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Hey everyone.

This is a continuation of the short chapter of ‘The Rockwallers’ that I posted 2 days ago. There was a surprising amount of interest in this next part so I thought it was worth the time to set down and write it.

It might contain a few flaws here and there so, try to be nice in your overall impression. Other than that, I hope you enjoy.

Yours truly



Bonnie drove onto the parking lot right next to the school gym. She parked her car and grabbed her bag from the backseat. She then marched inside.

There she found Marcella and Liz, talking and touching as girls do when they are in a relationship.

There was Tara, on the floor stretching out. Bonnie smiled at her and Tara smiled back.

Jessica and Crystal and Hope… but where was… Kim and Ron came inside side by side.

Tara: Ronnie!

All the girls swooned and most ran over to Ron. Tara was in front and Kim walked away to put her bag over on the seats.

They were all in their cheer uniforms and all were ready to begin their rehearsal.

Ron started the boom station and they began their moves. Ron was to enter as a sort of side entry at the end, but for once… and for the first time ever, did the entire rehearsal go smoothly and without a single crash or incident. Ron’s mad dog performance made up a solid end for the show.

The girls landed in the final position and Ron made the grand finale.

Ron howled like a mad dog. And the girls all cheered and laughed.

It was perfect. More than that, it was simply fantastic.

Ron removed the mask and the girls all ran over to him and he hugged them all. They each came over to openly kiss him. Ron kissed them all back.

Even Bonnie who was reluctant to do so if she wasn’t the first… and this time Tara had beaten her to it.

Tara: You were amazing Ron! We are gonna win that cheerleading tournament!

The girls were all cheering for that remark.

Ron: Yeah, it will be a nice way to leave the squad.

All the joy and happiness was gone within one second. Tara looked up at him as if Ron had decided to travel the world alone for a full year.

Tara: Ron… what are you saying?

Ron: Well… mr. B has taken me out to play on the football team this year so… so I can’t be the mascot any longer… There is this rule you see.

Bonnie: Wait, you mean you actually did make the team?

Ron: Yeah… it seems running away from the opponent really fast is a really good trait for a football player. Besides that, I am a better thrower than I thought I was.

Kim: Right, so… we are losing our Mad Dog… but Ron wanted to stay all the way to this year's tournament so we surely would win.

The girls all seemed to feel somewhat sad and somewhat happy at the same time. At one point they were glad Ron had made the team this year, but they were sad that their mascot and… lover… was no longer able to be on the squad.

Hope: So… we only have you as our Mascot until… until the tournament.

Ron: Right… that’s just… how it is, I guess…

The girls all came to Ron for hugs. Bonnie was the one to break the silence.

Bonnie: Well… then I say we make do with what we have…

The girls and Ron all looked at her.

Kim: What do you mean Bonnie?

Bonnie: Well… we only have our mad dog for a few more days… so… I say we make him, make us all… into his bitches… tonight.

The girls all blushed… but they all smiled shortly after and Ron knew… that they were all in on the idea. They all looked up at him.

Ron: Ohhh, boy…


The gym was empty. The lights were on, but to any passerby it would appear empty.

There was seemingly no one inside… Even though the cheer squad used to practice in the evening on this day of the week.

The room at one end of the gym was meant for all the equipment. It was filled with sacks of balls, and other stuff, including madrassas for acrobatics and stuff like that.

In the lack of a bed, a four times four meter gymnastics madras is a perfect replacement. Especially if you plan on having sex with an entire cheersquad.

Ron Stoppable - the lucky bastard - felt like he was in the middle of pornoor a wild dream of a porno. But no, this was neither a dream nor was it a movie. It was really happening.

He was laying on his back while Kim, Bonnie, Tara, Jessica, Crystal, Hope, Liz and Marcella all were getting in on licking his cock. There were so many girls that they had to take turns.

To the untrained eye it could look like a pride of lionesses feasting on a carcass.

Ron was in heaven, the girls were all moving about in an endless motion both to get in on the action, but also to continually get into a better position. Sometimes they had to crawl over each other to get to Ron’s cock.

A pussy came to Ron’s face. Ron saw it was Crystal’s pussy. He could recognize it. She had removed her thong and Ron grabbed hold of her buttocks to keep her in place. He lifted his head up so he could feast on her.

Crystal let out a loud moan and Ron’s tongue work made her jolt upwards so she almost sat on Ron’s face. Ron kept licking and Crystal lost her place at Ron’s cock. It was taken by one of the other girls. But right now she couldn’t focus on anything but the orgasm that was coming her way.

