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Hey everyone.
I have been feeling so uneasy and so tired lately. I need to get out and about more. I have been slacking it a bit.

I think it is also because we are at a point in the comic that I am a little… worried about doing. I want to do this part, and I don’t want to do it at the same time. It is really bugging me and I can’t really explain why I feel like it.

I hope you are all doing well and I hope you enjoy the page.
Yours Truly




Why are you so conflicted on doing it? If its because of the story then it would be safe to say the majority doesnt mind, especially since most havent really read the source material and only know about RSAHNP through you. If you need an outside perspective I could help but other than that I hope youre good!


Might I suggest you flip a coin always does me good.

Jaguar Man

If you're tired take a break.. you mastered the art, but make sure to master your life energy through exercise and leisure!


What are you worried about