Ron pressed the button, and…

The entire hall let out a collective gasp of shock.

Vivian stood at the table in a shining blue hologram brought forth by the projector in Ron’s phone.

Ron had altered the size so she stood like a giant towards them all.

Despite it only being a hologram, it was great to see her again.

And she looked damn good from this angle. She was incredibly hot in a toga. And she looked more like Hera than Hera did.

Vivian stared down at all the people in front of her. Most of the participants had fallen over either the furniture or themselves in their shock.

Vivian, ever the dramatic despite her own claims, looked down upon them with her most demeaning smile. Ron had seen it so often in the dungeon. He both loved it and feared it.

Fortunately the speakers in the phone were also a marvel, so when Vivian’s voice came out… they heard a roaring thunder.

Vivian: Humans… I am Hera… Queen of Olympus…

When the entire court looked upon her without as much as a gesture or a change in their looks, Vivian’s eyes turned narrow.


This set them into motion.

The entire hall fell to their knees. All of them. Including the king and the queen.

Even the chained slaves made an effort to bow before the goddess in front of them.

Vivian: I hear that you are entertaining my…

An idea seemed to strike Vivian.

Vivian: … Champion… Ron, the Unstoppable…

Ron smiled.

Ron saw Megara lean into her father. She whispered something in a hurry to him

Megara: Ron is one of the Olympians… he is a god… that is why he couldn’t tell you who he really is!…

Vivian: SILENCE!

Megara fell to the ground again.

Vivian: Ron is fighting for mine, Hera’s glory alone! He is not a soldier of man's puny wars. You will NOT ask him to fight your battles, King Creon of Thebes!

Creon: Oh mighty Hera, Queen of the Cosmos… I, your humble servant, beg you for your forgiveness and for your blessings. We hope you will understand our need and our desperate situation… had we only known…

Vivian: Now you know, Creon! Ron is my champion! And I demand you let him go…

The entire court let out a sigh and a gasp.

Vivian: In return…

Vivian’s gaze seemed to tilt to her right for a moment. Then…

Vivian: I will guarantee you… that you will win this war, mighty King of Thebes.

Creon looked up in utter surprise.

Vivian: You have the blessings of the Olympians. Now escort Ron to the city gate, and allow him to venture out in the dark of the night. Do NOT dare to follow him…

Creon: Of course… immediately!

Vivian turned to gaze at Ron and she sent him a wink.

Then her hologram ended and Ron took the phone from the table.

It took some time for the court to get into action, but when they finally did, a lot of orders were shouted out.

Creon: Quickly! Quickly now! Empty the treasure hold! Fill it up on the wagons! We must send off Ron with all our worthy possessions! The champion of Hera… Hera’s personal champion! She has blessed us! The Olympians are with us! Our finest wine! I finest vases! Come, come, COME!

The entire population of servants filled the entire worth of the palace into 5 big wagons. Ron kept trying to protest, but it was to no avail… The King insisted to let Ron take whatever he had of possessions because now that he had the blessings of the gods he needed nothing else. The war was as good as won to him.

Ron felt a little bad, but he was just happy to get away from there…

He kept Alcmene by his side all the time, and even she looked upon Ron with new eyes. It was a mix of wonder and… was it fear?

The entire palace was in an uproar… First the horses that were to pull had been the ordinary horses… but this the King said wasn’t good enough.

He only wanted the finest horses from his own personal stable to pull the wagons.

So in the end, five big wagons each pulled by 6 beautiful white mares loaded to the full were escorting Ron and Alcmene out to the city gate.

2 of the wagons were filled with gold, silver and all sorts of trinkets. Another wagon was filled with silks and the finest clothes. One wagon was filled with the most beautiful vases and urns, even some really majestic looking weapons, swords and spears and shields. And the last was filled with barrels of fine wine.

As they made their way through the city, the royal palace guards rode in front and made a way for the wagons to get through the public.

Ron felt bad all the way. He tried to give Alcmene a little smile but… she still seemed a little distant from him.

When they finally reached the end of the city of tents Ron sorta began to look around for the girls… but he saw nothing. He had an idea that the girls had moved up the road… it would be a little anticlimactic if the people got to see Vivian as a human and not as a goddess… even though they would probably still revere her… all others revered her as a goddess back home.

The wagons were lined up, and the King and his court looked at Ron with sparkles in their eyes.

