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Ann removed the thermometer from her mouth.

And yep… she had a fever.

She was already in bed resting against a mountain side of pillows and she was feeling miserably.

The irony.

Even doctors get sick.

She was miserable, and since her sons (thankfully was away on that extended educational program in Australia) and her lying cheating bastard of a husband was gone as well (praise (insert deity) for that) there was no one to care for her.

What cruel irony. Being a woman and a mother, always the caregiver, never cared for.

She wanted a bowl of soup so badly, but she had neither the time nor the patience to make it.

Even a cup of tea was at present out of her reach.

Ann fell into a horrible sleep, and moments later, she heard a ringing on the door.

Ann’s poor head hurt and she took a napkin to sneeze into it, and blow it afterwards.

Then she stood down in her cozy home shoes and wrapped her fuzzy bathrobe tighter around her.

She didn’t even take care of what she thought she might look like.

Whoever it was at the door, he or she would run away screaming.

Ann got to the door. It felt like an endless journey.

She took the doorknob and opened the door. At first she thought she might be hallucinating, because outside stood none other than Ron Stoppable…

Ann blinked to be sure she saw what she really saw… and she was…

Ron: Hi Ann… heard you were sick.

Ann looked at Ron with confusion. He was holding several paper bags in his muscular arms filled with groceries.

Ron: I came over to help ya get through these next few days.

Ron walked inside and Ann couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to.

Ann: Oh Ron, my love, I really appreciate it, but you really shouldn’t…

Ann had to catch her breath.

Ann: I don’t want you to catch this horrid thing…

Ron: Ah don’t worry about it Ann. I am impregnable. Sure there was that one off with Kim last year, but nothing has happened since. I am not gonna get sick, not now, not ever again. Now first off, we are gonna get you some grub and get you back in bed young lady.

Ron quickly ushered Ann back in bed, and Ann couldn’t help but have a fluttering heart as she was duly escorted back to bed by Ron’s firm hand.

He put her down on the mattress he tugged her in and he pushed her back on the pillows and he even gave her a kiss on the lips. He sure wasn’t afraid of anything.

Ron: Now, I am gonna make you my famous onion and garlic soup. That thing can cure anything.

Ann looked at Ron’s wonderful backside as he left the room.

Ann: Oh dear… to be pampered by that saint of a… man…

Ann got a strange look in her eyes.

She pulled out her robe and sniffed… whatever for, her nose was completely blocked… But she had an idea that she didn’t smell too good…

Ann silently crept out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Here she undressed, and felt the chills, although it was pretty warm inside the house.

She turned on the faucet and stepped under the hot water. She quickly cleaned herself and when she was nice and clean she… she didn’t really want to leave… It was so wonderful under the hot water… she felt so calm…

Downstairs Ron had chopped up the vegetables he needed and had poured them into the pot and made them clear under the heat of the stove. Now all he needed was to boil them up in bullion. That could be done in a low heat.

So Ron took the time to go and check on Ann.

Ron made his way to her bedroom and knocked on the door. As he got no response he guessed she was asleep, and he went in… only to see her bed was empty, and there was a sound of running water in the bathroom.

Ron went to check it out. Ann was in the shower, and she was sitting in the corner under the hot water. Ron quickly closed for the faucet and helped Ann to get on her feet.

It was difficult, as he wanted not to grope her anywhere.

In the end Ron had to carry the completely drenched woman into the bedroom. He sat her down on a bench and threw towels over her to get her dry.

Ron: Oh goodness Ann… you are in no state of condition to go and take a shower… you need rest and sleep.

Ann’s head came out from the towels and Ron scrubbed her body dry.

Ann: hehe… Ron Stoppable is drying me… darling little Ron Stoppable is taking care of me… oh… what a wonderful day…

Ron knew her drowsy brain had probably melted a little under the hot water so she was barely there.

When she was dry, Ron removed the towels and once again carried her princess style to her bed and placed her in it. Once again, he tugged her in and this time, he gave her a good long kiss.

Ron: Please stay in bed this time…


8 hours later, Ann woke up, still feeling bad, but she heard footsteps outside her doorway.

It was Ron. And he was carrying a tray with a bowl and some bread with him.

Ann: Oh Ron… so it wasn’t a dream…

Ann rose in her bed so she was sitting leaned up against the pillows.

