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Given the history of these two nations it could get ugly.

I speak as a citizen in one of the two nations with the longest history of armed conflict in the entire world.

True Denmark and Sweden hasn’t been at war for a long time, but throw a black and white ball ⚽️ between us and I swear I can hear my ancestors battlecries through the shroud of Oblivion.

I am not on anyones team in this illustration. I obviously give Fleur a ton more love than Ginny and even Hermione, but that’s only because there isn’t the correct amount of art around her character to my taste. 

In fact when I read the stories, I actually imagined Ginny as kinda like a redheaded Fleur. That they were both strong female characters, in two different tones - and that’s why they clash.

I kept the clash, because… well… conflicts are what draws us to stories, right?

and just imagine if Hermione wasn’t their to mediate?

How long before they would start fighting?

I hope you like this.

Yours truly





I only wish Ginny had bigger breast, since she's my fave and big boobs are my thing.