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Some good old fashioned ink work.

I am also so happy to see that I have reached and surpassed 300 patrons. That really warms my heart.

I am really feeling like bold Leonidas and his brave 300. As any man would know, the blood we spill on the battlefield binds us together stronger than the water of the womb.

Sorry, I am getting emotional here. ♥️ I am just glad I am typing and not speaking then I would be sobbing right around now ♥️

A thank you to all of you… You are simply the best of the Best. Primus inter Pares - The first among equals. ♥️

I hope you enjoy it.

yours truly



Osbourne GG

Great picture with a body like that it's no wonder that electronique doesn't eat fried chicken ;)


Congratulations 🎉👏🎉 you will go even further we believe in you and ty for everything. For we are your support ☺️.

Jeremy Zachary

Congrats dude and she looks awesome

Meshach Berry

Congrats on the milestone! Now it’s time for 400!