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December oh sweet December.
Now we all prepare for the holiday season ahead. I hope you all are in strong spirit and a good mood.

I promised that I would dedicate all December to lining and coloring chapter 4, and I am actually working on it.
But it is less stimulating work as I thought it would be, so I am working it I think 4 pages at the time, getting each part done for each page before posting them. This is as I mentioned a little uninteresting work, so I have to supplement it with works like the one with known as Happy Snoggletog.

I hope you can cope with this decision as I have to do stuff in a way that makes it both fun an interesting… otherwise, it might never even get done.

I hope for your understanding.

Yours truly



No problem here, good sir. Take your time. All your colored works always come out fantastic, which makes them worth the wait. So, no need to push yourself.

Runus Brewblade

No worries! You got to ensure you have fun during the holidays and honestly I am loving the Snoggletog pictures so much!!!


Dude! It's all good! do what you gotta to stay healthy and sane. We're not going anywhere.

Sean Bargy

Always promote mental health above work, the last thing we want is for you to bury yourself like an EA programmer.