Creon: Mighty Ron The Unstoppable… Hera’s Glory… Champion of the Gods… Herald of Olympus… We are forever thankful for this most blessed day… Thank you, thank you for allowing us to host you… We are forever in debt… we shall raise a statue to honor your patron Hera and forever remember you, as Hera’s Glory.

Ron smiled again and saw the entire court with them… all… except for Megara… Ron sorta thought she would at least be there to say goodbye.

But no… she wasn’t present at all.

Eurydice: Truly! A statue, and we shall forever celebrate this day!

Creon: Yes, yes! We shall hold games on this day and in five days forever onwards! After the war is won of course!

Ron nodded: I am sure, my king I am sure… but wouldn’t rather keep these things, I can assure you that…

Creon: All glory to the gods! It is theirs and theirs alone!

Ron realized there was no reasoning with them. He sat himself up in front of the wagon next to Alcmene and let the train of wagons into the gorge…

The trip felt extremely long, especially because Alcmene continued to say nothing.

When they finally reached the gorge, Ron looked behind him… they weren’t followed… and when they were at the other side of the gorge at the crossroads…

Suddenly! Alcmene jolted.


Ron stopped the horses and Ran after her.

Alcmene was trying to run, but Ron caught her before she got very far.

Ron: Alcmene, stop, STOP! What are you doing!?

Alcmene was fighting to get out of his grip but it was impossible. Ron was too strong and he wasn’t letting go of her.

Ron: Alcmene, what is wrong!?

Alcmene: Let me go! Let me go now!

Ron grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. She still struggled but he didn’t care for it.

When they were back with the wagons Ron put her down. She was still resisting.

Ron: Alcmene will you please cut it out! Whatever you are thinking, it’s not that at all I can guarantee you that!

Alcmene: You are ZEUS! I know it! YOU ARE ZEUS!

Ron: What?! No I am not!

Alcmene: Yes you are! You are the Storm Bringer! The Sky Father! And I know the fate of your lovers and mistresses! I don’t want Hera to punish me for your embrace, now let me go!

Ron pulled her into a hug and his arms closed around her back… immediately she stopped fighting him, but she began to cry as she hugged him.

Ron: I am not Zeus… Alcmene I promise you… I am not Zeus… I am Ron… Ron Stoppable…

He held her out and in the light from the torch at the wagon he saw her eyes filled with confusion.

Ron: I am not a god… I am a human man… I come from the future… approximately 3300 years from now… Plus minus some…

Alcmene’s tearful eyes looked both shocked and full of wonder.

Ron: What you saw… was a trick… The woman you saw wasn’t at all Hera… it was in fact a friend of mine.. her name is Vivian and…

There was a buzzing sound and feeling from Ron’s belt.

Alcmene felt it too.

Ron reached for it and he answered the phone.

Ron: Fantastic timing as always Viv…

Vivian: Ron… is it you… at the head of those… carts?

Ron: Yes Vivian it’s me… With the entire value of Thebes as a present for… well us…

Vivian closed the conversation and Ron put the phone back in his belt.

Ron looked at Alcmene who seemed even more confused.

Ron: Get ready to meet my family, Alcmene.

Ron looked out in the darkness and there… a few seconds after he had hung up… came Vivian, Selene, Kim, Adrena, Rhea, Scarlett, Madison, Elena and La. All dressed in some form of toga or tunic. All looking awesome and all happy to see him.

Vivian: Hello there Ronald…

Ron: Hey guys…

The girls all ran to Ron to get hugs and kisses. It had been several days after all.

Shego: Oh my god, Ron… I don’t think I have ever been so scared my entire life…

Ron gave her a kiss and he kept kissing the other girls as well.

Ron: Don’t worry… I have been fine… everything is fine…

Shego: I’d say…

Selene looked at the woman behind Ron.

Shego: Who is the cutie?

Alcmene seemed more than scared now.

Ron smiled at her and placed a hand around her shoulders.

Ron: Guys… this is Alcmene of Tiryns. She found me and took care of me.

Vivian: Did she now?

Vivian smiled and stepped forward.

Vivian: Well then we owe her more than can ever be repaid.

Alcmene stepped backwards. She looked utterly terrified at Vivian.

Ron: Alcmene, this is Vivian. She is most definitely NOT Hera… I can assure you.

Vivian giggled: Hehe, don’t worry Alcmene. I am apparently a better actor than I first thought.