Crystal felt it sneak up on her, and then…

Crystal: OH FUCK! I am CUMMING!!!

And she did. And as she did, Ron came too. Jessica was having the top place on his cock at that very moment so Ron blasted an entire load of sperm directly into her mouth. Jessica tried to drink as much of it as she could, but eventually even she had to break in order to swallow, allowing other girls to get a mouthful or two.

Both Hope and Liz got good amounts to enjoy and Kim could help Tara clean up poor Jessica… Bonnie had also gotten her part, but she was patient. She knew RonRon. This was only the beginning.

Ron pushed Crystal to the side and he made movements to get on top of the other girls. It wasn’t too easy with several of their mouths still clinging to his cock. In the end, Bonnie was the one still holding on with her ability to swallow him as long as he was.

She sucked her way to be the only one still holding on. Sitting on her knees and deepthroating Ron like a freaking vacuum cleaner.

Kim: Bonnie, you greedy bitch, stop hogging Ron all to yourself…

Ron placed his hands on Bonnie’s head and began moving inside her mouth and down her throat. It was absolutely wonderful.


Outside the gym an elderly man began checking the buildings. It was Charles, the janitor. He always walked around to see that everything was locked before he went home.

He noticed the Gym still had its lights on so he went over there to see why that was. Usually the cheer squad would use the free space this evening, but as he opened the doors to peek inside, he saw that it was in fact empty.

There was no one there. He looked around and nothing seemed out of place.  Perhaps the cheer squad hadn’t even been here at all. Now Charles was pushing 67 and his eyes were nowhere near as good as they once were. He didn’t notice the sports bags or the clothes on the floor - like at all…

Charles: Odd…

He said this as he slowly walked over the wood floor.

Charles' hearing wasn’t as good either. And when he hadn’t plugged in his hearing device then he was close to being deaf.

So the sounds coming from the equipment room didn’t inspire him to take a look inside… probably for the best. Had he looked inside he would probably have had a heart attack.

He went to the equipment room and locked the doors, then he went over to the power box and began to shut all the lights off.

He then left the building and locked this one too.


In the equipment room there was still some light. It came from the outside. Up high were some broad windows and they took in a lot of the light from the light poles outside. It casted an orangey glans inside the room on the people inside.

All the cheerleaders were now naked and they were all rolling around on the madras. Ron was op top, and right now he was fucking Bonnie Rockwaller rough in doggy style. The other girls were waiting their turn.

Some patiently like Tara, who was massaging Bonnie’s buttocks and her clit.

Others impatiently like Kim, who was pulling Bonnie’s nipples and twisting them.

Hope was sucking on Ron’s balls.

Liz and Marcella were going at each other, prepping the other for Ron. In this case, Liz was on all fours as Marcella was eagerly fingering her with one hand and pulling her head back with another. Ron had said he wanted to fuck Liz after Bonnie.

Crystal was kissing Ron, together with Jessica. Ron was only holding around Jessica with his left hand, as he used the right hand to pull Bonnie back towards his cock as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her.

Ron felt how he was about to cum.

He let go of Bonnie’s buttocks and instead he reached for her hair. He got a good handful of her mane and pulled her back so her back made a wonderful arch. He hammered harder and harder and harder inside her. Tara rubbed her clit harder and harder, and Kim pulled her tits as hard as she could.

Bonnie screamed… Ron’s sperm was melting her inside like hot molten lava and couldn’t stop the orgasm… it was so intense and so overwhelming… The lack of light and sight meant her sensory organs were that more powerful.

Bonnie collapsed on the madras and Tara, rushed to Ron’s cock as it slit out of Bonnie’s pussy. It was drenched in pussy juice and sperm. A perfect cocktail. Tara took it to the base, but Kim wanted in on it too. She gently pushed Tara to the side, so she could have some of the treat.

Ron stood up however and left Kim and Tara with what they had gotten and walked over to Liz and Marcella.

Ron turned Liz around so she was on the back. In the orange light all the girls seemed to have the same colors, but Liz’ hair was more bright red than usual. She was beautiful. Her legs were widely spread and her tits… the second largest in the squad… were tilting out to the sides… she looked so delicious…

Ron aligned his cock with her clean shaved pussy. Marcella always kept her like that.

He gently shoved inside, and then… he sank deep, deep into her crevice and was once again overcome with the gorgeous tightness of her pussy clambering down on him.

