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This post contains certain language that is not befitted people who are considered underage as it describes and explains certain sexual actions.
I hope you are all doing well and are all staying in good health.

I myself are having a slow day today. It’s cloudy, rainy and basically a pretty normal day where I am.

I hope that you have enjoyed my work on the comic so far.

And I feel like I possibly have to explain some points about the point in the story.
And I get why some might be confused.

The issue of Ron’s virginity.

As I am personally a person of the opinion that virginity really shouldn’t matter it is not something that I take to heart or really see any value in.

In my opinion virginity - as a concept - is a gift and is only valuable as long as you want to give it to someone else.

Personally I don’t believe in the nonsense but I understand that it in popular describes the phase between hadn’t had sex and has had sex.

And this - understandably - needs some clarification In regard to the story.

At this point Ron Stoppable is still a virgin.  

In the story of RSAHNP we are living in a concept where virginity is tied to the act of full vaginal penetration.
Also, in the story’s regard that may or may not reflect the artists opinion, virginity is something that is given from one person to another. It cannot be taken.
As I mentioned I may or may not hold this view point, but please take a moment to realize that I mentioned earlier that virginity is a gift that you hold and that only holds value in the ‘giving’ it to someone else.

I understand that for some people this may be a more or less passionate moment and also, it might be tied to some feelings. I too was young once, and I too had the pleasure and honor of giving my virginity away.
And it was a joyful and wonderful moment that still warms my heart today. ♥️

But in this story, the giving of once’s virginity is tied to vaginal penetration and a full one at that.

I am not about to start a conversation or discussion about the depths of this matter. I am simply trying to clarify Ron’s current situation.

In the story until now we have seen some carnal action of Ron with his ladies. Even some future and past connections. I will try to explain most of them, all if possible come time, but for now this will have to settle some issues.

In RSAHNP - Anal and oral does not count as “Real sex”.
Do NOT misunderstand me. It is clearly a sexual act and under the rules of Patreon I will of course keep it for Patrons only as required.

But in this case of virginity, Anal penetration and oral sex is not counted as the same as vaginal penetration. Anal and oral is considered equal to a handjob.
”Assisted masturbation” if you like.

You might disagree on this position and you are fully allowed to, but that is not gonna change the script of this story at all.

Ron - as it stands now - hasn’t given his virginity to any of his girls, though Shego is the one who has come closest.

Note: The story’s position is based around losing your virginity is a matter of ’giving it away’. Meaning it’s an action that requires consent and also… being awake to realize it has happened. Meaning… that in this story… if someone were to say… sneak in and do something to someone while he… Uh! I mean… THEY sleep, then it wouldn’t count as a loss of virginity in this story.

Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!

We are soon to see how things unfold about this matter though.

I thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope it answers some of your questions without spoiling too much for you.

I also want to address again that this view point may or may not be this artists’ opinion.
And also please remember that I understand if you don’t agree with the one posted here.

With all that.

I wish you all a continued good day.

Yours truly



For the record. I was just looking for clarification. I didn’t know my question would cause all this trouble.


Imagine in the next post somone ask that same question 🤣. Though i respect your opinion and honestly it makes sense so i will consider it true. Thank you for the little education if i say 🤭 . ♥️

Osbourne GG

Makes a lot of sense thanks for the clarification :)


I see. Can't wait for the story to continue!