Ron: Well… At least we can go home now… right…

Vivian: On the spot.

Ron: Well that’s good… Just Viv… did you really have to promise them that they would win the war? I mean… that’s quite a lofty promise… Especially when we don’t know…

Kim: Ron we do know…

Ron: Huh…

Kim: Ron don’t you remember the history lessons? This was part of the curriculum. The war between Thebes and Tiryns ends up with a huge victory for Thebes.

Ron: Oh… Ooooooh… of course… you had Google… I wish I had thought of that…

Shego: Well, well, well… that’s all mighty fine and dandy, but perhaps we could get back to the future now… I am sick of the wedgies I get from the underwear here… And not to mention…

Selene flung her arms around Ron’s neck: I am in dire need for some Ron-shine…

La: Get in line, Concubine! Royal duties before pleasures!

Selene: I will teach you some manners, you…

Adrena: Uhh, Ron… what about her?

Ron looked at Alcmene who seemed to feel a little out of place. Ron smiled and stepped over to her.

Ron: Alcmene…

Alcmene seemed to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

Ron: Alcmene… I have to go home now… would you… would you like to come with me?

Alcmene seemed even more in doubt: Ron… Ron I…

Ron: Alcmene… I would love nothing more… than for you to come and join me in my life… in the future… but… I understand if you wont come…

La: ‘Won’t come’? Just pick her up and bring her! She is a concubine, it’s not like it’s her choice to make.

Selene: Urgh, someone please close the Royal Narrative.

Ron smiled and looked at Alcmene.

Ron: The future is a wonderful place… and I… I know you would make it even better… Especially for me.

Ron reached his hand out… and Alcmene was hesitating for just a few more seconds then… She ran to Ron and hugged him.

Alcmene: I love you Ron… And I will never leave you… never…

Ron hugged her back and the girls all giggled.

Rhea: Well… we always have room for another one…


It took some time to get the wagons into the portal of the Time Machine.

But eventually it was all through and they were all ready to go home.

Vivian: Well… can’t say the trip wasn’t profitable…

Ron: Sure can’t…

Ron looked at Alcmene who was having a chat with Kim and Adrena. They were sitting on a fallen tree trunk.

Ron walked over to them with a smile.

Ron: I think we are ready to go home now.

Kim: Cool… let’s go then.

Ron saw Adrena and Kim step up and walk over to the portal.

Ron looked at Alcmene who also stood up.

Alcmene: Your world… it sounds so… so… unbelievable… Are you certain that you aren’t Zeus in disguise…?

Ron: Don’t you think if I was that bearded peacock, then I would have bragged about it a long time ago?

Alcmene giggled.

Alcmene: I guess you would have…

Alcmene looked at the girls who were all waiting for them.

Alcmene: Well I… I certainly never thought that… that bringing you in for the night would have led to this…

Ron smiled. He gave her a long and lasting kiss.

Ron: I have given you several promises over the last few days, Alcmene… but I will do my best to keep them all…

Ron took her hand… and then he led her over to the other girls.

They all smiled at her. Even La.

Rhea was the only one who didn’t smile. Also… she wasn’t looking at Alcmene… but instead at the horizon.

Rhea: Uuh, Ron… what is that… glow in the distance?

Ron turned to look behind him…

Alcmene: That’s Thebes… What… What has happened?

Ron looked at La, who understood. She quickly flew upwards in a direct line…

Hovering some hundred or so meters over the ground she looked towards the glow.

Her magical green eyes could see the city of Thebes… and she could see… an army that had put it under siege…

She flew down to Ron and the others.

La: Thebes is under attack…

Ron looked in horror at the others, and they all looked at him.

Ron: Vivian… can we help them…?

Vivian: What kind of goddess would I be if I didn’t hold my word?

She was smiling so oddly.

Vivian lifted her left hand and spoke into her armband.

Vivian: Justine… activate our Olympian Protocol… and also… open the portal in the Amazon Kingdom…


Thebes was in an uproar…

Chaos ruled. The city had only had time to bar the gates and call out the guards of the city to mount the walls.

The king and queen were all in a sense of panic.

Creon: How can this be…? Goddess Hera… she… she promised that we would win the war?

Eurydice: Well… she promised we would win it… she didn’t say we would survive it…

Our sons will avenge us… I think that is what she meant…

Creon: Oh I was such a fool… such a fool for having any hope…

Thallus: Well fool or not, I say let’s leave the city…

Creon and the Queen looked at the adviser.