Liz: Oh… FUuuhuuhuuuck…!

Liz was shaking but Ron simply moved into a better position, so he could ram downwards and spear her over and over again. Ron sorta lifted her ass so he was pushing downwards on her. Utilizing gravity to work with him.

This made Liz clamper even harder on him. Her pussy pretty much grabbed hold of his cock… if it was to encourage him to do it harder, or to beg him for mercy is anyone's guess, but nonetheless it made one hell of a sight for the girls who were now gathering around Liz as they had gathered around Bonnie.

Ron kept grunting and breathing like a wild bull.

Liz kept moaning and gasping for air. She was holding on to Ron for dear life. Their position made it hard for the other girls to get in on the action. It had been Ron’s wish from the start. He wanted to pummel Liz… with no distractions. He looked into her eyes… he saw the same lust in them, as he felt for her.

There was also a message that he remembered her speaking to him.


Liz: Ron… you can never ever fuck me too wildly… I know… that you love me… and I love you even more so… so in the future… when you want to go wild… just go wild…

(Back again)

Ron growled and he placed his hands on either side of Liz as he prepared. He placed his legs, and then…

With a powerful, merciless series of thrusts, Ron hammered into Liz’ pussy with absolutely no end in sight.

Liz couldn’t hold her screams back any longer, the fucking was too wild… She let out a long howling cry that could be mistaken for a plea for mercy, but that it wasn’t. Mixed in her cry was the unmistaken hopping of a laughing component. Liz's eyes rolled into the back of her head, her tongue flew out of her mouth and as she descended into blissful madness, Ron gave her the coup de grâce.

Ron hammered down hard one time… two times… and the third time…

Ron sank as deep inside of her as it was possible for any man. And as he did he roaringly filled up Liz’s pussy with his hot, fertile sperm. Liz’s position meant she couldn’t contain it all, and it started flowing out of her cunt as Ron kept pumping it inside her with the determination of a breeding bull.

Jessica and Hope were around to lick it up, directly from Liz’ pussy.

Liz was gone… she was only breathing and Ron was still rock hard and as deep inside of her as it was possible for him.

After a few minutes in that position, he pulled himself from her pussy… slowly… slowly… and finally… Once again coated in sperm and pussy cream, Ron’s hard cock was out in the open.

The - for the girls - intoxicating scent of his manhood was enough to drive them all to him once again, to get a treat of the sperm. Ron reached out… his hand got Marcella’s black ocean curly mane.

If it was intentional or at random wasn’t easy to say, but he drew her in, and his cock found its way to her waiting mouth. Marcella eagerly swallowed his cock, as long as it was and she was happy to taste the mix of sperm and pussy…

But Ron only let her have her go at him for a few minutes, because then he moved her on top of Liz.

Liz was still on her back, still shaking and still gone… but Marcella moved on top of her, on all fours. Ron… behind Marcella, aligned his cock with her drenched pussy, and shoved himself inside of her.

Marcella was louder than Liz. She growled and grunted, and moaned… She was also sounding a little more wild… like the difference between a tame cat, Liz, and a feral one, Marcella. But Ron could feel her pussy… he placed his hands on her butt and began ramming her.

Marcella enjoyed being fucked, and more, she loved being fucked on top of Liz. The girls were in a very close relationship. The girls had had a plan to convince Ron to become the third part of their relationship - they needed a baby daddy, but Ron was meant to be more than just a breeder. They wanted him as the father of the children. So to them, the harem solution was pretty much perfect.

Ron had always loved Liz. She was mellow, gentle and easygoing. Marcella had been a little more distant from him, so when he learned that she had secretly loved him for years, he had been quite surprised.

And now he was fucking both of them.

Ron noticed the way they were laying.

He saw Marcella resting her crotch on Liz’ still drenched pussy. He had an idea. As he was thrusting in, he pulled out, a little more… and then, he exited Marcella. This did not go unnoticed.

But Ron entered inside Liz’ pussy as he did, and they heard Liz gasp… as far up in the stratosphere as she was, she was still bound to her pussy, and that might enter…

Ron sank in as deep as he could - and then he slowly pulled out.

Liz was shaking like a vibrator with every millimeter of Ron’s hard cock. As he came out of her, he aimed and…

Marcella’s eyes rolled… Ron entered inside her pussy, as hard as he had with Liz. And as he sank deep into her caverns, as deep as he could… Marcella had trouble keeping herself up, from all the shaking.

