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There was a certain calm over Middleton this morning.

It was winter, and most of the city was covered with a thick fluffy blanket of deep, fresh snow.

The traffic was jammed and the schools were closed. This had been forewarned days in advance so many had already taken their precautions. Some were set up digitally to work from home. Others were taking a much needed day off.

The Knight King Household was one place where the family was having a day off.

Sandra and her beloved wife Flora were having a day without any troubles, without any stress. In fact, without any plans at all.

Flora, who owned and managed a flower store, had taken a few days off since it was winter and most of the holidays were over anyhow. She wouldn’t be busy again before February.

The day began as most days began in the Knight King household.

Flora and Sandra woke each other up, with sex.

Sandra was feasting on her wife’s wonderful pussy. She was as turned on by Flora as she was the day she met her. And to this day she was as radiantly in love with her as she was the day of their wedding.

They were a true and lovable couple. And they had together raised the most wonderful and lovely daughter.

Sandra had just made her wife cum and was moving up to give her a kiss, when an ecstatic shriek of joy reached their bedroom.

Both women ceased their kiss and looked surprised and perplexed towards the door to their bedroom.

Flora: Tara?

Flora sounded more surprised than scared. Both women rose to their feet, and each got their morning robe and went out to the hall.

When they approached their daughter's room the sounds of their daughter gained a familiar and clear tone. It was the sound of a woman in the midst of her lovemaking.

Flora wanted to stop and grabbed her wife’s hand to hold her back.

Flora: We shouldn’t peek, I mean… we know… It is her and… and Ron… you know…

Sandra wasn’t that easily dissuaded. She gently pulled her hand and Flora with her to the open door to their daughters bedroom.

They leaned in to look into the room and…

Ron Stoppable, the boyfriend of their daughter, was standing in the midst of the bedroom, holding their daughter like a peach, with Tara’s back against his chest, and he lifted her up and down in order to better impale her on his massive cock.

Both Flora and Sandra understood their daughters' shrieks… because that boy's instrument was surely on the larger size… as was the boy's arms. Then again… when he probably had to do this exercise daily with a harem the two women knew had to number over a dozen at this point… then he was bound to get some muscles.


Perhaps it was pure shock that later drove the two women to silence as they sat at the kitchen table each with their coffee. Sandra with milk, Flora a single lump of sugar.

The continued sounds of their daughters vigorous lovemaking with the young Ron Stoppable, was still clear throughout the house.

It was also possible that… that it was another type of shock that had driven the ladies to silence.

See… Flora and Sandra had in the last few months been talking about… expanding the family. The issue was not the ability to conceive. Neither had reached menopause and both were in on the idea… no, the problem was in… finding the right… donor…

They lived in an area where there were several male candidates that could, would and already had produced remarkable children. In the past they had considered Ann Possible’s husband, but Ann had told them it was a bad idea.

Ann: James is the worst, and as I am sure you know it’s not all genetic, but I really wouldn’t take that bet.

Flora and Sandra had later discovered how big a creep James Possible was, so… he was off the list… the list was shortening rapidly.

The problem was… both Sandra and Flora wanted a natural insemination. No doctors and no medical assistance. It was to be as natural as natural could be. They had an idea it would be easy enough. Find the right man, set the right mood, at the right time, and then… boom. Baby time.

But the issue was still… finding the right candidate. The right father of their child.

Flora made cough.

Flora: Perhaps… perhaps it will only… make it so much better… I mean… the baby making… that Ron is… that size?

Sandra: Meaning…?

Flora: Well uhm… Tara sure sounds like she is enjoying it… and… frankly… I am a bit curious…

Sandra smiled. They were both Bi-sexual. Sandra had had boyfriends in the past, but she couldn’t remember any who had had those dimensions.

Sandra: I am actually more worried about… telling him that we want him to father our child.

Flora blinked. She nodded and she was in a way worried too.

Both Flora and Sandra were eager about having a child, and they were both in agreement, Ron was the only perfect candidate. The only problem was… Ron was the boyfriend of their daughter. They were both happy and ecstatic that Ron and Tara were a thing, and though the boy had a harem of women around him, they didn’t hold it against him. Not at all.

In fact, they understood both their daughter and the many women who were driven to him. Hell, they were part of them. They both held great affection for the boy.

Ever since Tara came home from a trip to some mysterious lake where they, according to Tara, had been attacked by a swamp monster of a sort, she had been infatuated with Ron. She had talked about him for weeks. She had placed a picture of him right next to her bed, moving the picture of her girlfriend Bonnie up the bed mantle.

And now, she and Ron were a thing. A real thing. And Flora and Sandra were about to make Ron into their baby-daddy.

Flora: Honey…

Sandra looked at her wife.

Flora: Would it be… completely bonkers… if we… joined Tara in… in Ron’s harem?

Sandra blinked and looked at her wife. She was a little surprised by this.

Flora: I mean… we are both very fond of him… heck… I think we both love him… I mean… you were the one to mention him in the beginning as the possible donor.

That was true. It was Sandra who had mentioned that Ron Stoppable was the only right person to father a child. But… that was completely different from joining… a harem.

Sandra: How… how would we even bring it up?

Flora shrugged: I dunno… but we could perhaps ask Ann… I mean… she is part of it, and… so is her daughter…

Sandra: Yeah but… the Possible’s are a little odd, you know that…

Flora: Sure but… I think… if we become members of the harem, then… down the line, all parts accept the reality of it, and simply… focus on other things. And think about it; We get our baby-daddy and… chances are, we can both get pregnant at the same time… without setting up multiple dates… and it would also limit any chances of possible legal repercussions… if we all live under the same roof and are in an understanding… then… we have nothing to fear in the form of backlash or…

Sandra: I thought I was the lawyer here…

They both giggled, and then… in walked Tara, followed by Ron.

Tara was smiling brighter than the sun in June. And Ron also seemed very pleased with everything.

Tara: Coffee, Ronnie?

Ron: Uh, sure thing… uh, Goodmorning, Mrs. Knight, and Mrs. King…

Flora and Sandra smiled at the beautiful young man.

Sandra/Flora: Good morning kids…

Their tone told Tara and Ron that they had heard everything. Tara blushed but she kept smiling and walked over to her moms. She kissed Sandra right on the mouth.

Sandra: Good Morning princess.

Flora: Good morning baby, did you sleep well…

Tara: Hardly at all, Ron and I studied all night.

Sandra: I am sure you did.

Sandra sent a teasing smile at Ron. She blinked at him to show him she didn’t mind at all.

Flora: So, what are you crazy kids up to, today?

Tara: Oh we are going home to Ron, if you don’t mind. Selene is probably gonna be a little moopy I took the first… ‘time’ of Ron’s day…

Tara’s cheeks were now radiantly pink.

Ron: She isn’t gonna hold it against you, Tara. You of all can get away with anything.

Ron and Tara giggled and shared a joke Flora and Sandra didn’t get. They each got a coffee and went upstairs again.

A few minutes later they heard the screams of their daughter again.

Flora: Where on earth does that boy get the energy?

Sandra: I don’t know, but it surely is a good sign that we have found the right man for the job.

To be continued…


Teh Wen Khiey

I love seeing all of this lore in RSAHNP, detailing Ron's shenanigans with his harem. I wonder how this is all going to fit together in the comic.


Hey henrik is their going to be a part 2 soon?