Thallus: It’s a sad choice, but one we have to take. The fastest horses from the smallest gate… The night will be our cover and we will be gone while Eurystheus plunders and sacks the city. We will find your sons and regroup the army.

It sounded like wisdom.

Creon: But… my people… all the refugees of the war… they will be slaughtered…

Thallus: It’s in the hands of the gods now, my King… All we can do is make sure the most important pieces on the board survive…

Creon seemed to think this through.

He looked at the army that was making an attempt at his mighty city’s walls.

Creon: Any of my court that wishes to leave the city, has the chance now… I will not hold it against you… but I will stay… and share the fate of my people…

Creon looked at his wife who had come to him.

Creon: Get out of the city, my love… and bring our daughters.

Eurydice: My love… we still can’t find Megara… She isn’t anywhere to be found…

Creon: Oh Zeus… hopefully she is far far away from this place…


On a hill… on the far side of the advancing army of Tiryns, stand the King Eurystheus on a fine horse.

The king made a sad figure.

Born prematurely, he never really regained what was meant to come to him with age. He was a small and thin, almost sickly character. His cheeks were hollow and his armor that was supposed to make up for his poor physique was more a hindrance than an aid.

He had never been a true warrior, but he was a fine strategist.

He had made his army move around the Armies of Thebes, leaving behind a ton of supplies. But this was a calculated risk. The sack of Thebes would provide the army with everything it needed, and then they would be out and away before the army of Thebes could rally.

It had worked, and they would be done with this city before noon tomorrow.

Amagus, the military council to King Eurystheus leaned into the King.

Amagus: We are making good progress, sire… the gate will soon succumb to the flames.

Eurystheus: Good, good… uh, give the order to the men to do whatever they want with the people of Thebes, but to spare the queen and her daughters. I have heard they are quite lovely.

Amagus: I shall, sire…

There was a roar of cheer from the army… apparently the gate had come crashing down.


Daidalus: Of for fucks sake… to the gate! Keep them out!

Daidalus had been at the gate and now he had to rally his men to fight at the gate itself. The men ran down from the walls to assist their comrades on the ground. They were valiantly holding the horde away… but was a futile attempt in the end… even Daidalus knew that. The soldiers of Tiryns were too many.

Daidalus: Well… now we will know if the gods are truly evil or not…


Eurystheus was just taking a sip from his bottle of wine… when he heard the most unnerving sound in his entire life…

The primeval roar of a beast thought to be extinct long ago…

A roar of a fully grown T-Rex that came crushing and stomping out of the forest.

The army of Tiryns were in complete shock. None had ever seen the like before… and most of them… especially those in the Rex’s parth would never see the like again… or anything else for that matter.

The enormous jaw on two legs came roaring and bellowing against the exposed flanks of the army.

The first casualties of the Rex were gobbled up in its huge mouth.

The beast ran through the soldiers with its large feet and trotted them down like grass.

Screams… screams of horror could be heard from the army.

Eurystheus: What the Hades is going on!?

Amagus had no answers. The next horrible thing hit them, when another roar was heard to their right. Another monster came out of the forest, the same size as the first monster…

Another T-Rex came marching towards the other exposed flank. And just like the first monster it tore through the ranks of men like a hot knife through butter.

But this was not the end of the madness…

A horroring sound of a horn and then a hundred others was being blown through the forest… then they heard what sounded like the war cries of a thousand wild furies… And also… a horde of monstrous… birds?

Then they could feel the trembling feeling… the feeling of a thousand creatures that… ran at the same pace, and at the same time… in the same direction.

Amagus and Eurystheus felt it… whatever was coming, was coming right at them… from right behind them.

Then suddenly… It happened.

Out of the forest… right behind the king and his cohort, came hundreds and hundreds of vile and disgusting creatures unlike any they had ever seen before… These creatures seemed to run on their hind legs only… they were equipped with long snouts, long tails… and most remarkably… they all had a rider…

They were snarling and hissing like snakes, but also squeaking and crying like birds… They were grotesquely armed with long claws on their 3 fingered hands and their snouts were filled with razor sharp teeth, and through it all they roared out the most hideous calls imaginable.

The striders of these unearthly mounts were all letting out war cries that made Eurystheus blood freeze in his veins. His horse, overcome with fear, tossed him from his saddle and began to flee…

The same happened to Amagus, but the horde of monsters that was running over them didn’t even seem to care about them. The creatures ran past them and seemed to target the army.