Ron then slowly pulled out, and Marcella shook like an earthquake. With every millimeter, Ron made Marcella run ever so close to madness.

As Ron exited Marcella’s pussy, he lowered his aim, and sank deep, deep, DEEP into Liz’ pussy again.

This time she didn’t just gasp for air… her eyes opened and she was looking like a crazy person with her tongue flying out of her mouth. Marcella caught it with her mouth and began to lick it.

Ron pulled out of her, slowly… and Liz was shaking like she was getting an electric shock.

The girls around them were watching quite carefully… This was something they had never seen before.

Ron raised his aim, and entered inside of Marcella. Only with the head this time. He got into position. Marcella was both afraid and… longing for what happened next…

Ron rammed inside her as hard as he could.

Marcella couldn’t scream she didn’t have the time. Her mind went completely blank. Not black, not fussy… but white… all she could see was this bright white shape in front of her forehead.

It had a million shapes and none at all… it could be a rectangle… but it was impossible to see the edges…

Back outside of Marcella’s mind Ron was ramming her now collapsed body that was jolting from his treatment like every blow was followed by a strike of lightning. She didn’t utter a word, she didn’t even make a sound… all she did was getting fucked.

She had collapsed onto Liz and their movements were in a way lifeless, but Ron kept fucking Marcella, until he felt he had to cum.

He rammed her one last time and filled up her pussy as he had filled up Liz under her.

Ron stood up, and turned around. He was standing as a figure, towering over the remaining girls. Kim, Tara, Jessica, Hope and Crystal.

Ron appeared somewhat threatening. Like a sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare to them… a colossus… who they all loved and worshipped.

Jessica crawled forward and Ron gently placed a hand on her face. He gestured to her to stand. She did as he wanted. She stood up and Ron hugged her so their skin met. He was so warm… and all his toned muscles were hard as rocks. It was like touching organic marble.

Jessica hoped she felt as good for Ron as he felt for her.

And she did. Ron lowered his hands down to her perfectly round bubble butt. Who had the best ass in the entire cheer squad…?

That question would never be asked as it would probably kickstart World War 3 and 4. But Ron maintained that an argument could be made for Jessica to hold that title, as the best ass in the cheer squad.

Again, Ron would never dare say it.

But he would enjoy it.

He grabbed her buttocks and began to squeeze them as he squeezed Adrena’s butt whenever he got the chance.

He kissed Jessica and she kissed him back. Her arms flew around his neck… she had a feeling that she knew what he wanted from her.

She swung her left leg around his right hip, and Ron took the chance to lift her leg up on his right arm. Now he had complete access to her pussy, and a good firm grip on her left butt cheek.

Jessica felt how Ron angled his cock to the entrance of her pussy. She steeled herself… She knew what was coming her way… with a little bending and then…

Ron and Jessica was standing on 3 legs and fucking. Jessica was already in a wild ecstatic mood and she had already cum from Ron just entering inside of her.

She was used to standing sex with Ron, but she never ever could get enough of it. She loved Ron’s hands on her butt. She loved how his strong arms could so easily carry her.

As they moved to each other’s rhythms, Jessica began to move more and more jumpy. She wanted Ron to carry her completely, but she figured he might want to fuck her standing from behind first.

Well, she was wrong. Ron’s other arm moved and Jessica felt how he managed to lift her up and carry her like a peach in his arms.

Completely helpless and unable to stop cumming, Jessica could only hold on as Ron began fucking her like a wild animal.

Jessica felt how one of Ron’s fingers impaled her asshole but she didn’t care… it only meant his grip on her was that stronger and she felt even safer in his arms.

Jessica loved being carried while having sex… she felt like she was flying, and being protected by the closest thing to a god on earth.

Jessica’s moaning was more akin to that of a whimper, but it was cute. She sounded like she could cry at any moment, but Ron just kept plowing her.

Jessica: Oh Ron… Ronnie I am cumming…

Jessica locked her legs behind Ron’s back and Ron hammered her harder than ever before.

Jessica felt her body shakingly let go of her control and she came over Ron’s cock as it rammed again and again inside of her…

But… she didn’t feel any sperm… None at all…

Jessica looked beggingly at Ron… why…?

Ron just smiled at her.

Then something magical happened. Ron somehow managed to lift Jessica higher up, without pulling his dick from her cunt. He moved her right leg over his chest and…

Jessica was now held from behind… and still carried in Ron’s strong arms.

