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Hey everyone.

I have had to invest in a better chair because my back was acting up. This new chair was a little pricey but not too much. And really, it’s the better option. After all, you can’t buy a new spine.

And it has helped a lot already. My back is still mildly sore, but it’s definitely going the right way.

I understand there was a little confusion on the last page. I get it, and I understand that this is not like reading a comic in usual tempo where you get the explanation - possibly a little sooner down the line and not a few weeks later.

See, Susan once lived in the Stoppable house. There is an entire story about it and I am actually writing on it from time to time. It‘s gonna be a chapter that explains why Susan Long is in Middleton instead of in New York where the American Dragon takes place.

There is an explanation, just arm yourself with patience ♥️

I am doing fine other than my back of course - again, it’s getting much better. I am a little annoyed, since I don’t have warm water - I called the janitor of my building and told him to come check it out.
We have had some maintenance these last few weeks, but we are also having some really cold weather, and I my people may be descendants of the vikings, but I ain’t bathing in freezing waters - no way.

I would usually not mind no warm water, but when there is no maintenance being done it is safe to say it’s not a good way to keep hygienic.

Well that’s my rant, and also my explanation for a lack of updates these past few days.
I hope you are all doing well and enjoy this newest page.

Yours truly




Thanks for advancing the comic!


Good on the spine. Bad on the water. Please do more Bonnie-Ron stuff. We desperately need more of them together.


I'm back and I hope you get better