Ron: Hehe, I am not sure what you might dream of, Ann…

Ann: Oh, it all involves you, my dear… It always has and it always will.

Ron smiled at her. He gave her one more kiss.

Ann: Ron… you know you might end up sick this way…

Ron: Then I am sure I will have plenty of lovely girls to take care of me back at the mansion.

Ann: Ain’t that the truth.

Ron gave Ann the bowl.

Ron: Are you well enough to eat by yourself?

Ann nodded: I am not a baby, Ronnie… and I am certainly not one of Tonnie’s brats.

Ron rolled his eyes in a smile. Since that time when Bonnie was sick he felt he had to at least ask.

She began to pour soup into her mouth. It tasted spectacular. Ann was once again astonished by Ron’s skills as a cook. It was almost unbelievable.

Ann got some of the bread soaked in it and ate it to her heart's delight. She didn’t even notice that her duvet had fallen down from her tits. She was too busy drinking the last soup from the bowl.

She handed Ron the bowl and thanked him profusely.

Ron took the bowl and told her to get some rest. He would tidy things up again in the kitchen.

Ann once again looked after him.

He was in all ways absolutely perfect. Thickheaded sure, but… that was fun. He was so wonderful to tease. But, as the old saying goes, no matter how delicious the entré is, you have to eventually get down to the main course.


Ron had just finished making the kitchen clean again when he heard a call from Ann.

Ann: Ronnie… would you mind?

Ron dried his hands and then walked to Ann’s bedroom.

He saw Ann on her bed looking at him.

Ron: Yes, Ann? What can I do for you?

Ann: Would you mind snuggling with me while we watch something dumb? Just to pass the time?

Ron smiled. He would do anything for that woman. He removed some of his heavier clothing and crawled into bed with her.

Ann giggled as he spooned her and they made themselves comfortable before the screen.

It was very comfy, and Ann pressed her buttocks all the way up to Ron’s crotch. She rested her head on his arm, and she allowed him to put on something on the screen.

The movie was with a popular actor at the time, about some hockey player who couldn’t play hockey, but was really good at golf. It was dumb, but that was what Ann wanted.

The movie had barely gone past the title on the screen, before Ron and Ann were kissing - French kissing.

Ann was moving onto her back and Ron was getting between her legs. His underwear had almost magically disappeared. His pulsating cock was seeking her pussy, and he quickly pressed it inside her… she was wet beyond measure and gasped as he went balls deep inside her in one single go.

Ann: … Two minutes and 23 seconds… that’s a new record…

Ron smiled and began to fuck the beautiful redheaded milf under him.

Ann began to moan with every single one of his many thrusts.

Ann: Oh fuck Ron… there is… literally… no better feeling… in the entire world… than your cock in my pussy… making its way to my… womb…

Ron lowered his head to share a kiss with his beloved Ann. But Ann giggled and turned her head away.

Ron: What?

Ann: I am sick Ron… I… I don’t want you… to catch it…

Ron smiled. Although he had been proven wrong in the past about being invulnerable, he was not gonna let something as petty as a cold keep him from the lush lips of his Ann.

Ron moved his mouth towards Ann’s and perhaps a little insistently, he managed to move her face with his own, so he could kiss her, and so he did. Once they first were tongue kissing there was nothing stopping Ann.

She loved to kiss him, and she loved all the kisses she got from Ron.

Ron started to really plow into her pussy. Ann was, maybe not so surprising, a little more relaxed. She allowed Ron to move her around all he wanted, as she was without energy.

After she had been plowed, Ron moved her into her favorite position. Doggy.

She was resting very flatly on the mattress, but Ron compensated by moving his stance so he could fuck her like a stallion would a mare.

Ann: Oh god Ron, you are fantastic…

With that… Ann passed out from the wonderful stimuli.


Ron kept fucking Ann like always, and he really did his best to plow her milf pussy.

Ron: Oh fuck Ann! Your pussy is like world class quality! I can just fuck it endlessly and… oh fuck I am gonna cum!

And that he did. He plowed himself as long as he was into her soft flesh and then he exploded a huge load of spunk into her craving womb.

Ron always came a lot, but today he came even more, and as he did, he continued fucking Ann. He had a feeling she was passed out, but he didn’t check on her, he was too busy fucking her.

