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Hey everyone.
Happy Aprils ♥️

I am not a jester or prankster by nature so while I might have an ok sense of humor at given times, I have NEVER liked April fools day.

Like most pranks I sometimes feel it’s just an excuse to be mean. But I get some people who are pranksters actually enjoy both to prank and be pranked. Kinda like a game. And there are ways to be mean and ways to be funny.

I am not bashing pranksters out there, not one bit 😊 I am just not into it.
But if that is your thing then I hope you had an enjoyable time.

Me myself have been getting some time with my old man. We have been discussing going to Berlin for a few days soon. Just to stroll around, hopefully in the beaming spring sun and get some good food and enjoy a city that I really love. Berlin is an architectural wonderland. There are simply always something to see. Very much including some magnificent museums. I’ve already been there before to visit the Jewish museum which was an experience I will never forget.
History is a harsh teacher, but only if we forget or ignore what dark paths our ancestors has once walked on.

But enough of that.


I hope you like this new page.

Yours truly




For me aiprilfools is just to make a quick friendly panic. Like saying to your friends that it has been announced to go to school for this weekend or something. Nothing serious but i do understand some peoples frustration about this day because there are some fools that take it a bit too far. 😤 Anyway thank you for your work and i hope you have a great time with your father. ♥️☺️


I Patreon’d you. Happy April Fools!


Thank you a lot ♥️ It means the world to me.

Osbourne GG

Happy April foods Also great art as always I can see the mall is going to be a powder keg going forward. I mean do all these beautiful ladies know they are after the same guy hahaha

Julian Fratzscher

I like it when artist make some art for April Fools. It's usually a nice new piece when it's not a shitpost. Also, looks like Vivian is about to get herself a new pet/assistent.


Grace, Poison, Susan Long, and Yori are my favs. Love it whenever we get to see them.


Personally for me all of them are unique in their own way but i feel more attracted to Adrena, Rose, Amelia, Helga and the one and only queen of Midleton La. 🥰 Not shure why though. 🤔