She looked back at him, and she saw even in the pure darkness, that he was smiling gently at her.

Jessica smiled back and felt how Ron continued to fuck her pussy. Jessica was unable to hold onto anything… all she could do was just… enjoy the ride.

Ron fucked her like a turned around peach in his hands. The fact that her tight pussy had twisted his cock half a round had really excited him. Jess preferred being carried, that he knew, and he was determined to give her a good time.

As they fucked Ron made a decision. He separated his feet a little more, so he stood a little more stably. Then he held each of Jess’ legs in each of his hands… Then he slowly opened them, by separating them from each other, thereby showing the girls at their feet the place where her pussy and his cock met.

Jessica was blushing like a sunset, but no one could see that in the dark.

All she could do was moan and whimper.

Ron: Crystal… lick her clit… as I cum inside her…

Ron began pumping and Crystal crawled up and obediently licked Jessica’s pussy so the poor girl came again and again. Ron hammered her over and over again. Jessica turned her head so she could get a kiss from Ron, and a kiss she got.

This made both Hope and Kim come up to Crystal and help lick Jessica’s pussy.

This made Jessica scream in pure pleasure. It was too much…

Ron: Oh fuck… you are so tight!

Ron released a bolly of wild thrusts and rams into her pussy with the end result being a wild pumping climacs. Ron sprayed yet another load of cum, this time into Jessica’s waiting pussy.

As the girl lost all senses Ron felt he needed a short break.


As Ron was resting his head on Bonnie’s ass, he was playing with Tara’s huge milk makers. They had grown yet again. She could soon rival Shego.

They were the most wonderful of playthings. When he thought back on how small they had been back in their first year of high school. She hadn’t been larger than Kim.

While Ron was playing with Tara’s boobs, making her giggle and smile, he himself was being played with.

Kim, Crystal and Hope were all licking his dick in the hope of being the next to get fucked.

Ron however had already found his next wish to play.

He gently pushed the girls aside, except for Tara. Her, he placed so she was resting on her back. He then moved so he straddled her.

He was gonna fuck her tits, and fuck them good.

The girls had left him drenched in saliva. This was gonna get good.

At first Tara was just passive on her back. She wasn’t really a participant, just a provider of tits.

Ron squished her tits close together, and then… he moved his dick in between them in the crevice that to men is paradise on earth.

It could somewhat look like a penetration. Ron knew that Shego’s tits were unbelievably sensitive, but Tara’s hooters could take much more than Shego’s for some reason.

Ron could squish and squeeze and play all he wanted, and he could ram his dick as much as he wanted. Tara would just giggle and smile. It was intoxicating and in a way, infuriating. Tara smiled and giggled because she enjoyed Ron and all he did. When Ron touched her, she was happy, when he had sex with her she was happy… heck, Ron could just smile at her, and she would be happy.

Tara was loved by all and all who met her. And Ron adored her.

But in this case, he wanted to treat her rough. He wanted to show her… that he was the boss!

Ron pulled his dick abruptly from her tits, and then turned her around. Tara gasped and whimpered but she obeyed every pull and push. Ron collected all her blonde hair in his hand and moved her into doggy style. He lined up his cock and rammed it into her pussy.

If there was any girl in the cheer squad who had the most perfect sounds during sex… then it was Tara. She sounded like she was both in endless pain, and in endless joy. You couldn’t tell, only that Tara seemed to enjoy it.

As Ron hammered Tara like a wild bull, Kim began to realize something. She wasn’t just witnessing a fucking between two of her best friends in the world… She was witnessing… something that was… meant to be.

Kim understood in this very minute, that in the case of this being a multiverse, there was none, not one single version in the entire multiverse, where this scene wasn’t meant to be. In every universe, Ron was meant to have Tara… No matter which one. Ron would in the end… end up with Tara.

Even in multiverses where the genders were swapped, Ron was meant to have Tara and Tara was meant to have Ron.

Kim could even see it, in a short moment.

She saw how the blonde Ron was exchanged with another blonde man… Tara in male form, and Tara had been exchanged with another blonde woman… Ron in woman form.

She saw this alternative scene right in front of her.

The male Tara… was Terrence… and the female Ron… was Veronica.

Terrence: I love you Veronica! I love you so much!

Veronica turned her head as best she could with Terrence holding onto her huge blonde hair.

Veronica: I love you too Terry… I love you too! Now fuck me!