After two more loads of boiling spunk being shot into her womb, Ron accidentally pulled himself too far out of her and his cock was free.

Ron looked at the sick Ann Possible in her bed, she is resting with her fever.

Ron sees her magnificent ass. As if she was begging for more, she lifted it upwards.

Ron hears a distant voice - Smokey: Well come on boy, what are you waiting for?

Puff Smokey appears on his shoulder. Smokey took the appearance of Ann with cute little devil horns sticking out of her hair, and a whiplike tail with a spade form at the end. She was wearing high heel mid thigh leather boots and nothing else.

Ron frowns… Ron: Hey who are…? What are you…? Shouldn’t you be with Ann and… where is mine?

Smokey: Oh babe, he was more than busy. I gave him the back door key to Shiny’s friend's dorm, and they are getting a ride of their lifetime. So, I am his substitute. Given the situation, you couldn’t ask for anyone better. And also… I sorta wanted to see how cute you were from this angle and let me tell ya boy… mama like…

Ron shyly smiled and looked on his other shoulder.

Ron: And where is the other guy?

Smokey: Oh, I might have convinced some of my girlfriends to take good care of him, but I am pretty sure he will survive it… after all… he is just as well mounted as you.

Ron: I am more than certain I am not meant to take counsel from the devil on my shoulder thanks very much, I will just turn Ann over and gently fuck her face to face again..

Distant echo again - Shiny: Oh I knew I could count on you, my darling Ron.

Puff Shiny appears, getting her hair and halo in order. She seemed like she had just been jumped by a hooligan.

Smokey: Hi Shiny, did you have a good time?

Shiny lifted her shoulder straps up… She looked very angrily at the devil.

Shiny: YOU! I will have a word with you later, but for now, Ron, I am so proud of you. What Ann needs right now is a trustworthy and heroic young man like you.

Smokey: What a load of…

Shiny: Now, now, there is no need for that language.

Smokey: URGH!…  Ron, Ann didn’t show you her ass for you to just roll her over! She is teasing you! She wants a good, old fashioned hammering in the ass.

Shiny: No you can’t be sure of that! She could be dreaming, or maybe she is just in need of a good rubbing on her buttocks. That can often be very comforting.

Ron: Hold on a second, shouldn’t you two already know what she thinks and dream about?

Smokey: Yeah, uh mr. Magic cock, that ain’t how it works. When we are on her shoulders, sure we know what goes on, but when we are on yours we know what goes on in your head… and damn do I enjoy what I see.

Shiny: Ron, Ann I am sure has told you, loves the action you guys get into, but she is sick and counting on you.

Puff! A devil Ron arrives at the shoulder next to Shiny.

Torchy: Now there you are my very fine little redhead… I couldn’t help but feel someone was missing out.

Torchy got hold of Shiny with his trident and locked it behind her back.

Shiny: T-Torchy, not here… not now… I am working…

Torchy looks at Ron, and the situation then over at Smokey.

Torchy: Boy, listen to Smokey on this one. Because she is right.

Torchy then looked at the ever blushing Shiny: Now listen here angel cake… I am gonna fuck your heavenly ass so well that you can’t fly straight the next week, so get your butt to bed this instant!

Shiny seems to be in the middle of being both terrified and also… really excited.

She quickly turned around: Ron, use lots of lubricants and remember to respect Ann’s limitations.

Torchy grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. And then they were off in a little cloud.

Smokey: Oooooh, my girl is in for a WIIIIIIILD ride! I must say I am envious!

Puff! A scruffy looking angel Ron appears right next to Smokey.

Neatly: Urgh, Smokes, your friends are freaks.

Smokey smiles: BABY!

She jumped him and locked her legs behind his back. Neatly looks at Smokey a little shocked.

Smokey: Let’s go make babies! I want a ton of them! Both little angels and devils.

Then she kissed him and just before Neatly would have hit Ron’s shoulder they vanished in a little cloud.

Ron: Well… At least I know what to do…


When Ann came to her senses again she was feeling the need to pee, but she also felt that something was at the moment plowing her asshole…

Ann was getting a feeling of her clit… she was literally drenched in Ron’s cum. He had pumped her full of sperm to such a level she was spilling it out on the bed. How it happened she didn’t know, but Ron somehow got inside her ass. Perhaps by a mix of accident and luck.

