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Hey everyone.

I hope you are all doing well.

I have been juggling some things back in my end. Just some family drama. Fortunately it is distant.
Other than that things are going rather well.

With everything that is going on in the world it‘s important to take a step back, and also come up for air every once in a while.

I hope that you all are at a good place, at least once or twice a day, as we all need breaks from everything.

The best wishes from yours truly




Well i think its official your coloring has improved which i did not think possible (considering how well it is) and i like how you have added more to the conversation it really tops tings off. I am also glad your doing fine and i do hope you continue doing so. And as always thank you for your work. ♥️☺️


You are most surtanly welcome. Though i am curious to see how Ann is gonna look after her daughters. 😂 But you decide what to do. Thanks again. ♥️


I think she just have to ride by there, and tell that the house still stands and there are no strange male figures at the premises ;)


Tonnie and Anne…smoking hot MILFs


God that tonnie panel is lit! For real!