And they did… just like the Rexes had… this cavalry - for it was in fact a cavalry - attacked and cut through the exposed rear of the army of men…

The cavalry was an unusual one… for the mounts weren’t horses… they were Raptors… huge, vile and war bred raptors. Through generations the Amazons… Ron’s subjects - had trained and bred the beasts into trusty mounts of war… making them into the most effective cavalry in their world.

The amazons however didn’t leave all the work to the raptors. No… they were armed with spears, swords and bows and arrows.

What the swift Raptor claws didn’t kill, the Amazon warriors spears and swords would kill instantly.

Being targeted by an unknown enemy that evidently had the aid of monsters at their disposal, made the soldiers of Tiryns fear for more than only their life… but also their souls… and their sanity…

They bolted and fled and it was even worse with the King… King Eurystheus was crawling through the legs of raptors and men who ran past each other. Some valiant souls did their best to stand against this… new enemy, but they all either failed, or lost their nerve.

The hollow cries of the Raptors were enough to destroy the courage of even the most disciplined soldier. And the rampaging chorus of the Rexes that still thundered about killing everything in their path ensured the hasting of them losing their resolve.

Eurystheus was hiding under the wagons of supplies and weapon crates… he was covering in fear… biding his time… he had to survive this day… he had gambled everything… everything on this one strike… How… how could he have known that the city of Thebes had access to this… this kind of reinforcements…?

He had to survive today… he had to live… he simply had to…

The cowardly king crawled from crate to crate… he hid under wagons and behind dead horses… He even had the nerve to hide in a huge jaw meant to contain water…

He was just about ready to crawl out from under it, when he saw the snout of one of the Raptors… it was sniffing at the edge of it…

Amazon: What have you found girl…? Can you smell something?

Eurystheus saw that the raptors' teeth were exposed in a snarl…

Amazon: Whoever is hiding in the jaw… don’t think it will hold out for long… Come out now, and we shall discuss your execution. Who knows… we might agree on a painless one…

And with that… Eurystheus pulled a knife and hid it behind his back…

Eurystheus: Wait… wait… oh brave… brave warrior goddess… let me… let come out and… we can come to… another arrangement…

A cornered rat is a brave rat. It will fight, when it can’t run.

Eurystheus came out of the jar, and he stood face to face with a Raptor that at the hip was taller than himself. The creature was snarling and growling at him. Astride it, was a woman… a woman cloth in armor familiar to his lands, but looked foreign as well. Her helmet looked Spartan and her spear was crooked like those in the eastern lands. Her bosom was showing, but one breast was tied up.

He couldn’t see much of her face…

Eurystheus: Brave warrior goddess… please… I am a valuable prisoner…

Amazon: I have no orders to take prisoners…

The Raptor snarled… savoring the feast to come.

Eurystheus: What a shame…

Fast as a bolt of lighting did the king throw his knife and he hit the strider in the shoulder… The shock and pain caused her to fall out of the saddle and the Raptor lost its balance as it tried to go after Eurystheus… He missed, and Eurystheus began to run into the night…

Under all other circumstances would the Raptor pursue, but it would never leave its wounded rider.

Fortunately… for all others than Eurystheus… one of the Rexes that had pulled back to evade the soldiers that were trying to use their spears to chase it off… had caught the scene… and the Rex’ rider too had seen the action… it was none other than our hero… Ron Stoppable…

Ron: Ohhhh, no you don’t…

Then he urged his Rex - Ragnar - to follow the king who had just downed one of his amazons. The Rex let out a rumbling noise of approval.

A patrol of Amazon raptor riders saw where Ron was going, and they moved to follow him. A pair of them stayed with their wounded comrade. The rest followed Ron into the jungle.


Eurystheus was making his way through the dense forest.

He was in panic, and he didn't cover much distance, because of the heavy armor. He was trying his best to get it off, but it only began to hang from him and was even less easy to move around in.