Kim saw Terrence move Veronica up so he could play with her perfect tits… and they were indeed perfect. Kim saw Veronica’s gorgeous tits hop up and down in the playful grips of Terrence.

Veronica looked smilingly at Kim… she was so beautiful.

Veronica gestured to Kim to come closer… Kim obeyed… she was… her Master…

Veronica while being fucked by Terrence began kissing Kim. Kim enjoyed the kisses. They felt so good and they tasted soooooo good…

In her heart Kim knew that even if she had been in a universe with a female Ron… she would still have loved her… and she would still have been her Master…

Kim: I love you Veronica… I love you so much…

Kim kept kissing her mistress and she kept groping on her. She knew she enjoyed it.

Kim began playing with the tits, they were so perfect. Simply perfect. Veronica began kissing Terrence who did his utmost to please his… mistress…

Kim sank lover and lover down, until her head was between Veronica’s legs. She turned around, so she was on her back, and Veronica fell down on all four… and she began feasting on Kim’s pussy.

Kim then saw Veronica’s perfect pussy right over her. She saw Terrence's perfect cock fly in and out of the pussy… pumping her… mistress… full of joy and excitement…

Once in a while, Terrence pulled out of Veronica and lowered his aim to Kim’s mouth. Kim felt how the cock filled up her mouth and her throat, but she didn’t care.

A little later it was back in Veronica’s pussy.

Veronica was wild and in a transport of joy. Terrence kept fucking her and from Kim’s point of view it was the most amazing show in the world.

Once again the cock flew out of Veronica’s pussy, and down into Kim’s mouth it went.

Terrence: That’s it… get it good and wet…

Kim obeyed and left a ton of spit on the cock. Then Terrence aimed a little higher than usual. A hand… Veronica’s hand was guiding it to another hole… her asshole.

Veronica: Oh shit… oh fuck… that’s the stuff… oh god…

Terrence's head went inside, and Veronica’s hand stretched out all her fingers…

Veronica: Oh my god… oh my… goooooood…

Terrence gently and easily pushed inside her ass, and Kim saw the magnificent sight. She also saw how Veronica’s hand began fondling her pussy.

Kim began to lick it. Her mistress shouldn’t have to do such a menial thing. That was her job as her pet.

Terrence began to ram Veronica’s ass and it sounded like she was both in pain and pleasure. But mostly pleasure.

Veronica clearly enjoyed it, because she bathed Kim in one squirting orgasm after the next… what a generous goddess she was… so many gifts she received… Kim truly felt lucky. She licked her more and more… she was desperate to shove her tongue as far into her pussy as possible.

After a good long time, Terrence roared that he was cumming and he pulled his dick from Veronica’s ass. He began jerking it a few times over Kim’s mouth, and it was clear he wanted to go in her mouth. Why he didn’t just do it inside Veronica she would never know… all she felt was the stream of sperm that Terrence pumped into her mouth.

Terrence was very insistent, he wanted his dick in her mouth… Kim was her Master’s pet not… his…

Kim: Terrence… stop… I am not… yours to… Urgh…

Terrence used her talking against her. His cock found an opening and down he went.

Every thought left Kim’s head as Terrence cock shoved deep down her throat. She wanted to protest but why bother. He was probably just getting lube to fuck their mistress… and that Kim provided with pleasure. Anything for her mistress.

Terrence went at her throat for a good long while. He tasted wonderful. But when he finally released her Kim had to gasp and cough.

Terrence then aimed for Veronica’s pussy again, and they kept fucking.

Kim needed a breather.


Tara: Why did she call you Terrence?

Ron: I dunno… why did she call you Veronica?

Ron and Tara both shrugged and continued to fuck. Ron pumped Tara for a good long while… Until he finally sprayed his sperm deep inside her pussy.

Tara rested on top of Kim, who seemed to hug her ass with her arms.

Hope and Crystal were left, and Ron was still going strong.

He grabbed them both by the hair and pulled them closer.

Ron: Get me to cum by sucking me… together.

Hope and Crystal needed no further encouragement. They gladly sucked Ron’s cock… each wondering what he had in store for them.

It seemed Ron wanted to have one of them sitting on his face, while the other was riding him. One got his tongue, the other his dick. The girls, before they began, both first sucked his dick to prepare it even further.

Then… When all was fine and ready, Ron began aiming for having Crystal’s perfect ass on his face, and Hope riding him.

