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I am working on a writing where we get to meet Ron’s extended family and his many cousins on the Stoppable side.

Remember, La is a Queen and her role as the wife to her husband the king is to secure the bloodline and also guard it.
Of course this is just in her mind, but to La it’s important. To Queens and often Mafia Don’s wives, the bloodline and the family must be protected. Sometimes viciously.

The writing will include La’s reasoning to meet Ron’s family, and Ron’s hesitation, as he knows exactly what kind of people they are.
We are not talking Ron’s parents or his auntie Tessa whom we know he loves. But the other part of the family, that seemed to relish in Ron being tormented by his younger cousin and was at 17 expected to sit at the kids table.
I sat at the grown up table when I was 13. I don‘t know if the rules are different elsewhere.

Ron is the sole heir to Tessa’s wealth that she inherited from her late husband, (Ron Stoppable) the man Ron’s is named after. Ron’s fathers big brother whom he loved.

Tessa adores Ron and is like Ron not loved by the extended family.

Perhaps La had the dream to include some of Ron’s cousins in the brood that would be allowed to play with the Princes and Princesses that she will bless Ron with. But alas… the Royal Court will be with the family of selection. Not of Blood.

I hope you enjoy this little sketch and will look forward to the next writings.
I also hope and beg you to not post my work anywhere else. I am ever so thankful for your respect. It means the world to me. ♥️

Thank you
Yours truly




I'm amazed she waited till they were home to tell him that. Queen La having restraint to things she doesn't like is pretty rare.


Indeed, but La is not an untalented schemer. She may speak her mind only to the King, but she will not insult family - not openly to their faces in any case. She will sweeten the punches, but deliver them in steady beats 😈


Very nice work dude keep that queen la content coming


Awsome man is it going to be posted soon?


Great on how this was done. Will be good to see how it'll be done accordingly when you fully flesh this out.

Julian Fratzscher

"Tessa adores Ron (our Ron?) and is like Ron (the dead unlce?) not loved by the extended family." I guess it comes also from said extended family not gonna seeing a cent of the dead family member.


Tessa adores Ron - the only one still alive. And former Ron was loved, but since his fortune went to his young wife and not the extended family, then no - money has a tendency to ruin that stuff. But thanks for the question. ♥️