Ann didn’t mind. She loved anal, especially with Ron, but she preferred to do it when she was awake.

Ann: Oh Ron you bastard… fucking my ass, when you have me passed out… have you no shame?

Ron: Not really… sorry… My aim was off…

Ann: Right… just fuck me you bastard…

Ron grabbed hold of her shoulders and began to plow her ass.

Ann could count the times she had had sex in her ass with her soon to be ex husband on a few hands. She loved anal sex… and it was only after James' recent trip to Florida that he had tried to ask her for some of it.

But Ann had told him blankly no, and also served him divorce papers on the spot. James had made a fuss, probably because he knew that Ann knew everything.

At present, James was trying to prevent everything, but he had no luck. The judge was very hard on him. James had to cough up half of everything, and the house was to be sold and divided equally between the two parts. James however, didn’t have the same amount of savings as Ann, and Ann was given full right to her part. The boys were at the time going to be educated through a program of the government that hoped to harness their intelligence. So there wasn't really much about parental rights. Then there was Kim, who was an adult, and she had already left the house so… all in all, pretty painless.

Ann: GYA! Auw Ron!

Ron had pulled Ann a little too hard in her hair, and that had been a little more than her daily doses.

Ron: Sorry babe… I got carried off.

Ann: Urgh, I need longer hair… Do you think you would like it better if I grew my hair long again?

Ron: I think I would love you like a goddess even if you were bald.

Ann giggled: Whatever, I am growing it… It was James that pushed the shorter hairdo on me.

Ron: You always looked great.

Ann: I always looked uptight… and that’s not my style… not anymore…


After a good long part of Anal fuck both Ann and Ron felt the need for a shower. Ann was feeling better, perhaps thanks to the soup, perhaps thanks to the sex, but there was an improvement.

She came out of the bath to Ron resting on the bed. She had a towel turban on and she smiled at the sight of her prince on the bed.

She crawled towards him like a playful kitten, and gave his cock a good long lick before crawling up to his face.

Ron: Someone is feeling better.

Ann: And now, I am gonna fuck you, my dear Ron.

Ann rocked her body from side to side, in that playful and caring manner that told her partner that she was frisky and enjoyed it.

Ann rocked her pussy over Ron’s hardening cock. It was fantastic how just a little touch and then he was ready to go.

Ann aligned his cock, and then, with a simple shove… she felt once again how her wet pussy got cleaved in two by Ron’s cock.

Ann: Mmmh, oh a girl could get used to this…

Ron began to pet her tits, and he enjoyed it. Soon he went on to fully play with them as Ann rode him like a stallion.

Ron: Ann?

Ann: Yeah, baby?

Ron: How big were your moms boobs?

Ann: Hmm, around as big as mine I think… Why? Is she next to join the harem?

Ron: No I was just wondering… Kim isn’t really near your size yet.

Ann shrugged her shoulders.

Ann: I wasn’t as physically active as Kimmie was. Sure I did a little sports, but nothing grand as she did with her cheerleading. But I am sure if you massage her tits a little more, and when she gets pregnant then I am sure her puppies will come out.

Ron was smiling at this comment.

Ann stroked his face with her hand.

Ron seemed to slowly doze off, but Ann seemed to just keep going.


Ann was enjoying her ride. She loved Ron, and oh she loved his massive cock. It was as if made for her pussy. She only felt complete, when her pussy or ass was plugged with Ron’s massive junk.

Ann was wondering if she should give her pussy a little rest and instead get her fair share of the anal fucking.

As mentioned, Ann loved anal fun, but she wanted to be awake for it.

Puff! Torchy arrived on her right shoulder. He was holding out Shiny’s legs so he could plow her ass in reverse peach position. Shiny was screaming in a mix of agony and pleasure.

Torchy: Go ahead, redhead! Ron fucked your ass, and now you get your own fair share of the deal. It’s a two way street.

Ann: Uhh… aren’t you on the wrong shoulder?

Torchy: Nah, Shiny needed to get her ass impaled, so I thought I would step in her shoes.

Shiny threw her head backwards and screamed something that unmistakably was her way of saying she was cumming, and true, a little rainbow was formed from her pussy juice…

Torchy: Sorry, but she is a demanding bitch. Just fuck Ron’s cock with your ass, he wont mind.