The male dream is as old as time. Two women… one male… Ron had that dream and was living it as life each and every day, but he never got enough of it.

Hope was riding Ron, and Crystal was getting eaten by Ron. To the uninitiated this could seem an unfair settlement. But to whom? Crystal?

Crystal only got her Master’s tongue, but what a tongue… a tongue who was trained and able to satisfy several women during a single day… that tongue would please the goddesses of the Olympus given half a chance. So there was nothing unfair here.

To Hope maybe?

Nah… Hope was riding the cock of her dreams. Her Master’s cock… Ron’s cock. How sweet is the relief when the waiting has been so very long. And she was now part of her beloved Ron’s harem.

Sometimes Ron had two hands on Hope’s ass, giving her direction and speed control. Something to obey or fight against. Rewarded with a finger up her asshole, or a spank with a firm hand… both suited her, and she loved the ride, that switched between slow and fast. Her steed was inexhaustible.

Crystal felt how Ron’s tongue switched patterns all the time… she could have sworn he was trying to communicate with her by writing letters in her pussy, but her brain had lost the ability to form the words the letters mounted.

Instead she just allowed Ron to play… and she was happy she did.

Somewhere along the game, Hope and Crystal began playing with the toys they each had. They licked each other’s tits, and exchanged kisses.

Crystal and Hope were nothing but friends, if even that. They were on the same Squad, but… other than events and school they had not much in common, besides Ron.

They knew they were gonna be sister wives eventually, so they kissed each other. It was neither as passionate nor as natural as the kisses between Kim and Tara or the kisses between Liz and Marcella.

It was kisses that were meant to please their man. It was more looks than emotions. A performance art of a sort.

Ron was moving ever faster, and his finger in Hope’s butthole was now in there all the time.

Hope didn’t mind. She was used to anal sex. She focused more on kissing Crystal.

Ron began thrusting from below, which pulled Hope and Crystal away from each other. With this new focus on his hip Ron had simply sucked all of Crystal’s pussy into his mouth and kept it there, like a suckerfish on a shark.

Ron grabbed Hope’s ass and began to plow her from below.

Hope was more and more being pushed upwards, but Crystal helped keep her down, it was clear Hope was losing mental power.

In the end Ron was gonna blast his sperm deep and hard inside of her. And just right, like a trusted old geyser, Ron came blasting up into Hope, and she was fortunate not to be blasted off.

Hope screamed and Crystal felt Ron letting go of her.

Ron pushed Hope off him, and moved up to snatch Crystal from where he had left her. He pulled her in and kissed her.

They were on their knees, face to face and they were kissing like there was no tomorrow. Like long lost lovers, finally together again.

Ron: … I… I… I don’t know… I am too tired… to come up with… more ideas…

Crystal understood. She smiled. He felt that he had left her out because… she was last… by random.

Crystal: Ron… just… fuck me…

They kissed again.

Crystal laid down on the madras, surrounded by all Ron’s other girls, who all were exhausted and leaking his sperm.

But Crystal just wanted to fell Ron on her, penetrating her… no wild magic, no crazy positions… Just Ron… that was more than enough. It was better than perfect.

Ron moved her into the missionary position and he slowly penetrated her pussy.

They tenderly rocked back and forth and Crystal smiled and moaned under the wonderful stimuli. She was being fucked… There was nothing better in this world. And in the dark of the room, it only got more enjoyable.

But of course, it couldn’t just stay missionary. No…

Ron tilted over like an iceberg so Crystal was on top, giving her a chance to ride Ron. And she felt, since he had just had that with Hope, that she would like to show him just how good her ass was.

She switched to reverse cowgirl and Ron… in his exhausted brain had to say this… if Jessica was the best ass, then Crystal was possibly the second best…

Crystal moved back and forth and enjoyed how Ron got deeper and deeper inside her. Ron clasped her ass over and over again, he groped and played with her buttocks.

Then that position wasn’t enough anymore. Ron tilted her down, and he was spooning her. It felt so good and she was so soft and so warm. And her moans were so damn cute.

Ron was not at all ready to go yet, but he just saw that as good, that meant more sex time.

He moved again, and Ron got Crystal into doggy style. In this position her ass really came to its right. Completely round and just as bubbly as Kim’s and Jessica’s. Perhaps only BonBon had the better ass. But BonBon was in a category of her own. She was after all… Queen B.

But Ron kept playing with Crystal's gorgeous ass.