With some tugging and grunting did he manage to get rid of the breastplate and the shoulder patches. He thought he saw shadows of his men running through the forest. Deserters… like himself… in his mind he hated them for their lack of discipline, but he had no time…

His struggle with his armor came to a pause when he heard an eerie screech of a raptor, followed by the horrible cry of a man…

It happened once… it happened twice… it happened all around him… The king was standing in something akin to a clearing and he heard how the stragglers of his army were being picked out… one by one…

A long snarl by a raptor could be heard not that far away… he ducked down under a scrub and looked around… There was nothing to see… the moonlight passed through some of the trees above… he was destined to rule over all Greece… he knew that… Hera had promised him that…

He hadn’t noticed any calls or screams close to him for a while… he dared to crawl out… He was out of most of his armor now. He left the purple colored cloak on the ground and as he began to quickly walk in the other way of the battle… he…

He heard a loud blow of air out of what had to be a pair of huge nostrils. The stench was incredible…

Behind him… he also heard the rumbling of what had to be a huge monster…

Eurystheus froze in his tracks. He slowly turned around and as he did… he came face to face with the King over all Tyrant lizards. The teeth were exposed in a snarl… and Eurystheus didn’t even have time to beg for mercy this time…

All he could do was whimper a single “No, NO!” The rest ended in a loud panicked scream.

The huge mouth bit over his torso and lifted him up in a single gobble… he then felt how it tossed him, violently from side to side… and the last thing he felt in his life… was the foul smell and darkness of the monster's mouth… before he felt nothing more… than crushing pain and darkness and then… nothing more…


Dawn came… and King Creon and his court looked out from the palace hill… they saw the result of last night's battle… they were alive… which meant they had won…

But… how in the world had they won… The army that had saved them… they were gone before the day had broken. Only the army of Tiryns… or what was left of it was visible from the city…

But all of Thebes had heard the roars and monstrous cries… What on earth had happened…?

Daidalus had brought a few survivors of the battle back with them and they were all in total shock…

One of the men wouldn’t move, but simply rested in the fetus position while shaking all over the body.

Another man kept saying that they had been attacked by the hordes of Tartarus itself… That all the monsters of the unworld had been turned against them… They spoke of horrid screams, furries and… the teeth of hades itself…

Creon: By Hera… we… we were saved by the gods themselves…

Eurydice: Thank the heavens… They looked to the horizon…

Their prayers had been heard.


In the 21st century, Rhea was thanking her army of Amazons for heeding their King’s call to arms with such determination.

Nemia, the captain of the Amazons bowed to her Commandor Rhea and said it was their honor to keep. And that the King only had to ask.

They then proceeded to return to their own little pocket world.

Ron and the ladies stood back in the Stoppable Mansion where everything now was back to normal.

Ron: Oh goodness me… I am just gonna sleep the next 24 hours away…

Shego: Poor little Ronnie… it must be so hard to be pampered by all those Greek beauties…

Ron: Not now, Selene, I am really beat…

Kim and the others were smiling at their exchange. They pulled one of the blankets off one of the wagons in order to expose what was on it when they heard an outcry.

Ron and Selene and Alcmene both jumped up and ran to the wagon’s rear end…

Ron: What the heck is…? Oh no…

There stood La with a firm grip on Megara’s ear…

La: I hope you have the best explanation ready, young lady… if not then I swear I will turn you into a jackal!

Megara: I… auch! I have come… to be with the gods! Gah!… Let go of me…! I am a princess!

La: And I am the Queen of these lands! Prepare to live the life of a scavenger, you filthy thing!

Ron: No La, stop… stop…

Ron went in between the 2 women… and La obeyed her King.

La: I do not appreciate concubines who show up by themselves Ron! And certainly not sneaky ones… You have far too many of those already.

Ron: La, please… let me handle this… I promise to do whatever you ask…

La seemed ready to let it go. She sighed.

La: Fine… keep her… I guess a princess would make a fine concubine… just sad her kingdom is already lost to time.

Ron smiled as she left him. He padded her butt as she left them. He turned to look at Megara who slowly came to her legs.

She bowed before Ron and Ron looked at her with a strict stone face.

Ron: You certainly have messed up this time, Megara.

Megara: I have come to pledge my life to the gods… and I shall take whatever role they decide upon me…

Ron rolled his eyes.

Ron: Whatever… I am too tired to care now…


To be continued.



I started reading this story from curiosity but i it's soo good i can't stop. If you imagine it the loving parts are so real and they give you this wonderful feeling and don't get me started an the way you have combined the caraters to be in one story. l ... Just ... Wow splendid work Henrik. 👍♥️ And you have no ide how much i needed this story for this upcoming rough day. 😭 Thank you! 🥺


I really hope there's another part of this story to come out.