Neatly: Now now, hold it…

Neatly arrived on Ann’s other shoulder. He was on his knees and he too was fucking someone… this someone was a wild and rocky Smokey who still cringed to his life with her legs. Her tongue was out of her mouth and she was seemingly in the seven heavens.

Neatly: Why not just… uh… wake him up to take part in the fun? I mean… If you yourself prefer to be awake, wouldn’t it be more considerate to wake him up?

Ann: You guys are really bad at your job, do you know that?

Torchy: Whatever Red, after all, we are only a product of your sick mind. Come on Shiny, time for you to really get fucked up.


Torchy, Shiny, Neatly and Smokey all disappeared in a cloud, and Ann was left behind, to lift herself up in the spider position and point Ron’s cock to her asshole.


Ron woke up to the great sensation of his cock being milked by a perfect asshole, and the subtle rain-like feeling on his face.

Ann: Oh fuck, oh fuck! OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!

Ron knew it was Ann, and apparently she was cumming… and… she was spraying it out in such an angle and with such force, it fell as droplets on his face.

Ron: Holy… cow… Urgh… oh wow…

The sight of Ann Possible impaling her own ass on his massive instrument while cumming like a woman possessed by all gods and goddesses of love ever invented by man was something of an experience. Her elegant turban had long dissolved and she was in fact throwing her red head around like a wild creature.

Ron: Helping yourself I see…

Ann: Just evening the score… Now shut up and worship me, my own man slave!

Ron grunted and shoved her over so she flew off his cock and landed on her stomach.

Ann: Urgh, no you… oh fuck you bastard!

Ron jumped her and once again aligned his cock with her asshole.

Ron: I am in charge here, you fucking bitch!

Somehow Ron managed to control her, and began to fuck her ass so she submitted herself.

Ron wanted to lift her up, in the reverse holding the peach position. It was tricky, but finally Ann was being assfucked while Ron stood on his legs and held her legs out for the entire world to see the action.

Ron walked over to the huge windows and enjoyed the view of the city of Middleton at night. There were several houses within viewing distance. Anyone who looked out their window and in their direction would be able to see it and…

Ron: Huh… I guess the Douglasses are home…

Ron lifted up Ann so he got a better grip and started plowing her even wilder.

He saw someone in the window, someone looking in their direction and then the person disappeared only for the light to go out just then.

Ron was certain it was that peeper to Mr Douglas. He had always had a thing for Ann Possible. And now, Ron gave him a reason to pull out his binoculars and jerk off.

Ron kept fucking Ann in this position for quite a while. His strength and endurance had improved vastly over the last few months.

Ann: Oh Ron, Ron… please… please… let me down… I will do everything you say, I promise… but I can’t cum anymore… I am going crazy!

Ron showed Ann no mercy. He fucked her ass until she literally passed out in his arms again, and even then he didn’t let her go.

It was another wild night of endless sex.


The next morning, Ann woke up with a sore ass, a nose that could breathe and a big muscular man next to her.

She was completely fresh and she gave her man a huge wet kiss.

Ann: And now, for my womanly duty.

Ann went down on her man, and began to suck his cock. This she enjoyed.

In the first few months of hers and James' marriage she had also woken him up with blowjobs every day, but… one day he simply said, that was enough, and that he didn’t want that anymore.

Ann had suspected it was because she had been pregnant with Kim, and he was taking care of her, but when the pregnancy was over, and she hoped to do it again, he had denied her again.

Their sex life never really got any better. When they shortly tried to rekindle Ann got pregnant with the twins, and then… everything became… awkward. Like they were nothing but friends.

And the sex was just… boring, not satisfying… downright unwanted.

For a while Ann actually didn’t care that James went out to get some. It just meant she was let go of that duty.

But when it started to become a problem, she made it important.

Ann had rounded the fact that she preferred to start every day with Ron with a blow job, and Ron had simply said; Go for it.

So from now on, Ann sucked Ron’s cock every morning, if she had the chance.

Frankly, she felt her throat always felt better after a good load of warm sperm had passed it.

And here we will leave them… Ron and Ann… at the beginning of a new day in Ron’s harem.


The end.



Well Ron certainly knows how to treat sick women. 🤭 Thank you for your work. ☺️