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Tonnie Rockwaller, the everflirt. She ensnares a stewardess into her lustful web and will use her to gain a good piece of influence over her target.

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btw, I have no name for the stewardess, but she looks like a Christina.

yours truly





Tonnie genuinely loves Ron and wishes to be around him all the time. Tonnie is bi as in she flirts with everything of age with a pulse. To Tonnie, the world is one big buffet of delicious dishes and she is not at all picky. Also, to Tonnie a night spend alone and away from home is just sad. She prefers to share it with someone.


Ah, so pansexual. That makes sense. You also said once that she was a masochist. What are her other kinks? i'm curious.


Well ‘everything of age with a pulse and of her own species’ but if that is pan then ok, I guess she is pan. Yeah she is a masochist and also has an interest in fruits and vegetables - she prefers cucumbers and eggplants, also in cooking. Besides that, she is very relaxed with her body. Nudist at home. Or what she calls homey surroundings. She loves yoga, and very much to be naughty while she does yoga - why not combine two great things?


those are more interests than kinks, i suppose i should've asked for fetishes.

Julian Fratzscher

This does outweigh the cons of creepy security.


Well damn, I see that Stoppable isn't the only charmer in series. And he mostly does it by accident. She's obviously a master of charisma.