In the end… Ron moved so he got into the better angle. He pushed Crystal’s head down the madras so her perfect round ass was above all else, except for him. And then he began plowing, deep and hard, making Crystal’s mind fade with every thrust.

Ron twisted around a little, he lifted his foot and planted it on Crystal's face…

Ron was fucking her. Dominating her. Overpowering her.

Ron was about ready to go, but he wanted to look at Crystal's beautiful face as he did that.

With a swoop he turned Crystal around for the last part.

He raised her ass the best he could and hammered downwards. He looked her in the eye, and Crystal was maintaining what little focus she had left in her blissful brain on Ron’s face.

She could see he was about to cum. It was dawning on his face, like a terrifying sun, crushing through the darkness that was body.

Ron was about to growl and roar. Like a mighty and fearsome lion in the night of the jungle.

Crystal's mind only registered the swelling cock in her pussy, right before it blew out load after load of hot, fertile sperm. It filled up her insides… there was nothing in this world to compare it to. In her mind… what little that worked… the part that interpreted impressions into dreams… she saw a golden cup… not unlike that of the cheerleading trophy from last year… it was being filled up with white foamy liquid that was so warm it steamed.

That was the image she saw in her head… And that was all she saw…


Ron stood up… on shaky legs.

Crystal's ass fell down on the madras and she turned over in foster position. Ron overlooked his girls. All were sleeping… or he assumed as much… Ron himself fell down. He was surrounded by asses and tits but he cared not. He was warm, he was tired, he was ready to sleep.

He laid down and his head found some girl's ass and it was the perfect pillow. Whichever girl it was, he didn’t care. The moment his head hit the soft flesh he was asleep.


Moments later, or that’s how it felt, Ron heard the sounds of bashing and thuds.

Kim: Son of a bitch!

Ron woke up… to see none other than Bonnie sucking his cock with a satisfied look on her face. Her eyes were closed and she seemed like this should be her duty every single morning for the rest of her life. Ron once again thought of implementing Shego’s rule to have morning blowjobs on every day with a ‘y’ in it. The other girls seemed to rise as well. Tara was stretching her back, and Jessica was yawning.

It was lighter in the room. The early light of dawn was coming in through the windows up top.

Ron could see all the equipment in all shapes and forms. He looked over at the door. Kim stood there, naked, and she was trying to open the door.

Ron looked up. He had been resting on Hope’s ass all night. She was awake and she smiled at him. Ron smiled at her.

Ron rose up on his elbows. Bonnie’s blowjob prevented him from going further.

Ron: What’s going on?

Kim: The fucking door is locked… from the outside.

Ron looked confused. He gently showed Bonnie away from his cock and stood up. He walked over to the door and checked. She wasn’t kidding… it was locked.

The door couldn’t have jammed by itself; it required a key to be locked.

Ron: Do you have the key?

Kim: Not on me, it’s in the bag on the outside… With my clothes… and my phone…

Ron looked at all the other girls. It seemed none had brought their phone… None except… for…


Tonnie Rockwaller was looking into the room of her daughters to be sure they were in fact in bed. She had been out for a while. Lonnie wasn’t in her bed, but in bed with Connie. They were snuggled up and looked so peaceful. Tonnie placed the blanket over them and kissed them both.

Then she walked to Bonnie’s room.

Only to find it empty.

Tonnie: Oh for the love of…

Tonnie’s phone buzzed. To her surprise it was her youngest.

Tonnie pressed the green button: Bonnie Lucretia Abigail Rockwaller! Where are you! It is a school night and you are not…!

Tonnie blinked…

Tonnie: You are where…? With whom?

Tonnie’s face went from upset to mildly surprised.

Tonnie: What on earth are you doing there?

Tonnie listened and then a smile went over her face.

Tonnie: Oh we are talking about this sweetie, but we will do so in the morning… I am coming.

Tonnie took her car keys from the mantle and checked in the hidden room if she still kept that universal key chain set. Yes, it was still there. Not useful to rob museums but pretty good to get in and out of public buildings.

Tonnie started the car and drove off.

Tonnie: That girl is getting a good spanking… but I guess it will have been worth it.

The end.


Teh Wen Khiey

This was quite an action-packed chapter. I can't wait to finally see the harem orgies in comic form! Ron's probably being too paranoid about asking who has the best butt because the girls possibly starting WW3 or WW4 over a butt-measuring contest is quite an exaggeration. Sure they'll bicker about who has the best figure, but I highly doubt any of them are that petty.